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[VX] Party Changer

Party Changer
by Dargor
Version 3.9


---> http://rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=43211.0 <---

This is an RMVX version of my Party Changer script! It does not contains all features from my XP Party Changer but I'll add these features gradually.

To call the scene use $scene = Scene_PartyChanger.new

Some features might not work without my Large Party script.
  • Supports large party
  • The party changer is available in battle
  • You can display an actor's detailed status when pressing SHIFT (It also works in battle!)
  • It's possible to lock an actor in the party and in the reserve (Refer to the script header for more informations!)
  • Actors can be forced to be in the party (Yes, it's different than the locked_party feature!)
  • Actors in the reserve can get a % of the exp earned in battle
  • Party Changer and Party Arrange are available in the Main Menu
  • On-map Party Switcher
  • Support for multiple parties

You will need an icon named locked.png in the Graphics\System directory.
Be sure to IMPORT the icon with the Materialbase.



Party Changer 3.9




This script must now be used with the Custom Commands script.
All Party Changer variables now belong to Game_System (instead of Game_Temp)

Hope you like it!
they both seem to have different features so we will wait and see.
You and Prexus should combine your party scripts, I think the turn-out would be amazing
Prexus did something very nice with his party changer but I don't think a merge between these two script will be necessary. I'm already planning on adding a lot more features (the same features you can find in my RMXP Party changer, including some others). I think they should stay two different scripts. You will simply have to choose which one suits you best!
I'm glad you like it!

I have updated the script. See first post for new screenshots and features!
More to come soon! :thumb:
THYF! *laf laf laf*

I like your party changer, Dargor. Although I like mine better because it's more concise and condensed which is something I prefer when designing interfaces. Although I may need to steal the In Battle switching :>
LOL Thanks a lot :tongue: I like yours too, we just have two different way to work!
Feel free to take the In Battle Switching feature, I've stole your locked icon, so we'll be even! (Even if it's the locked topic icon!)

I have updated the script, once more!
See first post for more info.

Take care!

EDIT: Another update!
A little graphic bug has been fixed in the reserve window and the actors in the reserve can now gain a % of the exp earned in battle!
Because I'm working on the XP version since June 2007 and I have the chance to work on something new. I'm a bit tired of the XP version, but that doesn't mean I won't update it anymore.



It does not seem to work for me. I get an error in the script cache on line 80, this is the line:

  @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(path)

How can I fix it?
Hey, keeping a such a big script updated isn't an easy thing. Giving support for it every time isn't easy either. I have a dozen other scripts that works just fine plus a FFVI Starter Kit that is growing bigger every weeks. And scripting is the least of my worries in real life. I have things much more important to care about.

So please, be kind and patient.

@Ray Finkle
Nobody cares if you hate VX. There's a lot of people here who enjoy it and as I said, scripting isn't the only thing I do in life.

I'm sure you'll both be happy to know that it has been updated but if you keep putting pressure on me like this, I'll have to close the topic.


be sure you have a picture called locked.png in Graphics\System.
That's weird because, if that,s the problem, it shouldn't cause the error there.

Take care!
Found a Bug. Which... no one else is seeming to have. But, I tried out your party changer and an Error message popped up saying:


It has something to do with this chunck of script  (Lines 942-948):
    # Jump to command window if the party is full
    if @party_window.members.size == $game_party.max_members
      @command_window.active = true
      @reserve_window.active = false

I tried this ins my Game (With a few other Scripts) and I tried it in a new Project. The same thing happened! I don't know why, I mean, I have the 'locked' image you need and the script... and the call script so... Any help would be appreciated :D.

Oops! Sorry, I forgot something. This script is compatible with my VX Large Party script an should be used with it. SImply add my VX Large Party script above the party changer.

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