DOUBLE POSTING FOR A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT (please read this before posting anything else THANX)
The download manager being down is out of the host's control. That's something Erk himself has to enable, which he will do when he gets the time. As of now we (the hosting staff) have managed to fix some load issues, and things are generally faster now. Profiles might still be broken - this again is something Erk has to do, and something we cannot do. I'm not sure if registration works yet - again, admin thing. There's very little reason to access the backup forum, as you guys had ample time to back up whatever you needed from there and KNEW that it was going to be deleted at some point, so. There's nothing there that isn't here.
Everything that needs to be fixed will be fixed in due time. If you need resources check out Resource Analysis. If you can't register or validate or whatever, hang tight and everything will be sorted out eventually. Given the relative stress of a more or less complete hosting switch, coupled with the fact that one of the admins has no Internet and the other is busy with things beyond our control and, thus, out of our reach, I'd say that while things might seem bad, they could be a LOT worse. Thankfully they're not~
If you have issues regarding registration or whatever - you can't log in, you can't validate, your reset password request isn't being issued, etc. - post them in feedback. If you are going to say THE DOWNLOAD MANAGER IS DOWN, we already know this thank you nothing we can do check out Resource Analysis and wait for Erk. If something is horribly broken, the forums are down, something is CORRUPT, there are WHITE PAGES everywhere, or whatever, I'd strongly advise - and encourage - coming to IRC and pestering dZ (Ceroscuro) or shadow. Information on how to connect is
Everything is being sorted out. Cliches aside, it's true! It just takes a bit of time. Patience~