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Yeah, how comes women get to have power over me via sexuality? Sexually agressive women are scary. They open up the possibility of being inadiquate... We should just get rid of them. Or set it up so that people are allowed to vent their stress on them by being hostile and negative, or something, I don't know. Totally.
Yeah, and while we're at it, I think we could cure all the hunger over in Africa by opening them up to the beauty of Jonathan Swift's idea of eating babies.

Also there is way too much ozone. What are those oxygen atoms doing? Having more than one spouse is against god's law! Three oxygen atoms in a molecule?? Preposterous! Everyone, find you nearest can full of CFC's and spray until your lungs bleed from inhaling the backdraft!

Since Australia'll probably the first to burn after the ozone is gone, we should just deport all the hobos and agressive women and scantily clad chicks there. That'd take care of the world's problems lickety-split!

Venetia;259414 said:
Yeah, and while we're at it, I think we could cure all the hunger over in Africa by opening them up to the beauty of Jonathan Swift's idea of eating babies.

Also there is way too much ozone. What are those oxygen atoms doing? Having more than one spouse is against god's law! Three oxygen atoms in a molecule?? Preposterous! Everyone, find you nearest can full of CFC's and spray until your lungs bleed from inhaling the backdraft!

Since Australia'll probably the first to burn after the ozone is gone, we should just deport all the hobos and agressive women and scantily clad chicks there. That'd take care of the world's problems lickety-split!


Eating babies is actually a pretty good idea. Helps two problems, hunger, and overpopulation. But then again, speaking objectively, why the fuck are we wearing clothes in the first place, nudity is not something to be embarrassed about. But then again, society says it is. And while change to society isn't a bad thing, going against society for the sake of it is. Again, random rants that don't really say much. Brought to you by me.
Roman Candle;259298":3cqd4r09 said:
Yeah, how comes women get to have power over me via sexuality? Sexually agressive women are scary. They open up the possibility of being inadiquate... We should just get rid of them. Or set it up so that people are allowed to vent their stress on them by being hostile and negative, or something, I don't know. Totally.

Like you care for women. :p
I didn't go through the whole thread, so bear with my post.

You're a bit late in coming to this realization, the trend of throwing yourself around like a piece of meat is over, and modesty is making a fashionable comeback.

EDIT: Also, if you find that you're unable to escape it. Fight fire with fire. ;]
Or simply change your circle of friends.
Heres my stance:

Does she have an education? A job? A dream? A goal? Some ambition? Some knowledge of the political scene? Does she have opinions of her own?
-And she doesn't earn these through looks.

Then who cares what she dresses like or who she fucks. I prefer sex driven, scantily clad, slightly neurotic women who have professional goals and careers in mind. They'll grow out of it or whatever, but they'll still have a vision. Girls who have no ambition aren't any good.

Book by its cover rule.

That said, you do have a good point. Too many girls just use their looks as an excuse. Why? I don't know. But you might as well enjoy it while you can. :D
Haha, I think people use their looks because they can get away with it? I think it's human nature to take as much as you possibly can with what you're given, there are exceptions due to people's morality and junk, but that's usually the way it works. For example, if you go out to a bar and someone offers to buy you drinks for the night based on your looks, wouldn't you take that person up on their offer?
Andy6000;259486 said:
But then again, speaking objectively, why the fuck are we wearing clothes in the first place, nudity is not something to be embarrassed about. But then again, society says it is. And while change to society isn't a bad thing, going against society for the sake of it is. Again, random rants that don't really say much. Brought to you by me.

Too true.

[The UK] moan about how religion forces people to wear headscarfs, etc, and yet if someone was to walk into the street naked they'd be arrested.

But then if that was to change, other things would have to change. Why is it wrong to steal food if you are dying of starvation? Why is it wrong to have sex whenever you feel like it, even in the street? Why is it wrong to shoot someone annoying you?
Since Australia'll probably the first to burn after the ozone is gone, we should just deport all the hobos and agressive women and scantily clad chicks there. That'd take care of the world's problems lickety-split!

Oh shit 0.o RUN! Oh crap, I forgot, I'm surrounded by water! SWIM! Holy shit I forgot that sharks eat people and people cant' breath underwater!

Are some people here priests or what? Being a whore can't be judged my the way you dress. Sure, if a chick sleeps with a different guy every other night - slut. Good looking girls dressing sexy - hot. Are they sluts? No. They are pretty much just normal this day and age. I don't have a problem with it, in fact I like it. No, I'm not a complete perv, I'm just a guy. Of course there are limits. There always is. And I agree with pretty much everything Venetia said. Most of the people who are just complaining about how women dress sound like religious people (which maybe you are) or my parents :P

Girls really got the bad end of the deal here. Sleep with one guy and you get called a slut, yet guys can do whataver they like and no one cares.

As for the dating thing. I agree with Calibre. Everyone is talking about the same thing, they are just using terms. Dating for me is going out with a girl that isn't your girlfriend yet. After that, of course you still go out, over here we just would call it dating. It is just going out with your partner.
Anglachel;261482 said:
Oh shit 0.o RUN! Oh crap, I forgot, I'm surrounded by water! SWIM! Holy shit I forgot that sharks eat people and people cant' breath underwater!

Are some people here priests or what? Being a whore can't be judged my the way you dress. Sure, if a chick sleeps with a different guy every other night - slut. Good looking girls dressing sexy - hot. Are they sluts? No. They are pretty much just normal this day and age. I don't have a problem with it, in fact I like it. No, I'm not a complete perv, I'm just a guy. Of course there are limits. There always is. And I agree with pretty much everything Venetia said. Most of the people who are just complaining about how women dress sound like religious people (which maybe you are) or my parents :P

Girls really got the bad end of the deal here. Sleep with one guy and you get called a slut, yet guys can do whataver they like and no one cares.

