attraction styles:
cute: the nice girl that'll stay by your side, definitely likeable, you'll have fun with her(unless she turns out to be a bitch on the inside, which occurs a bit more often than you'd think, in which case she'll suddenly turn pretty)
beautiful: awesome and amazing, and the type that is like wine, matures with age. Going to be gorgeous in the later ages, but might become a cougar. Smart and funny, although not the laugh out loud fun that cute gives. A moderate chance of being a bitch.
Pretty: the attraction type that appears the most, pretty people are the girlfriends that people have, break up with, get back together, sex for the 1st time, etc. etc. Therefore, more heartbreak accompanies pretty girls than the others(aka, the most likely ones to be a bitch)
Gorgeous: the unbelievably hot and attainable girls that mature even better than beautiful girls, and are less likely to become cougars. the least likely ones to be a bitch, rivaling cuteness of course. A good example would be the tall redhead with cascading hair, wearing a sparkling/mature dress that shows off the well endowed curves, and piercing green eyes with just that hint of mona lisa smile. The idolized person.
Examples for the above from stereotypes:
girl next door- cuteness, unless she's the school idol, which would be halfway beautiful/gorgeous
cheating girl- pretty/beautiful, unless she was trying to do a cute.
The one in high school that you know you'll propose to- beautiful.
I already gave one for gorgeous.