About her ?
Well, my girifriend is perfect for me, she's funny, good looking, not skinny like a twig (Who the fuck wants to be like that !?), she doesn't load her face with makeup, just a bit of that stuff you put around your eyes and some of that stuff you dab on your face, foundation ? I think she's dead sexy and everything I want in a girl, the problem is, she's like 0.5" bigger than me, I want to be the tall one !
She likes all the same stuff as me, so we got alot in common.
Body ?
I think she has a realyl great figure, not skinny, and not fat, just a nice perfect one, her breasts are just the right size for me (I need two hands to fully cup one, hehe), and she's got the most beautiful face I've ever laid eyes on.
She has nice big legs that I can hug, and she has this thing that she can keep me warm when I hug around her when we're laid on the sofa watching some cartoons or whatever :tongue:.
Wow, she's got small feet, but she thinks their huge, Their so small and cute, but she won't believe me lol.
Interests ?
She likes all the same stuff as me, so thats big plus, we don't have to argue about it, it's great !
We've been together for 15 months, we've had some ups and downs, but overall, it's been a perfect relationship and will hopefully last till death !