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white ties style battlers (last update Jan, 31~2k8

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Which one?

Adding two more poses to the spritesheet means... a bit of cut n paste. Just make sure that the poses are in the order you want them. If you want them in the General 'MINKOFF' 11-pose style...
  1. Ready
  2. Struck
  3. Woozy
  4. Block
  5. Charge
  6. Retreat
  7. Attack
  8. Item
  9. Skill
  10. Victory
  11. Defeat
Which is slightly different than her works are.

Making the system work with 9-pose systems depends on whether you wanna have 'em all use 9-pose graphics or just that one. But let's not hijack this topic. This is DollMage's.

Ok realy hate photobucket right now -.- i already fixed that way back j-bart was the first one to notice that so i guess i have to fix it again here is the link i uploaded it in imageshack

please tell me if any one has the same problem with the other battlers i would uploaded them to imageshack at once

its not yet complete i thik its still missing 3 more lines ^^ victory and dead poses and err dunno what the other one is lol

lol i dont mind ^^
bout the image its just that I didnt finish it hehe lazy me >.<
Hey, Dollmage. I don't really know if this would be a request or not, but is there a template anywhere for White Ties Battlers? I'd love one... I can't do anything without a template.
Green raven has already got a side-view battler for that guy. You could just edit it. The hair in your edit looks like it needs some serious shading...

Dollmage you shouldn't be so good. From now your just going to keep getting nagged for resquests :P
Yes, however, I am not known for my ability in editing.':|

I suppose I could give it another shot though. I don't particularly want to place this burden if it's already been done anyway.
yes he already have a battlers for that you could easily edit that and a few touch of recolors, and i dont do any stuff that has already been done and i dont do characters that are commercialy well you got the point (made by campcom, or any other characters from anime, games, ect ect.)

yeah your right =( lol been flooded now, specialy in creation. i try to do all of them but i dont have that much free time.

@all mi8 take a break on making human battlers, for i will be making monster sprites and humanoid monster, for those sprites that i have said i would make ill finish them first before making some monster please bare with me.
I must say you have started a trend. That is pretty difficult in RMXP for some people (a.k.a. me) I have no talent at these battlers, but I sure know some good work when I see it. And I have seen it here.
These are beautifully made. Probably some of the best of these battlers... I especially like the theif/assassin one, the whole jump spin thing is like amazing, It would be awesome to see in game.
Do you realize how many 'White Ties Battlers' topics have started since you and Green Raven started all this??? :D

Please continue to impart these wonderful works. :please:
tnx for the comment ^^

^^ i kinda like her limit break too.! oops ^^ did i just say a spoiler hehe

^^ yeah been seeing alot of those lately :D nver imagine it would be like this hehe, no worries ill still be making lots of sprites =)

@JD Slasha Serge who? sorry dont visit this forum much only visit the resources stuff (....i feel so left out..) and DerVV, fomar, Ccoa's thread every now and then

oh yeah ^^ i just got a script scrolling animation script much like in megaman hehehe so i kinda made this :D its not yet finish though. but ill try to make it compatible with minkoffs battle system again :D so no worries.
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... ASTYLE.png[/IMG]

4got to tell, the size mi8 be reduce by photobucket but not sure. oh and those megaman long range shot, wasnt made by me their a bunch of riffs from MMX, i would love to credit who made them but i cant remeber the name >.< sorry bout that.
Oh god, that guy looks amazing, very well done.. almost makes me wanna try making a mega man game now. cant wait for you to make him for minkoff's battle system, he would go great in my game.
I hope you don't mind if I drop this off here. It's that blonde guy from White Ties. He only had an idle stance, attack, and casting frames. So I hacked together a few more for him. Add it to the collection if you want. His name is Adorasu according to the file names in the game.

Shot at 2007-08-11

Edit: 11-pose version for those of you using the 11 pose system.
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