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white ties style battlers (last update Jan, 31~2k8

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O.O VEEERY ...evil? BUT COOL!!! :D, Its cool yes it is, But now ....This ,may sound like a request BUT I kinda want it

A samurai (with the original samurai armor) BUT in ICE!! and bluish ice that is, and holding a katana with spikes of ice at the back of the blade!! sorry, but I couldn't resist after seeing this awesome character!
Is it me, or is your adult version a wee bit bigger than your other ones. Well then again it is the adult version.., just seems like big brother siegfried now lol
But he's not really Vincent. I just got my inspiration from him. He's awesome.

I like the barbarian looking guy. He looks kind of like one of Avadan's characters... with red hair.
oh god that one if damn amazing, i love it!!

i guess i'll try and see what i can do on my own with the two battlers but how do you make good attack animations, i tried a couple but it just doesnt look right



I like the sort of don't-care expression on his face. Or are those tears in his closed eyes? I'm blind aluvasudden. o.o

Generally speaking, though, I love those sort of lanky, slack fighters that don't look like they're trying -- or if they are, that they're shouldering some kind of burden. It makes for a lot of sweet eye candy.

Another job well done, I'd say.
dollmage":2et8l830 said:
Obachan = Grandmother ^_~ and im, still working on my Game called Aurora game which will be switching to stencyl anytime soon, thats why im trying to make many monster as possible

Okey Obachan = grandmother thank you :)
Stencyl?, I tried that once.. well my older brother did, (TRANIXZ THE ULTRA FAG), anyways, How does it work and where do I get it? :S, I saw it on youtube but I never found where the actual download of stencyl were, please respond and say where and how!!! PLEASE!!! I'M BEGGING YOU, just kidding.. But I want to make a Fire emblem game and My brother said they'd a engine, but didn't know where they could download it :(



Amazing work dollmage ! =]
I definitly wanna use them , but becouse i'm not a spriter i cant use the battlers without the RTP =\
(if someone has the RTP's\ knows where to get 'em, could they please PM them to me ? would be highly appriciated ~ !)

Great job on those battlers, and i hope you'll make some more ! =]
qwqw":1vr9z5io said:
Amazing work dollmage ! =]
I definitly wanna use them , but becouse i'm not a spriter i cant use the battlers without the RTP =\
(if someone has the RTP's\ knows where to get 'em, could they please PM them to me ? would be highly appriciated ~ !)

Their ain't any RTP's around, that I know of, just the ones dollmage made and some, don't remember who, made a RTP sprite for that Blue mage/Battle mage thingy
well their adults they have to atleast grow a pixel lol

oh i see, still its preety nice

@the end has
good luck ^_~

yeah im making a samurai but he has no armor =p

im thinking of switching to stencyl. coz i want a different battle system. with good AI and
platform controbility like the ones on Tales of Destiny but.. im no programmer -_- so i cant make that but on stencyl they say that its possible.. still i im thinkin bout it

well i did made a few adult version for my game but their not for release ^_~
some of them have more than 4 frames.
his going to be named Ziebsen on my game
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... eibsen.gif[/img]

see Ziegfred run lol
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... _Adult.gif[/img]

Adult Anito
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... ady_v1.gif[/img]

Adult Kurei
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... _ready.gif[/img]

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... eature.gif[/img]
dollmage":1pdb5kwm said:
im thinking of switching to stencyl. coz i want a different battle system. with good AI and
platform controbility like the ones on Tales of Destiny but.. im no programmer -_- so i cant make that but on stencyl they say that its possible.. still i im thinkin bout it

Actually it isn't that hard to make a battle system (although incredibly time consuming) I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to help you and if you want I could take a look at it (I'm not familiar with Stencyl, I am however a programmer, although I only know BASIC and RUBY I can still use other languages) so if you tell me what you're looking for I could maybe check it out and see how possible it is.

EDIT:I researched it and I could probably make a battle system in STENCYL although I don't know if you'd need my help the offer is still there.
umm im looking for something like this tales of destiny battle system

1)i look for something similiar to it. but it wasnt close enough. there are lot of things missing in it.
2)AI problems doesnt go well (i need 5 classes of AI)
3)lack of available movements most have no running action
4)combo skills
well there is to many problem with the current one im looking for.

well ^_~ their idea was good, its like visual basic with out programming ^_~
so i think that suits my needs ^_~ and im i've been holding on these project since may 2k7
so i really wanna complete it on my own. well you know how it is.

edit my bad 4got the link here
Dollmage that would be possible in RPGXP (in fact most of it has been made already)
I've never played Tales of destiny but that battle system doesn't seem that complicated (the most difficult part would be a few timing issues)

dollmage":15m740d4 said:
so i really wanna complete it on my own. well you know how it is.

