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What's on TV?

Thanks for the link coyote!

I've also been watching Daria. It makes me feel like I'm in high school again, even though the caricatures didn't really apply that well at my school. Not that I necessarily want to feel like that, but it's a good show nonetheless.
I just watched the entire season 2 of Helix that I recorded on syfy. Back to back, in one sitting.
The last episode was terrible. It was like it was written by different people. The characters were doing dumb shit. That last scene was so out of place. It looked like it belonged in a Dr. Who episode. I doubt they'll go on to season 3, they pulled a lot out of their ass just to wrap things up.

I think they were planning to do something with the bleeding tree's red sap. Probably before the writers knew if there would be season 3. The first season had black goo. The start of the second season had yellow fungus goop but they kinda lost that imagery mid season. I'm guessing red would have been the color for season 3. The sap. Seedless apples. The last scene had a lot of red. Ilaria's logo was red. They tied everything up pretty neatly except for the Immortal origin story and whatever happened to the baby in the jar.
I'm liking Scifi's new show, Dark Matter. There aren't enough Spaceship-and-it's-crew type shows out there. It's not that dark. IMO, Stargate Universe was darker. And I hated SG:Universe.

There's death, and the crew are all assassins and thieves. But they're likable. They've had their memories wiped, and each episode you learn a little more about each of them. They make sure to give each character a redeeming quality. That was the problem I had with SG:Universe; I hated everyone.

As for the actual Scifi elements, they've got an Android that pretty much keeps the ship together. Cryo-stasis pods. Possibility of clones and memory transfers. They did a zombie infested ship episode already. The only thing missing is aliens.

Between Dark Matter and Defiance I haven't watched KillJoys yet. I'm recording it, dunno if it's any good.



Infrequently watching Firefly and binging on That 70s Show. The former with my mom, which is nice for a change. She's a fan of the actor who plays Mal (whose name is escaping me right now) and Adam Baldwin to a lesser extent.

There's also Archer, which I absolutely love -- though I'm taking a break with it for a while on season 4.

I want to watch Rick and Morty but I can't ever remember to start it. I watched it on adult swim last September and liked it.
Just watched An Inspector Calls, TV play, BBC. Brilliant, I didn't expect all of the twists and turns. It didn't seem my sort of thing but I was hooked from about ten minutes in right until the credits.
Breaking Bad with Star. I'm kind of sick of the depressing things going on this final season. Like, I kind of want to be done already. ;_;

I was watching the Tudors, but I'm slow, so yeah. XD

Anime: Morbito. Great animation.
Just discovered Moonbeam City. I don't usually watch comedy central. Hell, I don't even know how I ended up on that channel to even catch a new series. You can see the punchlines coming a mile away, but the 80's aesthetic is amusing.
Breaking bad should have ended at season four. The final season is just depressing and bland and the ending unfulfiling. I guess the end of s4 was just so good that it could never keep that momentum.
Saw a new X-files episode.

It was a little more graphic than what I remember, but at the same time it's how I always imagine it.
They make a few cultural references just to remind you how much has changed over the years. But I wish they didn't mention how informed they are without using google. Because it's just so unreal they way they recite dates, names, medical cases and whatnot on the spot. I never questioned it before, it was just the show's way of saying "we're not completely making this stuff up"


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

(dis necromancer post)

Battlebots and Robot wars just ended. I watch Supergirl now. It's gonna be 10 months before anything Robot related comes on again. That sucks. No 24, no supernatural, no alot of good shows.

Kinda sucks badly for TV. Gotta wait 30 days until something good returns.
September is the worst.
All shows are hitting their season (or series) finale. New episodes don't start until 2017.
Taking interest in new shows is hard for me. Cliffhangers don't keep me up at night.
I just look forward to having a routine of sitting in front of the TV for a few hours, instead of flipping through the guide, sighing, and shutting it off.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

I watch Family Guy again. Don't know why I stopped in the 1st place. Still funny. Might be the only cartoon the makes me LOL really hard.

That Zorn dude is kinda funny too. Wait, WTF happened to American Dad? I hope it didn't pull a 'King of the Hill' on me. :( That shit wasnt cool.

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