Simple 8 way Movement Version 2
By: Near
This script makes your player/events move in 8 directions with passibility support.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Isometric event triggers! Disabling the 8 directional sprites for certain events!
Always on top is back!!
Passibility support explanation
The passability support was implement into the diagonal movements, for added
realism. When you try to move up/left, and there is an impassible tile to the left
of you, it checks if you can move up, and if that tile is passable, you move up
and vice versa.
Can't really have screenshots of motion now can i?
Maybe later...
This script is essentially plug 'n' play. Just edit 'Dir8Random = true' to turn off 8 way
random movement. Also, you need to have spritesets like this:
One more thing: You can disable the event 8 directional sprites, by putting 2 comments in an event's list.
Comment: Dir8Comment
Comment: Disable Dir8Sprite
No question yet...
Not sure, should be compatible with anything but maybe a pixel-movement script.
Author's Notes
I like pie, especially dutch apple.
Also, I thank the SDK Team for the 'comment_input()' method.
Terms and Conditions
Please give credit if you use this, it was really hard to figure out the 'move_toward_player' type commands!
By: Near
This script makes your player/events move in 8 directions with passibility support.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Isometric event triggers! Disabling the 8 directional sprites for certain events!
Always on top is back!!
Passibility support explanation
The passability support was implement into the diagonal movements, for added
realism. When you try to move up/left, and there is an impassible tile to the left
of you, it checks if you can move up, and if that tile is passable, you move up
and vice versa.
- 8 way movement (duh!)
- Simple-yet-effective passibility support
- Random movement is 8 directional (This can be turned off)
- 8 directional sprite support!!
- many 8 directional movements (that can be turned off)
- the ability to disable the 8 directional sprites for certain events!
- always on top is restored (rmxp feature) !
- 8 directional event triggers (includes action button) !
Can't really have screenshots of motion now can i?
Maybe later...
module Dir8Move
 Dir8Sprite =  true  # 8 Directional sprites??
 Dir8Events =  true  # 8 Direction event movement??
 DashSprites = true  # Sprites for dashing?
 def self.comment_input(*args) # Hooray for the SDK!!
  parameters = []
  unless args[0].is_a?(Game_Event)
   return nil
  list = *args[0].list
  elements = *args[1]
  trigger = *args[2]
  return nil if list == nil
  return nil unless list.is_a?(Array)
  for item in list
   next if item.code != 108
   if item.parameters[0] == trigger
    start = list.index(item) + 1
    finish = start + elements
    for id in start...finish
     next if !list[id]
    return parameters
  return nil
class Game_Character
 attr_accessor :always_on_top
 alias old_init initialize
 alias old_screen_z screen_z
 def initialize
  @always_on_top = false
 def screen_z
  if @always_on_top
   return 999
 def set_always_on_top(bool)
  @always_on_top = bool
 # * Move Lower Left
 def move_lower_left(turn_ok=true)
  @direction = 5 if turn_ok
  if passable?(@x-1,@y+1) && passable?(@x-1,@y) && passable?(@x,@y+1)
   unless @direction_fix
    @direction = 5
   @x -= 1
   @y += 1
   @move_failed = false
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1,@y+1)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1,@y)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x,@y+1)
   if passable?(@x-1,@y)
    @x -= 1
   elsif passable?(@x,@y+1)
    @y += 1
   @move_failed = true
 # * Move Lower Right
 def move_lower_right(turn_ok=true)
  @direction = 3 if turn_ok
  if passable?(@x+1,@y+1) && passable?(@x+1,@y) && passable?(@x,@y+1)
   unless @direction_fix
    @direction = 3
   @x += 1
   @y += 1
   @move_failed = false
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1,@y+1)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1,@y)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x,@y+1)
   if passable?(@x+1,@y)
    @x += 1
   elsif passable?(@x,@y+1)
    @y += 1
   @move_failed = true
 # * Move Upper Left
 def move_upper_left(turn_ok=true)
  @direction = 7 if turn_ok
  if passable?(@x-1, @y-1) && passable?(@x-1,@y) && passable?(@x,@y-1)
   unless @direction_fix
    @direction = 7
   @x -= 1
   @y -= 1
   @move_failed = false
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1,@y-1)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1,@y)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x,@y-1)
   if passable?(@x-1,@y)
    @x -= 1
   elsif passable?(@x,@y-1)
    @y -= 1
   @move_failed = true
 # * Move Upper Right
 def move_upper_right(turn_ok=true)
  @direction = 9 if turn_ok
  if passable?(@x+1, @y-1) && passable?(@x+1,@y) && passable?(@x,@y-1)
   unless @direction_fix
    @direction = 9
   @x += 1
   @y -= 1
   @move_failed = false
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1,@y-1)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1,@y)
   return if check_event_trigger_touch(@x,@y-1)
   if passable?(@x+1,@y)
    @x += 1
   elsif passable?(@x,@y-1)
    @y -= 1
   @move_failed = true
 # * Move at Random
 if Dir8Move::Dir8Events
  def move_random
   case rand(8)
   when 0;  move_down(false);  when 1;  move_left(false)
   when 2; move_right(false);  when 3;  move_up(false)
   when 4;  move_lower_left(false);  when 5;  move_lower_right(false)
   when 6;  move_upper_left(false);  when 7;  move_upper_right(false)
