I think that the worst way to die is like anything else in life: it changes depending on the person.
For example....most humans aren't fond of pain. So, pain in general is a bad thing. Pain can be brought on by any of the suggested "Worst Ways To Die" listed in this thread. In some cases, the pain is extended. (Which I assume would make it worse, in most people's opinion.)
So, that leads me to believe the worst way to die has to be linked to fear. What do you fear the most? Personally, I cannot stand the idea of death by asphyxiation, due to drowning or other similar cause.
This is probably due to my allergies. As a child, I suffered from asthmatic attacks, and would therefore have episodes where I was unable to breathe.
Because I know what that feels like, I fear it more than something I've only heard about or seen.
Perhaps the only way to truly answer this question of, "The Worst Way To Die", would be to personally experience each type of death.
.......But that's not going to happen, now is it? :biggrin: