The story is reminiscent of Yu-Yu Hakusho, or what I can remember from it. Though, rather than forcing the main character to bring about justice in the soul world or whatever, the hero in this story is told that his family and friends will be killed, and he can save them, if he gives up his soul. "I mean, it's just a soul, right? The hell are you gonna use it for when you're dead?"
I wasn't too happy to see that none of the other characters were included with the synopsis. You should find somewhere to add them in at, give them a little background, and a piece of the story. They're important, too, otherwise you wouldn't have them up there. I'm also pretty curious as to how or why the other characters acquire special powers. I mean, it's obvious how Yoshi got his; he made a deal with the Phantom in return for his soul. But what of the others? And were they there when he saved this child? How do they react to seeing him alive again?
The screenshot of the classroom was the most realistic of them all. I'm surprised half of those kids weren't asleep. I know I'd be asleep if my teacher just looked at the chalkboard and said "Blah blah blah..." all day long. XD You needz a demo. Ryte nao. Your maps are pretty good, better than anything I can do in VX.
With the information you've provided us now, this game sounds good. However, with a bit of improving in some areas, and a tech demo, it has the potential to be great. If you can factor in some of the stuff I mentioned above, I'll get back to you with another critique.