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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

Finished up my post-processing engine.

It now has a GL-standards depth buffer for shaders, a colour buffer and the ability to switch shaders based on the name of the shader file(s).

It's quite handy as it means I don't need to write lots of materials for different post processing.

Back onto the skybox code now!

EDIT: Aaaaand done! My skybox is now tied to the shader system and has some automatic sector registering which removes some more data from the map editor.

I now render the skybox on the same pass as the colour buffer's rendering, which frees up a render buffer attachment.

I also noticed that I never completed my culling code for the walls, so that's added 600 FPS back into the engine on complex scenes!

EDIT2: I impress myself sometimes, this re-factored shader system is 3x faster than the old one, which means I have spare FPS for rendering the cinematic shaders during gameplay!
So I created battlers for NO REASON from scratch.

It was fun, and I enjoyed it. :D

They probably aren't that good. :P

I can see 'em fine, Strawberri. I like them a lot, only thing which really bugs me about the second one is that it looks like some awkward rotation on the ankle. I think you're going for that fighting-game-esque bouncing to and fro on the toes? I think why it looks awkward is because the feet seem to just seesaw left and right, while the bounce has the soul of the foot on the floor at times, could also be the angle seems to make it awkward as we're seeing both from a straight-on view.



Also I need some criticism of my sprites; Keep in mind this is the first time I've ever sprited anything so be understanding of the lack of contrast etc.


In order of appearance: Soybean plant, Black Soybean plant, Soybeans, Black Soybeans, Shitake Mushroom, Red beans, Plums, Nashi Pear, Mikan Orange, Miso Bean plant, Miso Bean, Golden watering can, Onyx watering can, Bronze watering can, Chicken meat


Dirt + reticle + dirt border + plant + you[/b]
What browsers are you guys using? I'm using Chrome; could be a browser specific issue.
I've just been doing some work on some tiling planks. I put my character on top, and I still don't know which style to go with;
No outline, 90% gray outline, dark coloured outline... I'm leaning towards the middle one now, though I originally wanted to do the first, and after testing the outlines initially, preferred the coloured outlines. Its annoying, because I can't really make anymore progress with characters until I get this figured out!
Wait, you're hotlinking from DA? Hrm... wonder does that have something to do with their display issues...
Edit: Aaah I got ninja'd! :p
It does seem like its cus of DA, becuase I have a DA account, admittedly I no longer log on, but I wonder if some cookie from DA is effecting the viewing of it, since servers seem to be able to know if imagery is being hotlinked...


Awesome Bro

So today I decided to event my title screen so I could personalise/customise it more towards my needs and such, y'know, since it's easier to do things with events anyways...

This is the final title screen that you'll see when the game starts, basically what happens is the screen is black, the logo scrolls down from off the top of the screen, the there's a white flash, and the command list is shown, and it's all working fine. I've got a test demo but I've only given it to two people (Hiccup and Strawberry, my bestest Skype buddies :thumb: ), four if you include my dad and big brother...

Anyways, it's nothing special to look at from a screenshot, but here it is anyways:



Awesome Bro

I'm actually a little excited now, I've finally put my demo together, it's pretty short, as in, very short actually, but I DID cut a whole chunk out due to spoilers...

Hiccup is gonna' be testing it for me before I release it on here, which reminds me, I should make a thread sometime... in my forum ofcourse, lol, probably copy/paste it into the projects forum too

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