Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.
-Woke up
-Ate a banana
-Took a walk
-Watched Let's Plays of: Doom 2 and Ravenloft Strahd's Possession
-Ate a half sandwich
-Waited for Star to come home
woke up
went to school
more school
nother break
EVEN more school
went home
got ticket for riding on the sub-way without a ticket = €37,60..... (irony ¬¬)
ate dinner
finished my beedrill drawing (í'll upload tomorrow, i think)
went online
read about me bein a "FF fag"
commented this about it:
---[Yes, I like Final Fantasy. No, I'm no fag.. I've got a girl...]
Woke up.
Went to college.
Went back home.
Played FO3.
Ate lunch.
Went back to college.
Downloaded photoshop trial.
Downloadad a Trojan source code.
Thought about what website to upload it to. (Not this one. This place is far too cool.)
Downloaded a C editor.
Posted this.
math competition - exam
madarin chicken + noodles + veggies
math competition- cyphering
studied japanese and wrote a couple hundred/thousand words
quick trip
fucking around here i am
worked until six in the morning, slept until two-thirty in the afternoon. cobbled together a brunch-supper with coffee. leaving in twenty minutes to bring in a shipment and resign.
math competition - exam
madarin chicken + noodles + veggies
math competition- cyphering
studied japanese and wrote a couple hundred/thousand words
quick trip
fucking around here i am
-got dragged to a smoothie bar by an eccentric female instead of my nappy naps
-went on an adventure to find my stolen ipod!!
-got dragged to a cafe by another eccentric female ( :smug: )
-worked for the third day in a row ughhh
-watched scott pilgrim for the seventh time (one more commentary to go!)
-worked thru lunch
-worked more
-worked late
-caught in traffic
-ate chicken
-adult-rated things
-turned on tv
-typed this
-will take sleeping pill in a sec