Version: 1.4
By: Dargor
This script is a replica of FF7 "Limit Breaks" and FF10 "Overdrives". It includes all 17 Overdrive Modes with their original increment formulas.
• Highly Customizable
• Can handle both Limit Breaks and Overdrives
• Comes with all 17 Overdrive Modes from FF10 and their original increment formulas
• Actors can learn Overdrive Modes
• The learning rate of Overdrive Modes can be specific to each actors
• Comes with a Limit/Modes menu
• Can specify which actors can use the Limit command
• Can flag a skill as a Limit using the VX note feature
• A lot more!
Comming soon!
Two demos comming soon!
# ** Limit Breaks / Overdrives
#  © Dargor, 2009
# Â 20/02/09
# Â Version 1.4
# Â - 1.0 Â (16/02/09), Initial release
# Â - 1.1 Â (18/02/09), Added an Actors constant in the configuration module
# Â - 1.2 Â (18/02/09), Skills can now be flagged as Limits with a note that
# Â - 1.3 Â (18/02/09), Fixed a bug with wrong limit mode being displayed in the
# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Limit Status window
# Â - 1.4 Â (20/02/09), Fixed a bug with the "Sufferer" Mode
# Â Â This script is a replica of FF7 "Limit Breaks" and FF10 "Overdrives".
# Â Â It includes all 17 Overdrive Modes with their original increment formulas.
# Â Â Since Limits and Overdrives are similar, both are supported in this script
# Â Â and are described as follow:
# Â Â Â - Limit Break: An overdrive with its mode permanently set to "Stoic"
# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â without the possibility of modifying it.
# Â Â Â - Overdrive: A Limit Break with the possibility of having 17 different
# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â gauge increment modes.
# Â Â Â 1) Place this script ABOVE Main and BELOW the Custom Commands script
# Â Â Â 2) Edit the vocabulary and constants in the Limit_Break module
# Â Â Â - This script requires the Custom Commands script
# Â Â Â - This script includes all 17 Overdrive Modes from FF10
# Â Â Â Â Here's the list of the modes in the format ID) Name: Description
# Â Â Â Â Â 0) Â Stoic: Â Â Take damage from an enemy
# Â Â Â Â Â 1) Â Warrior: Â Deal damage to an enemy
# Â Â Â Â Â 2) Â Healer: Â Â Heal an ally
# Â Â Â Â Â 3) Â Comrad: Â Â Ally takes damage
# Â Â Â Â Â 4) Â Slayer: Â Â Kill an enemy
# Â Â Â Â Â 5) Â Victor: Â Â Win a battle alive
# Â Â Â Â Â 6) Â Tactician: Inflict a negative state on an enemy
# Â Â Â Â Â 7) Â Hero: Â Â Â Kill an enemy with a critical hit
# Â Â Â Â Â 8) Â Ally: Â Â Â Turn reaches self
# Â Â Â Â Â 9) Â Daredevil: Turn reaches self in the crisis (near death) state
# Â Â Â Â Â 10) Solo: Â Â Â Fight alone
# Â Â Â Â Â 11) Coward: Â Â Run away from battles
# Â Â Â Â Â 12) Dancer: Â Â Evade an enemy attack
# Â Â Â Â Â 13) Rook: Â Â Â Reduce or nullify an enemy elemental/state attack
# Â Â Â Â Â 14) Sufferer: Â Get inflicted by a negative state from an enemy
# Â Â Â Â Â 15) Victim: Â Â Get affected by a negative state whe turn reach self
# Â Â Â Â Â 16) Avenger: Â Enemy kills an ally
# Vocabulary
Vocab::Limit = 'Limit'
Vocab::LimitCommand = 'LIMIT!'
Vocab::LimitReady = "%s's limit gauge is fully charged!"
Vocab::Mode = 'Mode'
Vocab::ModeLearn = "%s learned the overdrive mode \\C[17]%s\\C[0]!"
