I remember there being at least six people at school who claimed to have been in the building the day before / in the building across the road when it happened / on one of the planes / having relatives there. I mean, it's possible, since it's a large building with observation decks and such, but it's amazing how many people have stories about it to try and get a bit of fame.
It was quite scary realising that we're under attack and for a while everyone was dead worried that it was going to happen again (and it did - London 2005); but I think while we have to remember things like this we also have to try and forget, because on the grand scale of things they do not affect our lives that much. We shouldn't let them. That is what the terrorists want - they want wide scale panic and for infrastructure such as air flight to crumble. They want insane security measures to come into play and for people to see the government as a nanny state. They want people to be afraid of their own country, not just of the extremists who carried out the attacks. In a way it was obvious it would lead to a war, I mean it was an act of war. I won't try and pretend I know who Osama Binladen or the Taliban even were/are though; I need to read up. All the same I think we should act normally. It can happen again, it has happened before, and we can't live our lives in fear because then we start accepting all kinds of crazy laws from our leaders etc etc.
Incidentally, as I was typing this I typod terrorist as troll and -
It was quite scary realising that we're under attack and for a while everyone was dead worried that it was going to happen again (and it did - London 2005); but I think while we have to remember things like this we also have to try and forget, because on the grand scale of things they do not affect our lives that much. We shouldn't let them. That is what the terrorists want - they want wide scale panic and for infrastructure such as air flight to crumble. They want insane security measures to come into play and for people to see the government as a nanny state. They want people to be afraid of their own country, not just of the extremists who carried out the attacks. In a way it was obvious it would lead to a war, I mean it was an act of war. I won't try and pretend I know who Osama Binladen or the Taliban even were/are though; I need to read up. All the same I think we should act normally. It can happen again, it has happened before, and we can't live our lives in fear because then we start accepting all kinds of crazy laws from our leaders etc etc.
Incidentally, as I was typing this I typod terrorist as troll and -
It was quite scary realising that we're under attack and for a while everyone was dead worried that it was going to happen again (and it did - medof 2010); but I think while we have to remember things like this we also have to try and forget, because on the grand scale of things they do not affect our lives that much. We shouldn't let them. That is what the trolls want - they want wide scale panic and for infrastructure such as IRC to crumble. They want insane security measures to come into play and for people to see the admins as a nanny state. They want people to be afraid of their own forum, not just of the trolls who carried out the attacks. In a way it was obvious it would lead to a war, I mean it was an act of war. I won't try and pretend I know who medof or the Trollyban even were/are though; I need to read up. All the same I think we should act normally. It can happen again, it has happened before, and we can't live our lives in fear because then we start accepting all kinds of crazy rules from our admins etc etc.