well if you could direct a me to a battle system similar to this one.
and with this working one's
*AI maximum of 4 player which includes you*
AI's which you could configure them either on battle or in menu.
1)Attack using weapon only
2)use spells/skills until mp runs out
3)defend party member use healing spells when hp member is low by
25% 50% 75%
4)Normal attack mix with attacks spells and support
5)Easy configuration for heroes/enemies allike
*Using the menu on battle
1)when using the menu the battle is temporarily post(when a play jumps on mid air he stays there until menu is close
2)you can also manualy choose what the other character may do
a.use items
b.stay away from enemy
c.use a certain spell/skill
*movements and timing
1)i need fast pace battle
2)you can use up to many frames you want it could be limited up to 10 or 12 or something but 2-8 frames is good enough
3)includes combo hits like most battle system have
4)you can manualy control the main hero
when you press
up/w jump
down/s defend (if ur looking left he defend left vise versa)
d/right moves right
a/left move left
other controls
weak attack
heavy attack
open up menu
perform quick spell
(sample when pressing O+asd you could perform a skill etc etc etc)
double tap left/a or right/d for running
1)different animation for skill casting
too many to mention ^_~ well basicaly just the vid up there i know its possible with rpgxp
but as i said im no programmer and i saw tried a few battle system but much of them doesnt haff what i need.
i did search a battle system like this well that was last year and havent found any good ones i like..... and i dont wanna bother any ppol to make such a grand request ^_~