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[VX] Party Changer

@teva, Ayvuir
Removing an actor from the party won't remove it from the reserve. However, adding an actor to the party will automatically add him to the reserve, especially if the party is full. (In that case, it will add the actor to the reserve but not to the party).

If you want to manually add/remove an actor from the reserve, use these lines of code:




That's all!



Do we just add the specific line of code into the script then?? Through an event??

Sorry if thats a pretty noobish question, i'm not that great with scripting yet.
:cry: I'm using everything you say to use but when I go into a battle, I get an error message on line 1252 :cry:

Godamit...I was hoping to use this script but it's filled with too many errors. I can't even lock my main actor in the party which is mainly what I wanted to do. There are also some other issues with it...the error I'm getting is something like

"undefined local variable or method 'actor1'_id' for game interpreter"

something like that anyways...
I did everything right, and used all the instructions...but it's got
to many bugs. Even when I used the updated party changer
script 3.7, i couldn't even open up my game...
Well, you probably did something wrong. Yes, there are still a couple of bugs to fix but the overall script works fine. Just let me a couple of days and everything should be fixed.

I will also post a demo.



Ok, so i don't know if this has been mentioned before, but it seems to be quite a big, and annoying glitch, and i'm thinking its this script.

Basically if my main character, who's leading on the world map, dies, but i win the battle. When it comes back to the field map... i become unable to move the character, or open up the menu, or basically just do anything...

Any way around this?
Didn't know about that bug...Looks like another 1's come up again. Hang on a minute...are you able to lock your main actor because I can't lock him from being moved out of party or switched. Just gives me errors before I can do that. Also...is your main character actor 1?



Ok, i found out what was wrong. Basically i twiddled the script so that you couldnt shift your main leader on the field (Page Up/Page Down). So when my main character died, it didnt automatically shift to the next available alive person, when i got back on to the field, which is why i couldn't do anything.

So i just had to put that part to "true" again.
I am having a problem when after I select "Quit" from my menu screen. After I select it, it gives me the option to quit and all that stuff just fine, it's just that if I cancel from that menu and I go back to my main menu, my cursor sits off two blank spaces below my "Quit" command and I can't move my cursor up or down any more.

Here are a few reference pics...

This is my menu...

This is when I select "Quit"...

And here is when I return from the quit menu...

I am not quite sure what is causing this problem.

I have also come across a another little glitch while actually getting the reference pics above. I went to press my "Print Screen" button to take a screen shot, but instead I accidentally hit the F-12 button which is the play testings reset button. After it reset, it displayed my title screen for a split second then it displayed this error message...


It doesn't have any real effect on anyone play testing, unless they rely on using the F-12 button a lot.

The content in this spoiler is an older problem I experienced, but I have resolved it.
I have come across an interesting glitch. I am not sure if it is being cause by this script or what, but it is a tad bit annoying to me.

The problem I am encountering is that when ever I choose to use an item from my Menu on the map and the item has a scope of All Allies, it only shows one member of my team, the last one to be exact. It happens anytime I have more than one member in my active party.

For example, my main character is named Titan. When he is the only member in my team, I can go into my menu from the map and select my item that would fully heal all of the members in my party. And his picture shows up just fine. No problems there because that is expected.

Now lets say I add another character named Mist. Now my current team is Titan and Mist. I now go into the menu, open my items and select the item that heals my entire party again. This time though, instead of both of Titan's and Mist's pictures and info which should be showing up, only Mist's picture and info are showing up.

Here are a few reference pics...

Here is a pic of my party...

And here is when I select the item and it pulls up a menu that should show all of my party...

Is there something in these scripts I should change to get all of my party to show up in the menu in the second pic?

EDIT: Never mind about the problem with the first one, I think it was because of the custom menu I had, because now that I changed it to a different menu style all together, I no longer have the problem.

Aside from these little glitches, I absolutely love your "Party" scripts Dargor. This is exactly what I would have been looking for after I finish my first project here and start my second one with a group of my friends. I am glad I stumbled upon it now and be able to use it for my current project. Keep up the good work my friend.
Unless the custom menu alters important parts of the original menu, it shouldn't matter.

@Titant Strife
About your first error, my guess is that the custom title commands returns a wrong value when selecting Cancel. I'll fix that.

The second bug is a well known bug in RGSS in general. The famous F12 bug. I'll prevent the script from popping up this error.

Now about your last bug, it's probably caused by my Large Party script. When I did this script, I haven't testet the item target window. I'll fix this script too.

Thanks for the reports!



I'll add a state check for that. If the lead character is dead it'll for the next alive character.

Have you now done this? Is it available on the first post?

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