# ** Limit Break Configuration Module
module Limit_Break
 # Skill ID of Limits
 Limits = [2,3,4,5]
 # Note Tag. If this tag appears in a skill note, this skill is flagged as a limit
 # An alternative to the above method.
 Skill_Tag = '[Limit]'
 # Actors with the Limit command
 Actors = [1,2]
 # Limit Battle Command Index
 # SYNTAX: { Actor_ID => index }
 Command_Index = { }
 Command_Index.default = 0
 # Actor Maximum amount of LP (Limit Points)
 # This is the maximum number of LP an actor needs to have in order to use Limits
 # SYNTAX: { Actor_ID => value }
 LP_Max = { }
 LP_Max.default = 100
 # Limit Mode Names
 Mode_Names = [
 # Limit Mode Descriptions
 Mode_Descriptions = [
            'Receive damage from enemy',
            'Deal damage to enemy',
            'Healing HP of an ally',
            'Ally hit by an enemy',
            'Destroying an enemy',
            'Win a battle as an included member',
            'Inflict negative status on an enemy',
            'Destroying an enemy with a critical hit',
            'Turn reaches self',
            'Turn reaches self when near death',
            'Fight alone',
            'Escaping from a battle',
            'Evading an enemy attack',
            'Reduce or nullify an enemy status/element attack',
            'Hit by negative status from an enemy',
            'Turn reaches self under negative status effects',
            'Enemy kill ally'
 # Limit Mode Gauge Increment Formulas
 Mode_Increment = [
           "((@hp_damage.to_f * 30.0) / self.maxhp.to_f).ceil",
           "((@hp_damage.to_f * 10.0) / @estimated_hp_damage.to_f).ceil",
           "((@hp_damage.abs.to_f * 16.0) / self.maxhp.to_f).ceil",
           "((@hp_damage.to_f * 20.0) / self.maxhp.to_f).ceil",
           "20 * (member.maxlp / 100)",
           "20 * (user.maxlp / 100)",
           "16 * (user.maxlp / 100)",
           "20 * (user.maxlp / 100)",
           "4 *  (@active_battler.maxlp / 100)",
           "16 * (@active_battler.maxlp / 100)",
           "16 * (@active_battler.maxlp / 100)",
           "10 * (member.maxlp / 100)",
           "16 * (target.maxlp / 100)",
           "10 * (self.maxlp / 100)",
           "16 * (user.maxlp / 100)",
           "16 * (@active_battler.maxlp / 100)",
           "30 * (user.maxlp / 100)"
 # Limit Modes Learning Rate
 # This is the number if times an actor must meet modes requitement in order to
 # gain this mode.
 # SYNTAX: { Mode_ID => { Actor_ID => value } }
 # NOTE: If a mode is not defined or a value is not specified for an actor,
 #    the mode is automatically available.
 Mode_Learn_Rate = {
           1 => {1 => 1, 2 => 100, 3 => 100, 4 => 100,
              5 => 100, 6 => 100, 7 => 100, 8 => 100,}
 Mode_Learn_Rate.default = 0
 # Limit gauge color 1        Â
 Gauge_Color1 = 28
 # Limit gauge color 2
 Gauge_Color2 = 29
 # Negative States
 Negative_States = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
 # SE played when the limit gauge is full
 Limit_SE = 'Chime2'
 # Have the limit menu in the main menu?
 Limit_Menu = true
 # Index of the Limit command in the main menu?
 Menu_Index = 3
 # Is Mode selection enabled?
 Mode_Enabled = true
# ** Sound
# Â This module plays sound effects. It obtains sound effects specified in the
# database from $data_system, and plays them.
module Sound
 # Limit
 def self.play_limit
  se =
# ** RPG::Skill
class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem
 # * Is this skill a Limit?
 def limit?
  note_tag = @note.downcase.include?(Limit_Break::Skill_Tag.downcase)
  if Limit_Break::Limits.include?(@id) or note_tag
   return true
   return false
# ** Game_System
# Â This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.
class Game_System
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_system_initialize initialize
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  # The Usual
  # Add Limit command to the main menu
  if Limit_Break::Limit_Menu
   add_menu_command(Limit_Break::Menu_Index, Vocab::Limit)
# ** Game_Actor
# Â This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :limit_mode
 attr_accessor :limit_modes
 attr_accessor :added_modes
 attr_accessor :lp
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_actor_setup setup
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_actor_skill_can_use? skill_can_use?
