Masturbating to some of the hottest porn I've ever seen, there's a black girl and asian girl playing with each other and it's like oh my god let me join in!
Eating maoams and thinking of a song to listen to, also admiring my new shelf I put up for my comics and the posters I've put on the wall, I've also ordered two more from Amazon to put up, this room is going to look amazing!
@ Wyatt, I've always thought of writing something, not quite a book, but just a huge document with my random thoughts and shit for people to read... It'd probably turn out as a book in the end though, lol.
Also I need to start working on Project Ogre more (It's got a real name now by the way, you guys need to check out my forum more!), I've rewritten the story twice, restarted the intro and gotten rid of everything to redo it all, edited more scripts to include new types of gameplay and menus, but I'm still getting NOWHERE because I don't have much motivation anymore, I really want to get a new logo on the go and a theme song, not just for the game but for the main character too, I already have an idea of how I want it to go but actually getting someone to do it is a whole different story, and I would be willing to pay, but I don't want to pay for something if I'm never going to finish it, so it's sort of a lose/lose situation since people don't like to work for free, although I suppose I could offer payment AFTER the game is made, since having the resources already available will motivate me and make life easier... I may look into asking this of someone.