 # * Move toward Player
 def move_toward_player
  # Get difference in player coordinates
  sx = distance_x_from_player
  sy = distance_y_from_player
  # If coordinates are equal
  if sx == 0 and sy == 0
  # Get absolute value of difference
  abs_sx = sx.abs
  abs_sy = sy.abs
  #get diagonal differences
  sh = (abs_sx / 2) - abs_sy
  sv = (abs_sy / 2) - abs_sx
  # Is the player more towards a 45? angle?
  if abs_sx == abs_sy || (sv < 0 and sh < 0)
   if $game_player.y > @y
    #if the player is lower left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #If the player is lower right
    #if the player is upper left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #if the player is upper right
  # If horizontal distance is longer
  elsif abs_sx > abs_sy
   # Move towards player, prioritize left and right directions
   sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
   if not moving? and sy != 0
    sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
  # If vertical distance is longer
   # Move towards player, prioritize up and down directions
   sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
   if not moving? and sx != 0
    sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
 # * Move away from Player
 def move_away_from_player
  # Get difference in player coordinates
  sx = distance_x_from_player
  sy = distance_y_from_player
  # If coordinates are equal
  if sx == 0 and sy == 0
  # Get absolute value of difference
  abs_sx = sx.abs
  abs_sy = sy.abs
  #get diagonal differences
  sh = (abs_sx / 2) - abs_sy
  sv = (abs_sy / 2) - abs_sx
  # Is the player more towards a 45? angle?
  if abs_sx == abs_sy || (sv < 0 and sh < 0)
   if $game_player.y > @y
    #if the player is lower left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #If the player is lower right
    #if the player is upper left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #if the player is upper right
  # If horizontal distance is longer
  elsif abs_sx > abs_sy
   # Move away from player, prioritize left and right directions
   sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left
   if not moving? and sy != 0
    sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up
  # If vertical distance is longer
   # Move away from player, prioritize up and down directions
   sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up
   if not moving? and sx != 0
    sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left
 # * 1 Step Forward
 def move_forward
  case @direction
  when 2;  move_down(false);  when 8;  move_up(false)
  when 4;  move_left(false);  when 6;  move_right(false)
  when 5;  move_lower_left(false); when 3;  move_lower_right(false)
  when 7;  move_upper_left(false); when 3;  move_upper_right(false)
 # * 1 Step Backward
 def move_backward
  last_direction_fix = @direction_fix
  @direction_fix = true
  case @direction
  when 2;  move_up(false);  when 8;  move_down(false)
  when 4;  move_right(false);  when 6;  move_left(false)
  when 5;  move_lower_left(false); when 3;  move_lower_right(false)
  when 7;  move_upper_left(false); when 3;  move_upper_right(false)
  @direction_fix = last_direction_fix
 # * Turn Lower Left
 def turn_lower_left
  unless @direction_fix
   @direction = 5
   @stop_count = 0
 # * Turn Lower Right
 def turn_lower_right
  unless @direction_fix
   @direction = 3
   @stop_count = 0
 # * Turn Upper Left
 def turn_upper_left
  unless @direction_fix
   @direction = 7
   @stop_count = 0
 # * Turn Upper Right
 def turn_upper_right
  unless @direction_fix
   @direction = 9
   @stop_count = 0
 # * Turn 90? Right
 def turn_right_90
  case @direction
  when 2
  when 4
  when 6
  when 8
  when 1
  when 3
  when 7
  when 9
 # * Turn 90? Left
 def turn_left_90
  case @direction
  when 2
  when 4
  when 6
  when 8
  when 1
  when 3
  when 7
  when 9
 # * Turn 180?
 def turn_180
  case @direction
  when 2
  when 4
  when 6
  when 8
  when 1
  when 3
  when 7
  when 9
 # * Turn 90? Right or Left
 def turn_right_or_left_90
  if rand(2) == 0
 # * Turn at Random
 def turn_random
  case rand(8)
  when 0
  when 1
  when 2
  when 3
  when 4
  when 5
  when 6
  when 7
 # * Turn 45? Right
 def turn_right_45
  case @direction
  when 2
  when 4
  when 6
  when 8
  when 1
  when 3
  when 7
  when 9
 # * Turn 45? Left
 def turn_left_45
  case @direction
  when 2
  when 4
  when 6
  when 8
  when 1
  when 3
  when 7
  when 9
 # * Turn 45? Right or Left
 def turn_right_or_left_45
  if rand(2) == 0
 # * Turn Towards Player
 def turn_toward_player
  # Get difference in player coordinates
  sx = distance_x_from_player
  sy = distance_y_from_player
  # If coordinates are equal
  if sx == 0 and sy == 0
  # Get absolute value of difference
  abs_sx = sx.abs
  abs_sy = sy.abs
  #get diagonal differences
  sh = (abs_sx / 2) - abs_sy
  sv = (abs_sy / 2) - abs_sx
  # If the diagonal distance is equal
  if (sh == 0 or sv == 0) &&
    ((abs_sx != 1 and abs_sy != 0) or (abs_sx != 0 and abs_sy != 1))
