I'm special because I have something to say for being into dudes AND chicks. Whee. (And by 'special' I mean awesome. And by 'awesome' I mean not so awesome.)
I've said it before, I'm into both sexes. Don't bother me if you have a problem with that. I put it in spoilers. Don't read on if you're offended.
I like manly men with hair. I like them a little on the stouter side, and hairy. That sounds gross. Run with me here. I don't mind heavyset dudes, but I don't do skinny. I prefer inbetween though. And they have to have hair. On their head, on their face ... You get the picture. No shaved, no bald, and -NO- wax (ew). Oh but no unibrows. They make people look like cavemen.
I prefer darker skinned dudes, like latin/native/african americans (I have a decent-sized posterior & curves, and I sympathize with those that recognize it the most ... White guys, I have noticed, generally steer toward the pancake butts and wooden-plank figures, even if they won't admit it, I'm sure a lot of people will disagree here, but this is just what I've noticed, sue me).
I won't even be slightly attracted to a guy if he smokes, does drugs, or is
really into sports (a little is fine but I hate [american] football, please don't make me watch it every monday). I also don't dig zealousness, whether they're
really religious or
really atheist--both get on my nerves. You're not right, not for sure, quit acting like you
know you are.
Personality-wise, I want ... Hm, I guess, aggression? Not in the physical sense but I like guys to be tough, to never fall apart, and most of all, to be able to demand things. Nothing is a bigger turn-on to most chicks I know than a confident man who can tell her what he wants. And it's a big turn-off to flip-flop or be wishywashy.
I'm tall (5'9") and I'm not heavy, but I'm not dainty. But I prefer it when a girl is a little more on the dainty side. I think that whenever I'm around another chick (even just friends) I tend to be the aggressor, or the more masculine. I'm not masculine (I like shoes, pink, looking nice, animals), but I like masculine things (dirty jokes, video games, comics, and I don't get PMS). I think that's why I'm sorta into girls that're a little more petite and/or feminine. Not girly-girl, complete with the little dog in her purse and a purple ascot tied around their neck, but sundresses and ponytails are always nice.
This is, of course, excluding the more "obvious" physical features, of which bigger = better, always. I meant petite in frame/height, not necessarily curvature. I don't really like blondes but they can be cute if it fits their skintone ^_^
Chicks bug me when they let their emotions get out of control and blame it on PMS. I don't believe in PMS, I just think chicks like to flip out sometimes and get something to blame it on. Otherwise though I prefer them opinionated, free-spirited, and, of course, technology-driven. Although it's hard to find chicks like that, hence the reason I'm married to a dude

None of this really is applicable anymore since I'm married but it's fun to talk about :thumb: