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what did you learn today?



I learned today that today is not a day in the same sense as a day is a period of time; today stems from the olden days, when days were Ay's property, before Damocles magnificently brought forth is flaming glaive and, with a mighty trust, spilled seeds over the fertile nil, bringing down the Sun dynasty and fueling the rise of a mighty army of simpletons under a young, nubile Sonnenkind, a puissant Jungian wet dream.

Also, crack lacks the tact and the knacks to build a shack out of tack.



etheon":38b037g3 said:
I learned today that today is not a day in the same sense as a day is a period of time; today stems from the olden days, when days were Ay's property, before Damocles magnificently brought forth is flaming glaive and, with a mighty trust, spilled seeds over the fertile nil, bringing down the Sun dynasty and fueling the rise of a mighty army of simpletons under a young, nubile Sonnenkind, a puissant Jungian wet dream.

Also, crack lacks the tact to and the knacks to build a shack out of tack.

God man!  That was almost physically painful!

Today I learned that incoherant words can be physically painful if done right.



Today I learned that illiterate buffoons and eldritch sots will indeed be harmed as much by the pen as by its sharper, double edged pointy counterpart.

Yeah, pointy didn't really fit. I'm not Lovecraftian enough to wield such powerful prose as my one wields a nuclear fission device.



etheon":2j46nnlo said:
I learned today that today is not a day in the same sense as a day is a period of time; today stems from the olden days, when days were Ay's property, before Damocles magnificently brought forth is flaming glaive and, with a mighty trust, spilled seeds over the fertile nil, bringing down the Sun dynasty and fueling the rise of a mighty army of simpletons under a young, nubile Sonnenkind, a puissant Jungian wet dream.

Also, crack lacks the tact and the knacks to build a shack out of tack.

I dont know whether I should be horny or boggled.



Alright, a tidbit of explanation; Ay was a Pharaoh, one of the Second Dynasty I think, although that's pretty much irrelevant; he had the (un)fortunate quality of having such a name, Ay, as in dAy. Indeed, Pharaohs, as god-like ambassadors, owned pretty much everything.

You will recognize the reference to Damocles' sword (see Wikipedia : Damocles). He also symbolizes the Greek, which were the next great revolutionary nation to follow the Egyptians. The "flaming glaive", "mighty trust" and "spilled seeds over the fertile nil" is obviously a reference to an non-consensual sexual act; I'm sure you can figure out what the flaming glaive represents (other than the Sword of Damocles), why it's giving a mighty, final, one could say, thrust, and how it spills so much seeds upon the fertile Nil, here representing Egypt.

Egyptians adored the Sun; more specifically, the second Dynasty (remember, Ay?) worshiped the Sun, above all others, as Râ, which, from my understanding, is simply the epitome of the "Sun" God, such as Zoroaster, Mitra and others. Thus, as I've said, the next cultural empire was the Greeks, whom expanded into Egypt (and further) when following the young, blond Alexander III, commonly known as Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great was a young, blond nubile child (at the beginning; one could argue a young man at the end) who  was (and still is) considered as one of the most successful commander in history. Before his death, it is supposed that he had conquered most of the world, as known by the Greeks (tough luck, Australia). To sum it up, he was a young King, one could argue a vivid image of the Greek's Hero (which is another form of the Sun God pattern). In that sense, he was very close to the following Jungian Archetype, the King.

There. You learn everyday, don't you? Note that it took me a lot more time to explain than to write it. Explaining sucks. And I seem to have lost all trace of my flowery language; I need more coffee.



Venetia":1k0xljmm said:
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about it but if all spam was this coherently incoherent, I'd like all spam a lot more :D

I hate to say it, but he's probably the only one not spamming.. he's saying what he actually learned today. You cant put anon in this enviroment.



I didn't learn THAT today. I kind of gleaned it about during a midsummer night stroll at some point in the 16th century.
computerwizoo7":3qrtwfw9 said:
i learned today that i should never get too addicted to a website and this is my fifth post!
...And you think you're addicted?

I learned that getting kicked in the face hurts. Fancy that, eh?



I learned that Venetia posts too much. Perhaps it's her way of coping with the pain. The pain of being...emo! Ah! Unmasked! Foiled again by my meddling brows!
today i learned that Jamie Lee Curtis is genetically a man, this may be old news to some, but i had no idea /shock

i also learned that the only thing that can quench my thirst is rum and gold, i must be a pirate



etheon":1bp0p48c said:
I learned that Venetia posts too much. Perhaps it's her way of coping with the pain. The pain of being...emo! Ah! Unmasked! Foiled again by my meddling /b/rows!




Today I learned that Rows goes around topics correcting my posts in an attempt to appear witty and glorious, much like me, whilst in truth all he/she/it can do is only write shallow copies of my brilliant opera (plural form of opus, before you mistake it for something else), void of the panache and flamboyance of my work.

One day, perhaps, you'll get all this. If you plant cabbage.

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