Fafnir;267207 said:
Shadow the Hedgehog and Phantasy Star Universe(two games that I slap myself for buying every day) basicly killed what little faith I had left in Sonic Team.
I like PSU, what's wrong with it? O_o Sure, there's not a gigantic amount of content, but look at the source material, they did a lot with it. (Ignoring the original RPG's in the series, those rocked.)
Anyways, crap games you say? I've played a ton, let's see if I can make a list...
Sudeki - It just wasn't very good, they didn't do much wrong, but they didn't seem to do much right either. Just really mediocre.
Sonic Heroes - God dammit, why did i buy this? The Sonic Adventure games were really good, why did this have to suck so bad?
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Do I really need to explain myself here?
Mortal Kombat series - I just don't like playing them. They feel really clumsy, I don't know why but i just cannot control my character. I have played every one in the hopes that maybe they would fix the controls, but they just haven't. Maybe someone would like to tell me what I'm doing wrong, because I presumed it was from being brought up on Street Fighter.
Streets of Rage 3 - The weakest game in the series. I loved 1 & 2, but i can't stand 3. It looks ugly, it plays badly, it sounds crappy. No thank you SEGA.
There's a ton of others, but I can't be bothered to think of any more.