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What is it with teenage girls?

My question is why are they so easy to get? I've had it that the girl had no interest in me, had gone out with me after just 15 minutes of casual talking. That's never a good thing for a relationship. (no offence to those who aren't)

And y, I know of a bunch of people like that, but the girls that are like that where I am, they toy with EVERYONE, even the nerds. They act all interested in them, then blow them off once a "hot" guy comes around.



My question is why are they so easy to get? I've had it that the girl had no interest in me, had gone out with me after just 15 minutes of casual talking. That's never a good thing for a relationship. (no offence to those who aren't)

Why are guys so easy to convince to go out with girls then? If you think it's bad for a relationship to go out after 15 minutes of talking, why did you agree?

And, fyi, in highschool all the time guys would hit on me, try to lead me on and then blow me off. So why are you just attacking girls? Guys do it too. It's just a teenage thing, get over it.
I use to be a teenage girl, aah the fun... oh wait no I'm a guy... hmm...

Well anyways... all the girls in my year (I'm 14 lol :P), all stick out their breasts when talking to someone and about 1/4 have already slept with... well I've lost how many guys...
Aah the world is going to fail and everyone will turn into whores... not exactly a bad thing, but not exactly a good thing either...
Why complain? If girls want to fuck you (granted they aren't disease infested) then let them. Hell, reproduce and do your species a favor by keeping it alive. (Maybe if the Panda females were sluts then the Panda wouldn't be endangered :( )

Honestly, since when have you known animals (that's us if you didn't know) to need to do more then eat, sleep, work, and make kids. I mean it's the circle of life. If girls want to be little temptresses to keep it going I'm not going to complain.

That's my opinion. You don't like it? You know where you can put your lips. :D



syvkal;178787 said:
I use to be a teenage girl, aah the fun... oh wait no I'm a guy... hmm...

Well anyways... all the girls in my year (I'm 14 lol :P), all stick out their breasts when talking to someone and about 1/4 have already slept with... well I've lost how many guys...
Aah the world is going to fail and everyone will turn into whores... not exactly a bad thing, but not exactly a good thing either...

If you think that the world is going to be lost to the whores, why don't guys keep their penises to themselves and not give in? That would stop it if the "whores" learned that their way wasn't working. The reason they dress like that is because they know guys are turned on and will go out with them. Stop blaming the girls for looking whorish when you're feeding it to them and looking at them while they wear that stuff.
There is no one to blame at all. Girls can dress as they want once they reach a responsible age, and before then it is up to parents to decide what is acceptable or not.

All this is just growing up isnt it, no big deal.

Guys can choose to react to girls dressing in provocative ways or walk away and ignore it. I know plenty of girls that wouldn't sleep around, yet I know plenty that will too. That's diversity. If you think it's wrong now, travel back to 1960's London!



Why is it that a girl is a whore or a slut if she sleeps around, but there is no equivelent word for a guy that sleeps around? Unless it's stud, which has no negative conotations like whore or slut does.



If you're not blaming, why not stop sounding like you are? Almost everyone seems to be condemning girls for wanting to show off, and then say "omg, they're whores!" but they are just trying to get men's attention and men criticize them for looking like whores, but they are turned on. If you don't want girls to dress like that, stop paying attention to it.

And sorry Calibre if it seems like I am attacking you, I'm really not trying.
You guys all thing that girls are whores wanna be? Why can't they dress as they want? It's not our problem, unless you are dating one of them! Let them be as they want to, and if they want to get naked sure go ahead, I don't have any problem with that. Anyway if girls are dressed like "Whores" it doesn't realy mean they are "whores" or whatever you want to call them, we (the boys) made them like that, we say we like girls half undressed, them you complain they are almost naked?? Btw I know a girl that wheres mini skirts, tops, and other things you say that "whores" wear, and I don't agree, but in fact she is shy like hell, belive I know I have dated her. And she is not what she looks. So don't let Visual Trick you..it doesn't mean nothing...

Raiju I tottaly agree with you, if a girl wants to sleep with anyone, why call her a slut?
Isn't that what we boys do?? we can sleep with anyone and no one say a thing, they sleep with their Boyfriend. "OH look THERE IS THE SLUT!" Girls aren't diferent from us... they can most of the thing we can, so I think we should give them more freeddom.

You all know I am guy, but I must say one thing, I think I considere some of my guy friends more "Whores" than most of the girls I know. They just hang with the girls because she has some nice breasts, a hot body etc. and when they get her on bed, next day they Broke.So who his a "Whore" the guy or the girl???
Hey I've been on your side all along. I think everyone, boys or girls can dress and act as they like. As for the slut / stud debate, I would put that down to more guys wanting to be known as sluts, so it can't really be derogatory, whereas must girls would rather not be known as that. I know plenty of boys that get called sluts by girls, my friends being some but it's not offensive to them.



Sorry Calibre, that didn't come out like it was supposed to. >< I wasn't meaning that you were blaming them.



I bet'cha if you walk around in a speedo showing off what you have, girls might not be so eager to get with you. XD I know I wouldn't!
Lol, I've called many of my homies "sluts" and "hos(whores)" We aren't to blame. It's those damn hormones!

Rye = coolest person on .org now.
Rye;178821 said:
I bet'cha if you walk around in a speedo showing off what you have, girls might not be so eager to get with you. XD I know I wouldn't!

Precisely why guys CAN'T Dress as Sluts! :) I think it would be benefical to mankind if we didn't!



I think it would be beneficial to mankind if you did. We do have an overpopulation problem, dontcha know. ;)
Okay, time to put my two cents in. (Note: There's a lot of generalization here and I realize that there are always exceptions.) It seems to me that guys are very superficial when it comes to judging women yet they're the least discriminating. Men appear to have high standards when it comes to their expectations of what makes women physically attractive yet they have no problems sleeping with what they would consider "ugly" women.

As far as the whole teenage girls being sluts; women can be just as slutty but because they're older, they're not as obvious; more conniving, I'd say. However, I find that girls/women are more discriminating when it comes to choosing who to take to bed. But I'm not saying that women only go for men who are good looking. They go for men that they find attractive because of their other deeper qualities.

But if the guy happens to be attractive, watch out. That's when the female's slutty side comes out. I once had a conversation with my ex about what he should do when a girl approaches him at a bar. In his naive little mind, he thought that it'd be enough to just say that he had a girlfriend. Wrong. Girls don't care about the relationship status of guys they're after. The same goes for guys. However, if he were to ignore the girl, she would feel slighted and would move on.

But going back to what was said in the first post. Those girls were acting that way because: 1) they thought you were cute and 2) they're very immature.
Any Brits will understand why I know about slags from just my town name, Rotherham.

Ugh. Holy fuck. I no longer go into the middle of town at night because the fat cows in tight miniskirts and extreme drinking just disgusts me. Worst bit is when they try to hit on you and you have to just think: "Are you fucking blind. Who the fuck do you think I'm stood next to? Pol Pot? If she's holding onto me like that I'm with someone bitch."

But, yeah, ignore the crap and you'll see most girls are at the very least not whores. Of course, I'm speaking from a 17-19 age range, and I can safely say that the 13 year olds around here are either fat slags or emos. Take your pick.

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