 # * Setup
 #   actor_id : actor ID
 def setup(actor_id)
  @lp = 0           # How much the limit bar is filled
  @limit_mode = 0       # ID of the limit (or overdrive) mode
  @limit_modes = [0]      # Limit modes available
  @limit_modes_rate = {}    # Learning progression of limit modes
  @limit_modes_rate_max = {}  # Max value to learn limit modes
  @added_modes = []      # Limit Modes newly added
  setup_limit_modes_rate    # Setup limit modes learning variables
 # * Setup Limit Modes Rate
 def setup_limit_modes_rate
  # Cycle through all Limit modes
  for mode_id in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]
   # Set initial limit mode rate to 0
   @limit_modes_rate[mode_id] = 0
   # Set maximum limit mode rate
   if Limit_Break::Mode_Learn_Rate[mode_id].nil?
    value = Limit_Break::Mode_Learn_Rate.default
   elsif Limit_Break::Mode_Learn_Rate[mode_id][].nil?
    value = Limit_Break::Mode_Learn_Rate.default
    value = Limit_Break::Mode_Learn_Rate[mode_id][]
   @limit_modes_rate_max[mode_id] = value
   # Gain limit mode if maximum rate is 0
   if value == 0
 # * Determine Usable Skills
 #   skill : skill
 def skill_can_use?(skill)
  # Set a limit break as enabled in the Limit Menu
  if Limit_Break::Limits.include?( && skill_learn?(skill)
   return true
  # The usual
 # * Determine Usable Limits
 #   skill_id : skill ID
 def limit_can_use?
  return Limit_Break::Actors.include?(@actor_id)
 # * Determine Limit Command Access
 def limit_ready?
  return @lp == maxlp
 # * Max LP
 def maxlp
  result = Limit_Break::LP_Max[@actor_id]
  result = Limit_Break::LP_Max.default if result.nil?
  return result
 # * Gain LP
 def gain_lp(lp)
  last_lp = @lp
  @lp = [[@lp + lp, maxlp].min, 0].max
  # Play Limit SE when lp reaches max
  if @lp == maxlp && last_lp != maxlp
 # * Gain a Limit Mode
 #   mode_id : mode ID
 def gain_limit_mode(mode_id)
  unless @limit_modes.include?(mode_id)
   @limit_modes << mode_id
   # Add mode to newly added modes list if the mode is not available
   unless @limit_modes_rate_max[mode_id] == 0
    @added_modes << mode_id
 # * Lose a Limit Mode
 #   mode_id : mode ID
 def lose_limit_mode(mode_id)
 # * Increase Limit Mode Learning Rate
 #   mode_id : mode ID
 #   value  : value
 def increase_mode_rate(mode_id, value=1)
  @limit_modes_rate[mode_id] += value
  # Gain Limit Mode
  if @limit_modes_rate[mode_id] >= @limit_modes_rate_max[mode_id]
 # * Decrease Limit Mode Learning Rate
 #   mode_id : mode ID
 #   value  : value (automatically turned to Negative Integer)
 def decrease_mode_rate(mode_id, value=1)
  increase_mode_rate(mode_id, -value)
 # * Determine Near Incapacitation
 def crisis?
  return self.hp < self.maxhp / 4
 # * Determine Element Nullification
 #   element_id : element ID
 def nullify_element?(element_id)
  return element_rate(element_id) == 0
# ** Game_Battler
# Â This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass of the Game_Actor
# and Game_Enemy classes.
class Game_Battler
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader :estimated_hp_damage
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_initialize initialize
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_execute_damage execute_damage
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_skill_effect skill_effect
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_make_attack_damage_value make_attack_damage_value
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_make_obj_damage_value make_obj_damage_value
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_apply_state_changes apply_state_changes
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  @estimated_hp_damage = 0
  # The usual
 # * Estimation of Damage From Normal Attack
 #   attacker : Attacker
 #   The results are substituted for @hp_damage
 #   Does not take defense into conssideration
 def estimated_attack_damage_value(attacker)
  damage = attacker.atk * 4            # base calculation
  damage = 0 if damage < 0             # if negative, make 0
  damage *= elements_max_rate(attacker.element_set)  # elemental adjustment
  damage /= 100
  if damage == 0                  # if damage is 0,
   damage = rand(2)                # half of the time, 1 dmg
  elsif damage > 0                 # a positive number?
   @critical = (rand(100) < attacker.cri)     # critical hit?
