Why have I not posted here yet?
Series-wise (As in series' I actually liked. And no, it's not Silent Hill 4), Tales of Symphonia. God, what wasn't there to dislike about it? The story was abysmal at best, with a twist that made me go "So....what?", and characters that made me hate the entire cast (Lloyd, Collete, Kratos, and Yggdrasil/Mithos fit this category). The gameplay was sub-standard at best (Why the hell is there a 3D field if you can't even navigate it without multiple targets?), and the techs linked really oddly. I mean, Base>Arcane>Base? With Lloyd, you could exploit his techs so that the enemy wouldn't stop flinching without the help of any other party members. This, in my mind is horrid. Also, Raine had a piss-poor moveset (Legendia is also at fault for this. Will/Shirley/Norma=wut?). At least in Eternia, I liked controlling Farah due to her attack skills, and Tear had some great techs that made her Single Arena matches fun to do.
Games of all time-wise, Ghosts & Goblins. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but the difficulty was way over the top.