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W-A Halfling template grounds

Cool cool ^^, i just made some edits to it like bringing the arms in by a pixel and taking two or three off of the legs because they looked to thick before, i appreciate your help thanks.

Just so you guys know, i'll be posting my FFMQ screenshots in the Screenshot thread since there's no thread i can open here for just pics.



lookin' awesome, man. :) I like the goblin's template, but the ears are a big funky... "imo", though. The rest is pretty goblin-like, and looks great :D
Thanks bud ^^, which look bad, mine, the GR edit or both?
Here's a quicky of the goblin dressed up for you guys, planning to use this look for the game but i may change it, some colors may need to be altered a bit too.

**Missing pictures are not important so don't worry about that.



I think both have some funk ears.. The stick 'outwards' too much, and look like that are coming out of the face instead of the sides of the head. =\

Sweet dressed Gob! :D
The obese swordsman is pretty much complete, i've decided i will upload it without the sword first and then add that sword as an extra for the obese characters.
I will upload the character later tonight after i fix a few things i see, then off again to finish the sword.

In the mean time here's a little wip from my game, when it comes to the battle system i want a similar look but instead of the weapon appearing on the enemy when it's attacked i want to have an animated battler, still a ways to go befor ei start on those though.
E-Forgot  to add zoom.
**Missing pictures are not important so don't worry about that.
E-Izato -no sword- complete.
e2-As i was editing the character to upload that vest as a piece i noticed i forgot to add three pixels for the vest when his arm moved forward, i've fixed that now so please save and replace.
Whoa the first looks great, but yes i think either of these would work.
Don't know what i want yet though.. gotta think about it.
I will add that sword soon ^^, need to add the extra pieces before i dive back into that.

Izato hair added, this hair will work on the non obese male with a bit of editing to the bottom of the head for the side frame and the bottom of the head for the back frame.
e- forgot to add vest before, done.

Woo! Here's the complete Behemoth battler, i may add some more pixels here and there later on though.
After this i wont upload any others though, anyone can use this one too if it fits in your game that is, just give me credit because i worked hard on it.

e2-I will be adding some more to this monster soon, needs a bit more work.
e3-Obese female should be complete by tonight.
Hello hello, sorry for no updates for a while, i was working on my second template most of the time i was away but in the end i have nothing i like much so i'm putting that idea aside for quite a while, same for the game i am working on, i want to focus on the template and characters now.

Aside from the Ob female edit being finally complete I have made a small edit to the male, female and male OB template (Ob female cool too), i've made the legs longer by a pixel.

I'm sure not all will see much of a difference though but to whomever saved the templates please replace the older ones, i will add the rest of the skin colors and other stuff again very soon and start up on some Halfling template or character work.

Forgot to add that i have also made the grid longer by three pixels and i have already edited my characters as well and will add them soon, if someone has begun on a character using this template it's a simple edit on the lower leg areas, send me a pm if you have trouble.

I have also deleted the monster you guys saw before, i will work on it some more in the future, not worried about it now.

**VX sheets updated folks.
Forgot to add, if anyone started working on a character before this edit and you have a problem making the fix you can pm me and i will help you out.
Don't worry about the missing pics in my threads either, they are not important and i will clean the thread later on.

I forgot to make that pixel edit for the right standing frame of the obese female, it's been fixed now so resave obese female and colors as well as the vx sheets if you've saved those.

**Next wip is up (top post).
Woaw I was waiting for the scarred character actually haha.. i like the colors, but I'm not too fond on the straps though (straps/buttons/weird zippers?! on his jacket)
Hmm Lemme see if i can change it for the better, when i was remaking the character frame i thought of either going for this or a zipper..thing, what i don't want to do is leave it plain though, thanks buddy.

Edited the picture, the metal buttons where too big is all :)

E-Here's another character, possible that i may try completing this one too, i was going to make this and the now wip character for the Tyke2 some time back but yeh never did.
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... lingCh.png

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