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What is your escape?

Really? I would think you would write frequently due to the fact as you are a Moderator?
Anyways, I have more to add to my list!
.Posting on this forum
.Making Signatures and Avatars.
sixtyandaquarter":30ot9jql said:
Okay Dopples just scared me.
If I was 13 to 16 years old again my escape would be sex, not videogames.  Video games would be like when I'm bored or have a sprained knee or something.
Sure it's not my escape now but still.

Now a days it's drawing.  I just sit and draw and hours  go by before I realize.

How'd I scare you? :eek:
Dopps, because at 13 to 16 videogames was an after thought for me, unless it was something big.  Escape had me out of the house, away from the stench cheap vodka and beer.  To the stench of cheep beer and sex, but still... and pot... and crystal.. and - you know what let's just leave it at that... god now I feel sad :sad:
Honestly, sex, girls, music, and guitar.  And when I have the chance, reefer.

I feel like sixty when he was younger.

Except I am younger.
zenrdy":390rec9m said:
Really? I would think you would write frequently due to the fact as you are a Moderator?

Well I meant writer's blocks about my novels, not about telling n00bs where they can shove various objects XD



Nicotine Caffeine and alcohol.  Plus getting high too Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Tool.

I also do the odd 24hour day of Movies and Spriting.
I spend a lot of time writing, whether it be the book series I'm working on, or music(sometimes lyrics, sometimes just composing), learning guitar, honing my drumming technique (I WILL be the next Portnoy).

Really though, hiking is how I truly get away from life and clear my head. There's something about being out in nature, away from any signs of cities or towns, that really reinvigorates me. 
I'd say it's writing stories for me.  Whenever I'm upset, or something isn't going my way, I sit down write a story about some fictional character who's giong through a similar thing.  I've gone through a great many notebooks like this, and I think it's really a great way to let out all your thoughs and feelings without doing something drastic.
Writing, which eventually turned into "game"/"interactive-cutscene" making with the discovery of RMXP for that intent. The freedom to make things any way ya want is quite nice. 
Alright, my escapes, sex, drinking and playing music, sometimes I just sit back with my guitar and play for a few hours and occasionally my band gets back together to play (played together in high school, all go to the same university but don't have as much time as we used to)
My escape is mainly music.
OH. And coming up with stories that I can never write down since I don't 1) have the patience and 2) not the best writer.

I draw and read also. But mainly music.
And Zelda. Mm, Zelda games.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

sixtyandaquarter":1m5jlk6q said:
Okay Dopples just scared me.
If I was 13 to 16 years old again my escape would be sex, not videogames.  Video games would be like when I'm bored or have a sprained knee or something.
Sure it's not my escape now but still.

Now a days it's drawing.  I just sit and draw and hours  go by before I realize.
not every 13-16 year old kid is a sex maniac
Mega Flare":jtpfbbjw said:
sixtyandaquarter":jtpfbbjw said:
Okay Dopples just scared me.
If I was 13 to 16 years old again my escape would be sex, not videogames.  Video games would be like when I'm bored or have a sprained knee or something.
Sure it's not my escape now but still.

Now a days it's drawing.  I just sit and draw and hours  go by before I realize.
not every 13-16 year old kid is a sex maniac

My main past-time from 13 to 16 was trying to get invited to parties so I could get cheap booze and secks. Hell, thats my main past-time now. Still never seems to work. Grr!
I don't even think I have an escape. I have trouble everywhere. Family, girls, friends, school. I'd say that forums, or blogging are the places I vent in. Other than that... I don't really have an escape. I'd love to read books, but I don't really have anything I'd be interested in. I used to love Harry Potter, but I already finished the series.

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