^^ Wouldn't be any good to anyone if i uploaded it now i think, what i want to do is wait till i have some parts for an inner house first (and possibly a lake autotile as well), otherwise the outer tiles are sort of useless, and i may catch some mistakes along the way.
Anyway it's better to wait till i have more since you guys have seen some of what i have with the last facile tileset remake (Now HalflingOuter1,2 etc..), for most of these things i edited some pixels/parts and made some recolors since they where already good.
Good thing you suggested i continue with this tileset, to start over would have killed me haha.
Forgive me for no character updates folks, i have worked some more on the character but i've also been working on the tileset much more, it's all coming along, for once i think i'll be able to keep up with it all XD.
I will open another thread for the tileset soon.