Mather of convinience for me, really
Writing :
-I find it better for pre-draft planning. I don't always follow the lines of a sheet, I write everywhere. And mostly, I likeeeeee arrows. It's the way I work. This event should lead to this one who leads to that one who contains (in smaller arrows) this element and that element and then a big arrow front the bottom to the top saying this is related to that.
-I can write anywhere. For some reason I don't like laptops too much for that, not that they have infinite electricity. Not that I'd bring a laptop in the middle of the class either, just for the extra 5 min I have of free time to write my book because I work so much faster then everyone else (mostly math. I'm 5x faster then the average).
-I just like it better when it comes to drafts. I wouldn't describe it as emotion since I'm not that kind of guy but it's more fun. Makes your work look less artificial (which is good in fantasy texts and such, but not in reviews or argumentative texts of course)
Typing :
-When you erase letters you don't leave a big empty gap because you don't want to rewrite the 40 lines of text following the word you erased.
-The computer has a cleaner writing then me. And makes it look more professional.
-Faster to type.
-CTRL-C CTRL-V super powa