  # Is the player more towards a 45? angle?
  if abs_sx == abs_sy || (sv < 0 and sh < 0)
   if $game_player.y > @y
    #if the player is lower left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #If the player is lower right
    #if the player is upper left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #if the player is upper right
  # If horizontal distance is longer
  elsif abs_sx > abs_sy
   # Turn to the right or left toward player
   sx > 0 ? turn_left : turn_right
  # If vertical distance is longer
   # Turn up or down toward player
   sy > 0 ? turn_up : turn_down
 # * Turn Away from Player
 def turn_away_from_player
  # Get difference in player coordinates
  sx = distance_x_from_player
  sy = distance_y_from_player
  # If coordinates are equal
  if sx == 0 and sy == 0
  # Get absolute value of difference
  abs_sx = sx.abs
  abs_sy = sy.abs
  #get diagonal differences
  sh = (abs_sx / 2) - abs_sy
  sv = (abs_sy / 2) - abs_sx
  # If the diagonal distance is equal
  if (sh == 0 or sv == 0) &&
    ((abs_sx != 1 and abs_sy != 0) or (abs_sx != 0 and abs_sy != 1))
  # Is the player more towards a 45? angle?
  if abs_sx == abs_sy || (sv < 0 and sh < 0)
   if $game_player.y > @y
    #if the player is lower left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #If the player is lower right
    #if the player is upper left
    if $game_player.x < @x
    #if the player is upper right
  # If horizontal distance is longer
  elsif abs_sx > abs_sy
   # Turn to the right or left away from player
   sx > 0 ? turn_right : turn_left
  # If vertical distance is longer
   # Turn up or down away from player
   sy > 0 ? turn_down : turn_up
class Game_Event < Game_Character
 attr_accessor :direction
class Game_Player
 def move_by_input
  return unless movable? && !$game_map.interpreter.running?
  case Input.dir8
  when 2;  move_down;  when 8;  move_up
  when 4;  move_left;  when 6;  move_right
  when 1;  move_lower_left;  when 3;  move_lower_right
  when 7;  move_upper_left;  when 9;  move_upper_right
class Sprite_Character < Sprite_Base
 def update_src_rect
  if @tile_id == 0
   index = @character.character_index
   index += 1 if @character.direction%2 != 0 && Dir8Move::Dir8Sprite
   index += 2 if @character.dash? && Dir8Move::DashSprites
   comment = Dir8Move.comment_input(character, 2, 'Dir8Comment')
   if @character.direction%2 != 0 && comment_nodir8(comment)
    @character.direction = make_dir
    index -= 1
   pattern = @character.pattern < 3 ? @character.pattern : 1
   sx = (index % 4 * 3 + pattern) * @cw
   sy = (index / 4 * 4 + (@character.direction - 2) / 2) * @ch
   self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
 def comment_nodir8(comment = [])
  return false unless @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
  return false if comment == nil
  return comment.include?('Disable Dir8Sprite')
 def make_dir
  case @character.direction
  when 5
   result = 2
  when 3
   result = 2
  when 7
   result = 8
  when 9
   result = 8
  return result
class Game_Map
 def x_with_direction(x, direction)
  case direction
  when 4..5;  r = -1
  when 3;  r = 1
  when 6;  r = 1
  when 7;  r = -1
  when 9;  r = 1
  else;  r = 0
  return round_x(x+r)
 def y_with_direction(y, direction)
  case direction
  when 2..3;  r = 1
  when 5;  r = 1
  when 7..9;  r = -1
  else;  r = 0
  return round_y(y+r)
This script is essentially plug 'n' play. Just edit 'Dir8Random = true' to turn off 8 way
random movement. Also, you need to have spritesets like this:

One more thing: You can disable the event 8 directional sprites, by putting 2 comments in an event's list.
Comment: Dir8Comment
Comment: Disable Dir8Sprite
No question yet...
Not sure, should be compatible with anything but maybe a pixel-movement script.
Author's Notes
I like pie, especially dutch apple.
Also, I thank the SDK Team for the 'comment_input()' method.
Terms and Conditions
Please give credit if you use this, it was really hard to figure out the 'move_toward_player' type commands!