If that's actually a thing that's kinda cool, lel. Wouldn't get me to start programming though.
As for what I've been working on, a lot now that deep dev has started, one thing I finally got around to doing was updating these Title Cards for Each Day
Just a couple, there's seven in total but I don't wanna spam the place.
The Seven Days of Vahnus are indeed a parody to the Seventh Day of Venus religion, though some other interesting trivia about the Planet Vahnus in itself.
Much like Planet Terra, Planet Odin and World of Ra (Later "Planet Kali" after Mira's rise to supreme power) the Planet of Vahnus sits in the so-called 'Sunless' Sector, a quadrant of the Origin Galaxy infamous for it's lack of native stars and sunlight. The Sun that shines on Vahnus is very small, and quite close, which fits in with the planets own scale. The fact it has a sun at all is quite rare, and if you read Vahnus backwards, you get 'Sunhav', which could be translated to 'Sun Have'. Just a funny little easter egg I discovered yesterday.
It's largest island and most prominent landmass, on which in the game's first disk takes place on, is a triangle in shape, and in the Intro cinematic, it reveals that it makes a 'V' before being obscured by the light of the title drop. It shares in Nadine and Draik's gimmick with having a name that's first letter is the shape of one of it's most prominent and visible landmasses.
They also all have ties to dieties, Planet Odin is a planet with no Sun, and Odin is a figure in Norse Mythology. Planet Kali (or World of Ra) also have deities in their names, Ra being the Egyptian God of the Sun, and the previous ruler of the world shared that name, and was worshipped as the one who controlled the rights and rites regarding the sun, Until Mira became a Goddess of the Sun and stuck him back down to earth, her final line being "Take a bow, Icarus!" as a means of mocking him for his audacity and pride. Mira then named the World Kali, as homage to one of the children brave enough to stand up to her, this name is also shared by the Sanksrit Goddess of both Birth and Destruction, which Mira also emultaes, she enforces the population of Planet Kali to become large, and then reigns down sadistic destruction to preserve balance. Mira asks that those who wish for her mercy do the opposite of worship her, stating that it was only when she stopped worshipping dieties that she was able to challenge and defeat them herself.
Lastly, Terra is based on the Deity of Earth and Form from Roman religion, but it's also just a latin word meaning Earth. Yasondre has a heavy interest in this planet, and it is where Kyoshi was born, where he died, and where he spent a good amount of his years as an undead, too.
Anyway, I'm gonna be working on padding out the intro, right now though, I've gotta get going!