OK, good luck then but if you ever need help programming that system I'm pretty confident I could do it.
well if you could direct a me to a battle system similar to this one.

and with this working one's

*AI maximum of 4 player which includes you*
AI's which you could configure them either on battle or in menu.
  1)Attack using weapon only
  2)use spells/skills until mp runs out
  3)defend party member use healing spells when hp member is low by
          25% 50% 75%
  4)Normal attack mix with attacks spells and support
  5)Easy configuration for heroes/enemies allike
*Using the menu on battle
  1)when using the menu the battle is temporarily post(when a play jumps on mid air he stays there until menu is close
  2)you can also manualy choose what the other character may do
            a.use items
            b.stay away from enemy
            c.use a certain spell/skill

*movements and timing
  1)i need fast pace battle
  2)you can use up to many frames you want it could be limited up to 10 or 12 or something but 2-8 frames is good enough
  3)includes combo hits like most battle system have
  4)you can manualy control the main hero
when you press
up/w jump
down/s defend (if ur looking left he defend left vise versa)
d/right moves right
a/left move left

other controls
weak attack
heavy attack
open up menu
perform quick spell
(sample when pressing O+asd you could perform a skill etc etc etc)
double tap left/a or right/d for running

  1)different animation for skill casting

too many to mention ^_~ well basicaly just the vid up there i know its possible with rpgxp
but as i said im no programmer and i saw tried a few battle system but much of them doesnt haff what i need.
i did search a battle system like this well that was last year and havent found any good ones i like..... and i dont wanna bother any ppol to make such a grand request ^_~
Dollmage it really is no problem, my game is pretty much dependant on the battlers you've posted here so the request wouldn't be a bother, I'll look into the system. (It'll take a while though since it's so big but it can be done) In terms of scripting nothing there is uncharted territory.  :wink:
I have a question though:
Do you want AI for the entire party or for everyone except the hero? Or do you want the option to turn AI control on or off for each character?
wow @_@ ur realy gonna do it? gra8 tnx.
well i want their ai to be turned on all except for the hero but

as i said when you open the menu. all things must freeze until menu is closed
also menu should auto closed when you choose a item/select a skill/spell

also you could choose what the other character maydo even if there is AI
like a manual overide say do this stay away from the enemy for a while
or use a healing potion or use a item. ^_^ wow tnx.
but its ok if you dont have the time to finish it, it is still ok. but it would be
gra8 though if you could make a system like tales of destiny

hmm if you havent played tales of destiny its kinda similiar to
tales of phantasia there is also tales of destiny v2 on PS2 tales of
desinty 1 is on psx one of my fave.

well here is a long yet detailed video of the battle system
oh and i "cant" read japanese ^_^ but i did played that game a couple of times

if i remember well

li8ning icon = spell
sword icon = skill
potion icon = items
head i con 1 (the one with yellow looks like shouting) (not sure but kinda its kinda like this)
= tell player to do this
1)defend/guard a certain player either using spells or shield him/her
2)stay away from enemy
3)go to back

head i con 2( been a while but i think its)
about battle position or something
edit(i remember)
switch target

head i con( >.< )
i think its change which character you want to control out of the four.
dollmage":2izg0fcv said:
wow @_@ ur realy gonna do it? gra8 tnx.

It's no problem, I'll give it my best shot and it'll take a while but I'll do it.

dollmage":2izg0fcv said:
also you could choose what the other character maydo even if there is AI
like a manual overide say do this stay away from the enemy for a while
or use a healing potion or use a item. ^_^ wow tnx.

Like the gambit system in FF12? (I've never played any of the "Tales of" games)
aww too bad. i dont know bout the gambit sysmte i stop palying FF series err till
FF8 ^_^ i only played a few games on ps2 all are suikoden games though and Armored Core xD

its ok take ur time.
the battle menu system i like this
if i remember well

li8ning icon = spell
sword icon = skill
potion icon = items
head i con 1 (the one with yellow looks like shouting) (not sure but kinda its kinda like this)
= tell player to do this
1)defend/guard a certain player either using spells or shield him/her
2)stay away from enemy
3)go to back

head i con 2( been a while but i think its)
about battle position or something
edit(i remember)
switch target

head i con3( >.< )
i think its change which character you want to control out of the four.

oh n tnx again. take ur time ^_^ i still needs lot of mosnter to make
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