Anyone here play? I find the fluff interesting but can't afford the models, so I haven't really read the rules, but I'd be interested in picking it up if I could actually play. I'm thinking about using Gametable so I can use pics instead and just playing online if I can find people to play with. Would anyone be interested?
What's everyone's favorite factions/personalities/whoever? If I played, I would definitely run a Chaos Space Marines army, probably World Eaters or Thousand Sons. Khorne Berzerkers are just cool, but Tzeentch is like my god irl, plotting and magic being the #1 things I always do in tabletop games. I was looking through the codex and was somewhat disappointed to find that there weren't individual rules for different CSM legions. I mean, they're so distinct fluff-wise that I feel like there should be unique models and abilities, but meh. It also sucks that you can't have daemons in your army anymore.
Other than that I'd probably play Orks or maybe Dark Eldar. Orks are just funny. Dark Eldar are kind of inherently froofy because they're elves, but the whole sadistic, hedonistic elf thing is kind of interesting, and plus I hear they're fast and heavy hitters, which is how I usually like to play games. Best defense is a good offense.
Also, what are the best/worst armies? I hear Matt Ward is a Space Marines fanboy and so Space Marines are now somewhat overpowered, and I hear Sisters of Battle totally suck now, but I don't actually know from personal experience.
What's everyone's favorite factions/personalities/whoever? If I played, I would definitely run a Chaos Space Marines army, probably World Eaters or Thousand Sons. Khorne Berzerkers are just cool, but Tzeentch is like my god irl, plotting and magic being the #1 things I always do in tabletop games. I was looking through the codex and was somewhat disappointed to find that there weren't individual rules for different CSM legions. I mean, they're so distinct fluff-wise that I feel like there should be unique models and abilities, but meh. It also sucks that you can't have daemons in your army anymore.
Other than that I'd probably play Orks or maybe Dark Eldar. Orks are just funny. Dark Eldar are kind of inherently froofy because they're elves, but the whole sadistic, hedonistic elf thing is kind of interesting, and plus I hear they're fast and heavy hitters, which is how I usually like to play games. Best defense is a good offense.
Also, what are the best/worst armies? I hear Matt Ward is a Space Marines fanboy and so Space Marines are now somewhat overpowered, and I hear Sisters of Battle totally suck now, but I don't actually know from personal experience.