Fuck Haruhi.
The only reason people think it's good is because it's an anime that acknowledges that all anime is derivative crap. FLCL I highly reccomend, but I'm not going to sit around and pretend it has an intelligent and meaningful/deep storyline. The writer's after making Evangelion went "fuck, if these retards are stupid enough to think we're not making this shit up then let's see how far we can go pretending that we're actually making a point by using nonsensical editing, disjointed characterization and enough obscure psycho/biblical/philosophical references so no one will know what we're talking about, but kids who want to appear smart can pretend they know." If you don't believe me turn on the creator commentary on that shit, the director states that they went into the office and did whatever the fuck they wanted, knowing pretentious anime fans would claim it the dalai lama of anime. And that mentality has carried them through every project since. I would like to state that I'd like to adopt that same work ethic when I grow up into an animation company.
But I digress.
You wanna know what kind of anime to watch?
That'll put some hair on your nutsack.
Then XXXX XXXXXXX and XXXXXX of the XXXXXXXXX. Y'know, just so you can tell people you actually did it and you're not a pussy, but a sick little fuck.