As for the dating thing. I agree with Calibre. Everyone is talking about the same thing, they are just using terms. Dating for me is going out with a girl that isn't your girlfriend yet. After that, of course you still go out, over here we just would call it dating. It is just going out with your partner.

I'm about as far from religious as you can get, I even stay away from atheism because people treat it like a religion. Sorry, but I'm just going purely off statistics that I have found true by personal experience. People who wear slutty clothes, while not necessarily sluts by any means (because honestly I have no idea, I don't want to talk to hardly any of them and figure this one out), they just tend to be completely... Paper. I can't have a discussion with them. It always devolves into 'OH DID YOU HEAR WHO SLEPT WITH BOBBY LAST NIGHT'. And god I hate high school.
And I wonder, what defines a slut? Is it someone who enjoys casual sex? What about men, if someone where to call a women a slut, a man with the exact same sex life(Different people though...), would be called a player(or something along that line).
Andy6000;261771":2u1pme0k said:
And god I hate high school.

Well I think that's the real problem right there. After high school nobody gives a flying f**k about what you do, how you dress, or who you slept with. As long as nothing's hanging out and you don't get an STD, everyone couldn't care less.
Personally I agree with Venetia!
I've been through gradeschool... it started in middle school, maybe even 6th grade in elementary school... oh shit a girl ends up developing breast. Big deal. They think that because they have it, they must use it. Their bodies may be developed, they may even think they're minds are developed enough to make wise decisions about their bodies.. so they go and have sex with anything with a third leg (Not being literal here...). I see so many girls come into highschool as freshman, they think... Ohhhh Older guys, I can get with them easy, I NEED it... No actually take it from someone older... We don't!

As you grow up, you realize how immature you were, the male body technically isn't fully matured until about 21-25, so think about this women, cause your bodies mature faster than males, doesn't mean you are smarter than us, I know PLENTY of stupid women out there, and don't get me wrong there are quite a bit of intelligent women out in the world. Your minds aren't mature enough to handle stuff like this. Look how many single moms there are, or even dads, just for a one night stand or some stupid crap like that.

Personally, I hated High School DRAMA, I loved going to High School. Take a reality check and wait for your life number to be called, because life is a bitch, and she will let you know rather quickly.

And to be honest, there are such things as "Manwhores" you just have to listen a bit, it exists, the term is not a foreign language... But look, get over your selves, fighting over the way people dress or act, is just like bringing drama from YOUR school to OUR forum, no one wants to hear it, no one wants it at all. It is almost like this... "Fighting on the internet is like being in the special olympics, no matter who wins, you are still retarded in the end." Quoted by an unknown.

Simply put, stop fighting about whores and sluts, you aren't going to change the world, just make more people frustrated with you and why you brought it up.
I think we can all put aside our arguments about the subject in order to band together and laugh at your poor reasoning skills and laughable writing. Because none of us are as mean as all of us.

But no, you know what we're doing? Discussing. You know what the point of a forum is? Discussion. If we all sat around and agreed with eachother all the time, stuff would be pretty boring. Half the time I take the other side of an argument for the sake of having something to talk about, even if I don't particularly believe in it. (here for some reason)
Oh and, you're an idiot if you think men aren't fully mature until 21. Welcome to not only the world of variable ages, but also making up bullshit (most people are done by 18. Hence why most modern cultures consider that manhood time).



Personally I agree with Andy!
I've been through forums... it started in middle school, maybe even 6th grade in elementary school... oh shit a girl ends up using the internet. Big deal. They think that because they have it, they must post on it. Their minds may be developed, they may even think they're grammar skills are developed enough to make wise decisions about their posting.. so they go and have sex with anything with a third leg (Not being literal here...).

also please don't quote unmotivational posters it makes me quite sad :(

also andy we wear clothes because without them lots of dangly things would be flopping about everywhere and they could get caught in things like car doors or stoves. also have you ever worn shorts and sat in a leather seat on a hot day? can you envision it naked??it is no t fun.
Wellllll ... Technically it's not really possible to put a solid stamp on when males reach full maturity (not just sexual maturity). It's easy to see it when they finish developing, and they usually do so approximately 5-8 years after their first menstruation, which usually ends up being between 14 and 20. Girls almost have a "ticker" countdown, and the clock starts at the first period.

Males, however, grow for quite a time after puberty. Most will cease growing after they reach about 20, but a good number won't stop until 25, and even some can keep growing nearly into their thirties!

This is speaking of the body, not the mind. The mind has no definite maturity scale and it differs crazily for everyone. I've read studies which suggest that girls' minds mature more quickly, but it's difficult to pinpoint because without an MRI of the brain to see physical development, it's all up to opinion and supposition.

Teens will always think they're fully matured, it's the strangest thing. They'll think they can completely handle the real world, and how to fend for themselves. But then something incredible happens when you wake up one morning, and you're living on your own and you have a job and you realize how naive you actually were as a teen.

I was kicked out at 16, and I fended for myself until my husband's family took me in (then, of course, he was my bf). I had to grow up very very quickly. I think personally that being "mature" is actually not just a reflection of physicality, but also of experience and awareness, which can only really be achieved when your mind is ready and you're put in a position of real responsibility.

People mature at different rates with that, too, though. Most strike out at 18-19. Some, 25. Even still some, into their thirties.

Alright well that was all off topic but I thought I'd offer some input on that little tangent ;).
ales reach full maturity (not just sexual maturity). It's easy to see it when they finish developing, and they usually do so approximately 5-8 years after their first menstruation

So thats what that was. I thought it was bad crabs.

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