Some friends and I have been thinking up ideas for some kind of gaming/tech website a la IGN. I think the other two guys and myself all have interesting and contrasting ways of looking at video games, and I want to capitalize on that somehow with our content.
Game reviewers are a dime a dozen nowadays. Commentary has kind of fallen out of popularity in the past year or two. Shoutcasting and professional gaming seems to be on the rise, but covering something like that generally requires a high level of understanding of the game in question in addition to a degree of improvisational skills. I could swing doing play-by-play of League of Legends maybe, but to be constantly entertaining for hours is not something I feel I could accomplish.
What I don't see a lot of is high-level MMO gameplay outside of World of Warcraft or maybe Guild Wars 2. Watching raids was something I enjoyed, especially when the group was filled with entertaining peeps in a vent call.
The whole project is just in its early stages but it's something I'm genuinely excited about pursuing, asked I haven't felt they way about creating something in a long, long time.