I'm gonna use 'em on my game :P
By the way, can I make a request?
Name: Tarty
Class: Turtle Magician
He uses an Ocean Blue Pearl staff, which looks like a decent fine purple staff at the handle, with some dark ocean green thingy like, entangling it, with an ocean-blue colored pearl at the top. He also uses a dark ocean green magician hat (Like Hilda's).
What to do on each pose:
1 ready pose: Make him holding his staff, with one hand on the 'bangle' (No, he doesn't use a bangle. Just the part he'd use one), and the other holding the staff, to the left, and the bottom of the staff should be at the floor... Just like Kristofer holds his weapon in the Low HP pose, but without being like that fell-down-at-floor style.
2 hit: He goes a bit to the back, and then comes back. Remember to keep the sorta-suffering expression.
3 low hp: He's almost falling down. He takes support to stand up at the staff, so, do it like, the staff is on the right and he's on it to avoid going down... remember to keep the suffering expression.
4 guard: He goes on his shell... and stays there, until the end of the turn. =P
5 move to: He walks normally, with his staff on the right hand.
6 move from: Same as above
7 attack: He stabs the enemy with his staff...? o_o
8 skills: All you got to do is make him like, doing a cool move with the staff like as if he is going to use magic with the staff. I will mix alot of RTP animationwork on this part to make it using his skills ^^
9 limit break: He holds the staff up like when some guy says "I HAVE THE POWER" in these TV shows with their swords.
10 vicotory pose: He does a hands up with the left hand, and holds the staff with the right hand.
11 deadz: The same thing as the guard pose-- but with the shell turned up instead of down. Remember to keep the dieing expression ^^
I will give credit =]