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[VX] Limit Breaks / Overdrives

Well, don't stress it too much my friend. For now I've dropped the ATB system to the "possible" list in the features I want my game to run. It's just too incompatible with too many other scripts, not just yours. With the amount of features I'm putting into the battle system, an ATB isn't crucial to keeping the battles fresh and interesting anyways.

I'll keep tinkering with the ATB script itself and I'll let you know if I stumble across a way of making IT more compatible, since it seems to have issue with most scripts that deal with the battle system. Thanks again.

For anyone using SBS 3.3 by Enu:
If you're using this SBS together with this Limit script you may have noticed that after executing a limit skill, the limit bar does not reset itself to 0. To fix this you need to insert a part of Dargor's script into the SBS script. Copy and paste the following:

       if @active_battler.actor? && @active_battler.limit_ready? && 



      @active_battler.lp = 0


In between lines 647 and 648 of the Sideview 2 (3.3) script (Not sure if that is my label or the one that the translator gave it. There should be a config script and then 2 scripts following that. Insert this into the 3rd script). The script on line 647 should be as follows:

    $game_temp.common_event_id = skill.common_event_id

This seems to fix the only compatibility problem between these two scripts. Enjoy!
Quick question. I'm wondering if there's a way to force LP to be gained through a script command. I want to use it for two reason. 1) At the beginning of the game I'm developing, I have a beginner's hall and one of the battle tutorials is for the Skills and Limit system. So I need to be able to force LP gain to max during the tutorial. 2) I want to create a skill for one of my characters that will allow him to gain LP at the cost of the turn. (Will probably be 10 LP gain out of the 35 max I have it set at.) What would be the proper syntax for this?


There's already at least 2 scripts like that for XP. One thatw as made by KGC Software and also an upgraded version made by DerVVulfman.
Is there a way to make it so when the player selects Limit in the game menu it will give them the option to select limit or mode? Instead of going right into the limits select menu.
There is something wrong with the script
in the line 222. add_menu_command(Limit_Break::Menu_Index, Vocab::Limit)
that line can't work
can you please fix it?
i need this script :cry:
Do you have the latest version of the Custom Commands script installed?
Make sure you have it, and make sure to put it below every default scripts and above every custom scripts.



hey sorry for necro bumping :O if that's what it's called... I just really needed your help... I'm trying the limit break/overdrive script for the Tankentai ATB system. I have the custom command menu script like it says I need in the instructions, and I put it below the custom command but above main in the script but it tells me there's an error with line 222
add_menu_command(Limit_Break::Menu_Index, Vocab::Limit)

# 1) Place this script ABOVE Main and BELOW the Custom Commands script
# 2) Edit the vocabulary and constants in the Limit_Break module

I don't know what edit the vocabulary and constants in the limit break module mean. how do I do that and what do I edit it too? anyway if you could help me out I would really appreciate it. thank you very much.
Hey, sorry for another necro here. For anyone who is still using the script, or Dargor if you are still around, I found a bug in the script. This bug is concerning the 'Avenger' overdrive mode. When a party member is knocked out in battle, even if there is no party member with Avenger mode selected, the game will crash.

The problem comes mainly from the part of code around Line 503. Inside the 'for' loop, all references to 'user' should instead be 'member', like in the Comrade overdrive mode. This is because, for the case of Avenger mode, 'user' is normally going to be an Enemy rather than an Actor.

Additionally, on Line 140, again 'user' should be changed to 'member'.

Making these changes fixes the bug. I hope this is of help to someone :) Aside from this, the script is great, good job Dargor!
Hello d_disaster.

I haven't updated my scripts in a while now but I suddenly regain regain interest in them while working on a small game on VX.
The bug you are talking about has been fixed in my game but not updated here.

I will eventually repost all my updated VX scripts when I have time but I'm not providing support for them anymore.
But please, feel free to share any bug fixes you have (and of course don't forget to give me credit for the scripts :P)

Take care,
- Dargor.

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