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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)



I mean to pick up RPG Maker again soon, at least to play around a bit. I've been expanding on the two-hero party concepts and I like where it's come to. Of course, there's not much I can do on the technical side, but I wouldn't mind learning a bit.
I want to make some tutorials, but kinda feel everything I want to talk about is amazingly specific and tailored to Afar and therefore not particularly useful to other people. Like how to use excel to build a mysql database, or web security.
Those kind of tutorials are the best kind. It's generic stuff no-one cares about, niche things get a lot of search engine results.

I wrote a tutorial for doing some very specific android OpenGL hackery and that gets a lot of traffic and is the top thing I get emails about.

I want to do more but a lot of it is in the realm of trade secrets, so there's a PR cap that will be popped when I sort out my department's open source project.


Awesome Bro

I opened RMVXAce up about two hours ago... it's still open now, and I've done absolutely NOTHING... think I've forgotten how to make really long cutscenes that I pretend are games but aren't really because fuck you all cinematic experiences are the best games guys!

...I do want to get back into it and actually make something, got plenty of ideas but such little motivation and just thinking about the effort makes me think fuq dat with a cum filled ice cream scoop.
I think I want to make a small, compact game and finish it. Intentionally cosy and little, with no loose ends. But I don't know if people would like that.
I should really call it motion design, not animating. Running/walking; that stuff's easy. Their's nothing to figure out. Adding more frames doesn't make it harder, just tedious. Individual idle loops and special attack combos for a dozen or more characters is a lot harder. Making them all different and with personality.

Bah. I'm out of my creative environment this week. All I can do is thumbnail sketches.
coyotecraft":35szfg5a said:
Artblock. If you can call it that. I made a rock last week.
Looks a bit flat. Maybe make the shading on the lower half more dramatic? Or perhaps the shadow on the ground is too high up. Something feels flat about it, makes the pattern look 2D, which it shouldn't do because you've got really nice detail curves and marks on it.

I am working on a threaded rendering pipeline for work. The idea is that we develop for GL33, GLES30 and iOS Metal then later on replace the back-end with Vulkan. Problem is GL33 and GLES30 are not thread-safe, so I'm practically making a Metal-like layer for them. The layer should also make pretty good glue for Metal's Obj-C/Swift base to bind to.

Made some minor adjustments to Vesta (the guy in red), I'll have to redo his gloves and boots at some point. I made him a couple years ago and he was pretty stiff, I moved some pixels around (you don't say?) to animating him more. Giving his hair some movement and smoothing out his jerky arm.
Starting over with Esther because I can do better now; and the person who I asked to help animate her disappeared after only doing a couple poses so I might as well do it all myself.
Getting really distracted with Vesta's codpiece jiggling back and forth. And the upper outline of the sword is getting doubled up in some frames which looks wrong. Other than that, really cool!
Yesterday I did some pixel work and playtesting for Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements. Today I'm going to do some concept art for towns that will hopefully double as book illustrations and maybe visual aids in the game
Edit: Pasted a sprite sheet on top that I applied the filter to separately.

Soft, but not too blurry. Actually I was more impressed with the color correction. Trying this out on different tilesets and getting mixed results.
Hm, could we get a shot of just the color correction without the blurriness? Or is it all one filter? I think it's gorgeous but too blurry. And it lost the nice highlights in that hair. And the path autotile is shite, especially after the filter. It needs some actual transition into the grass.
Nah, I was just playing around and have no intention to use it.
Edit: Alright, fine.

Oh, but don't make the mistake that I'm doing maps for Dies Irae. Just sprites. I have no idea who works on the maps. I'm hoping I get to design a castle/kingdom for the end of the game but that might never happen.

Like with Lucid Awakening 2. I was only in-charge of battle stuff.



Some friends and I have been thinking up ideas for some kind of gaming/tech website a la IGN. I think the other two guys and myself all have interesting and contrasting ways of looking at video games, and I want to capitalize on that somehow with our content.

Game reviewers are a dime a dozen nowadays. Commentary has kind of fallen out of popularity in the past year or two. Shoutcasting and professional gaming seems to be on the rise, but covering something like that generally requires a high level of understanding of the game in question in addition to a degree of improvisational skills. I could swing doing play-by-play of League of Legends maybe, but to be constantly entertaining for hours is not something I feel I could accomplish.

What I don't see a lot of is high-level MMO gameplay outside of World of Warcraft or maybe Guild Wars 2. Watching raids was something I enjoyed, especially when the group was filled with entertaining peeps in a vent call.

The whole project is just in its early stages but it's something I'm genuinely excited about pursuing, asked I haven't felt they way about creating something in a long, long time.
I was researching ways to compress sprite sheets further.

I found a plug-in for Gimp that creates sprite sheets out of layers. That should save me some minutes.

And I'm not sure what lead me to this discovery but I found out that for the last 5 years it was possible to convert images into a base64 encoded string and embed it directly into html/css as URIs cutting down on server requests.
I'm wondering if we had a [css] bbcode we could just embed resources using something like http://dataurl.net/#dataurlmaker and not worry about image hosts deleting inactive accounts.
Although I wonder if embedded images like that would show up in image searches.

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