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[VX] Skill Draw



Dargor":10z57eu5 said:
I've updated the script to version 1.7
You can now set an array of actors with the Draw command and an array of independent actors.
Independent actors does not need skill number to cast skills.

Your doing the right thing. I don't know why it doesn't work... Can you send me your Script.rvdata? I'd, like to take a look at it.

Wow, amazing updates! :D
Just one tiny little question though:
Is there a way to remove the skill number form independent skills and actors?
Even if the actor is independent, it displays ten skill points, and once depleted, goes to 10, but it is still usable, causing a bit of confusion. If there a way to remove the skill number display on independent actors, and make it appear on those affected by the skill (as well as removing the skill from the skill window after they reach zero)?



Dargor":1280pq2f said:
Oops, sorry, I forgot about that. Fixed!
Awesome! :D
Oh,I found that there still is a count for independent skills on those affected, so to make the count for independent skills on affected actors disappear, I changed lines to 287 to this:
 skill_number = '' if Skill_Draw::Independent_Actors.include?(@actor.id) or
I may be wrong, as I am a complete newbie to this, so please correct me if I'm wrong!
But, sorry to be a bother again, but is there a way to "forget" the skill, and remove it from the skill window after the skill gets to zero? ^^;;
You're right. I've corrected that bug and I have added a Hide_Zero_Skills variable. Set this variable to true if you want skills with 0 skill number to be hidden.
Just one tiny error I wanna tell you, kept on forgetting.

When you choose Draw, and you can choose between stock and cast, the skill is already highlighted as well.
This causes trouble, as everytime I think I can already choose which skill I want to choose, I actually am meant to choose 'stock' or 'cast'. It just doesn't look finished that way.

Good updates!

(still looking forward to that Junction system. :lol: no pressure!)

Maybe this can spice the draw system up. Right now, the MP and Amount number are next to each other in the Skill list with only the color being different. Now my idea would be to add something like ST and MP next to it to make it more understandable. ST for stock and MP for magic points.
15ST | 25MP

Something like that. Maybe making it look even better by having them higher up like a '²' type of way.
New2Ya":1ao7gonv said:
Just one tiny error I wanna tell you, kept on forgetting.

When you choose Draw, and you can choose between stock and cast, the skill is already highlighted as well.
This causes trouble, as everytime I think I can already choose which skill I want to choose, I actually am meant to choose 'stock' or 'cast'. It just doesn't look finished that way.

Good updates!
Ok, I'll fix that. :thumb:

New2Ya":1ao7gonv said:
Maybe this can spice the draw system up. Right now, the MP and Amount number are next to each other in the Skill list with only the color being different. Now my idea would be to add something like ST and MP next to it to make it more understandable. ST for stock and MP for magic points.
15ST | 25MP

Something like that. Maybe making it look even better by having them higher up like a '²' type of way.

That's a good idea. I prefer the idea of the small number because the ST/MP would take too much place.

New2Ya":1ao7gonv said:
(still looking forward to that Junction system. :lol: no pressure!)
I'm almost finished with it. :smile: I still have to finish the summons system and the auto-abilities system.
I'll also make demo since the script is, not big, but HUGE.

Take care!
That's a good idea. I prefer the idea of the small number because the ST/MP would take too much place.
Ah, but you mean what I meant, no? ST and MP being as small as the ² number? Like on the top right of the number?

Oh well, you'll think of something I'm sure.

I'm almost finished with it. I still have to finish the summons system and the auto-abilities system.
I'll also make demo since the script is, not big, but HUGE.
I officially love you. :thumb:

Here I was thinking you were simply aiming at the junctioning magic things, but it seems you are getting into detail. Props!

I noticed an error, Dargor.

Independent skills (no points needed) are not visible with Hide_Zero_Skills = false option on 'true'.
Oh I see, it's a formating error, it happened to a couple of my scripts on this forum.
Make a search for the  character and simply remove all of them.

I'll reupload a new version very soon.

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