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[VX] Limit Breaks / Overdrives

Dargor! This is just what I've been looking for! You. Are. Awesome. :biggrin:

Can I ask one question? Will it work with GubiD's Tactical Battle System? I don't imagine it will but if it doesn't then I would really appreciate it if you could please right a little patch so us TBS weirdos can get a piece of the Dargor Action! :biggrin:
I doubt it, I can take a look at this cbs but my script was designed to work with the default battle system :/

GTBS is a completely new battle system.
I know. The bar works - but the limit command does not. Also with ur Custom Commands - how do u make limit get an icon? :huh:

If you could just make the limit command work with GTBS I'd be so happy! Please could you do that? I don't imagine it could be too hard? Add in a new command in the battle window and then make the bar appear in the status box? Could ya do that for an annoying 14yr old ginger? :biggrin:
Dargor? I bet u'll think I'm such an annoying brat, (which is true) but when I try it it SO nearly works that I think people would love you if u helped us TBS fans. :biggrin:

If you look, most VX'ers are using Takentai's Sideview but there are also a big majority using the GTBS.

Anyways, so is it possible? :angel:
Okay, sorry. I can imagine what other stuff u have to do and an annoying 14yr old brat won't help. :biggrin:

It's just cos' I tried it with the default battle system and it looks bloody awesome! Well done regardless
So I have a question that you've probably already answered in the script headers, and I'm just not seeing it...
If I want to have to 'Limit!' command replace the 'Attack' command, what do I need to adjust in which script? In the custom command script (very nice now that I'm getting use to using it btw!!) or the Limit/Overdrive Script? Tell you the truth I haven't been able to get a 'Limit!' command to come up at all. But I'm gonna keep playing with it and see what I come up with.


Edit: Probably would help to mention what other scripts I'm using, since I've used this on the default battle system with no problem now. I'm using an SBS v 3.3 originally by Enu translated by Kylock (not sure if it has a particular name); Using an ATB system v 1.1 by Enu, translated by Mr. Bubble; and I'm using your (Dargor) Map name Popup, Custom Command, Large Party, Multiple Parties, Party Changer, Bestiary, Bestiary Menu and Limit Break scripts. (Yes you're like my scripting God. I bow down and ask forgiveness for my foolish query!) As far as I can tell none of the script (other than your own) should interfere with actor battle processing, but I"m also not a very good scripter so I'm probably just not seeing the problem. Any help appreciated.

Thanks again.

Edit#2: More info! System is compatible with Enu SBS 3.3. It is not, however, compatible with the ATB 1.1 system. This is the error I'm getting:

Script 'Limit Break' line 1012: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'limit_ready?' for nil:NilClass

So there it is if that means anything to anyone. ^^
Thanks a lot for all the information, it's very helpful.
I'll take a look at it as soon as I get the time to and I'll get back to you with a fix for ATB 1.1. ;)

Take care!
Little extra question real quick... Can I use your Custom Command script (or this script) to keep the 'Limit" skills from showing up in the regular "Skills" menu during battle or in main menu? If so, you mind explaining for me? :biggrin:

Thanks again.
Yo Dargo! Just wanna say great script by the way. It seems compatitable with the sideview battlescript and I also found another error in the script. I think it's because the limit break skills
are shown in the battle skill menu which causes it to occur although thats what I'm guessing. I think it's something to do with that. Anyways heres the error....

Script "DARGORS LIMIT BREAK" line 1030: NoMethodErrorOccured
Underfined method command_name' for NilClass:Class

Now I'm using the Tankentai Battlesystem which seems to have no issues with it apart from that.
Thought I'd give you another thing which needs fixing before you unleash the next update. I'm looking forward to your next update :D
No you can't use the CC script for that. However, I made a SKill Subset script a few months ago that let you organize your skills in sub menus like White Magic, Black Magic, etc. I haven't tested these 2 scripts together but it should work.

Either way, I'll prevent limits from being shown in the skill window. ;)

See above :)
And about line 1030, I assume you'ra talking about this line?

when @active_battler.class.command_name(Vocab::LimitCommand)

In version 1.5, it's line 1048.
It seems like the active battler's class or even the active battler itself doesn't exist. I'll add a little fis to prevent this bug but normally, this shouldn't happen. And it's probably because of the Takentai CBS.

The update is comming soon ;)

Take care!
Yo Dargor! I'm excited for your next update. This script is the bomb! I'll be willing to take time to do tests on it as well and thanks.
That is probably the most useful script I've come across recently! Thanks a bunch my friend. Look forward to your next update.

- Vila
If I had to venture a guess, I would say this is the problem I'm having with compatibility between the ATB 1.1b and your Limit Break Script... This is from 686 to 742 in the ATB script.

def start_actor_command_selection

    $in_command = true

    @command_phase = true

    @command_member_index = 0

    @commander = @command_members[@command_member_index]

    @status_window.active = true

    @status_window.index = @commander.index

    # カーソルセット

    @cursor = Sprite_Cursor.new if @cursor == nil


    # 動けるキャラのみコマンドアクションを

    @spriteset.set_action(true, @commander.index,@commander.command_b) if @commander.inputable?

    @party_command_window.active = false


    @actor_command_window.active = true

    @actor_command_window.index = 0

    @actor_command_window_on = true




  # ● コマンド更新  ※再定義


  def update_actor_command_selection

    # コマンド入力できる状態でなくなればキャンセル

    return reset_command unless commanding?

    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)




    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)


      case @actor_command_window.index

      when 0  # 攻撃




      when 1  # スキル


        $in_select = true


      when 2  # 防御




      when 3  # アイテム


        $in_select = true



    # →キーでコマンドキャラ送り

    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)


    # ←キーでコマンドキャラ戻し

    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)




This also seems to be the reason I can't add battle commands using your command script. When I am able to move things around, for example if I switch s3 and s4 to s4 and s5 leaving s3 blank (for a skill subset using your script) s3 still guards because (I'm guessing) the ATB is setup to execute guard when the 3rd option is selected. So my question is... can I work around this without having to rewrite the ATB script making it use more flexible variables (instead of 0-4, use the command name like you have it setup in your Custom Command Script)? If there's no easy work around I might try my hand at rewriting the ATB script since I think I might be getting a handle on the language.

Ok this script has an error with the custom commands script which you need to use the script I think. If you try a test battle, almost all time after your press f12, it comes up with an error saying:

Script "Custom Commands" line 539 System Stack to deep.

Well something like that anyways. It sometimes comes up randomly during battle occassionaly but almost occurs everytime I press f12. I think this is another bug otherwise it's just me. :huh: Oh yeah and for the record, I'm using the Tankentai Battlesystem although I'm not using the ATB script with it.
Yes I know that. FYI, this a general bug related to RGSS itself, not my script. I can patch it so it doesn't do that but I ust wanted to point out that it's normal.

It doesn't surprise me at all, but I'll try my best to make it 100% compatible with this CBS.
Man, I really hate this CBS... lol

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