   @critical = false if prevent_critical     # criticals prevented?
   damage *= 3 if @critical            # critical adjustment
   @critical = false
  damage = apply_variance(damage, 20)       # variance
  return damage                  # damage HP
 # * Damage Reflection
 #   user : User of skill or item
 #   @hp_damage, @mp_damage, or @absorbed must be calculated before this
 #   method is called.
 def execute_damage(user)
  @estimated_hp_damage = estimated_attack_damage_value(user)
  # The usual
  # If "Stoic"
  if actor? && @hp_damage > 0
   if self.limit_mode == 0
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[0]
    result = eval(formula)
  # If "Warrior"
  if !actor? && &&  @hp_damage > 0
   if user.limit_mode == 1
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[1]
    result = eval(formula)
  # If "Healer"
  if actor? && && @hp_damage < 0
   if user.limit_mode == 2
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[2]
    result = eval(formula)
  # If "Comrad"
  if actor? && @hp_damage > 0
   for member in $game_party.members
    next if member == self
    if member.limit_mode == 3
     formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[3]
     result = eval(formula)
  # If "Slayer"
  if !actor? && self.dead? &&
   if user.limit_mode == 4
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[4]
    result = eval(formula)
  # If "Hero"
  if !actor? && self.dead? && @critical &&
   if user.limit_mode == 7
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[7]
    result = eval(formula)
  # If "Avenger"
  if actor? && self.dead? && !
   for member in $game_party.members
    next if member == self
    if user.limit_mode == 16
     formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[16]
     result = eval(formula)
 # * Apply Skill Effects
 #   user  : Skill user
 #   skill : skill
 def skill_effect(user, skill)
  # The usual
  dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_skill_effect(user, skill)
  # If "Tactician"
  if !actor? &&
   for state_id in Limit_Break::Negative_States
    if @added_states.include?(state_id)
     if user.limit_mode == 6
      formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[6]
      result = eval(formula)
  # If "Sufferer"
  if actor? && !
   for state_id in Limit_Break::Negative_States
    if @added_states.include?(state_id)
     if self.limit_mode == 14
      formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[14]
      result = eval(formula)
 # * Calculation of Damage From Normal Attack
 #   attacker : Attacker
 #   The results are substituted for @hp_damage
 def make_attack_damage_value(attacker)
  # The usual
  # If "Rook" (for Elements)
  max_rate = elements_max_rate(attacker.element_set)
  if actor? && max_rate < 100
   if self.limit_mode == 13
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[13]
    result = eval(formula)
 # * Calculation of Damage Caused by Skills or Items
 #   user : User of skill or item
 #   obj  : Skill or item (for normal attacks, this is nil)
 #   The results are substituted for @hp_damage or @mp_damage.
 def make_obj_damage_value(user, obj)
  # The usual
  dargor_vx_limit_break_battler_make_obj_damage_value(user, obj)
  # If "Rook" (for Elements)
  max_rate = elements_max_rate(obj.element_set)
  if actor? && max_rate < 100
   if self.limit_mode == 13
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[13]
    result = eval(formula)
 # * Apply State Changes
 #   obj : Skill, item, or attacker
 def apply_state_changes(obj)
  plus = obj.plus_state_set
  # If "Rook" (for States)
  if actor?
   for state_id in plus
    if state_resist?(state_id) && Limit_Break::Negative_States.include?(state_id)
     if self.limit_mode == 13
      formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[13]
      result = eval(formula)
  # The usual
# ** Window_Base
# Â This is a superclass of all windows in the game.
class Window_Base < Window
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_window_base_draw_actor_name draw_actor_name
 # * Draw Name
 #   actor : actor
 #   x   : draw spot x-coordinate
 #   y   : draw spot y-coordinate
 def draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
  unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Status) or $scene.is_a?(Scene_File) or
   draw_actor_limit_gauge(actor, x, y, 112)
  dargor_vx_limit_break_window_base_draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
 # * Draw Limit Gauge
 #   actor : actor
 #   x   : draw spot x-coordinate
 #   y   : draw spot y-coordinate
 #   width : Width
 def draw_actor_limit_gauge(actor, x, y, width = 120)
  gw = width * actor.lp / actor.maxlp
  gc1 = text_color(Limit_Break::Gauge_Color1)
  gc2 = text_color(Limit_Break::Gauge_Color2)
  self.contents.fill_rect(x, y + WLH - 8, width, 6, gauge_back_color)
  self.contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, y + WLH - 8, gw, 6, gc1, gc2)
 # * Draw Actor Limit
 def draw_actor_limit(actor, x, y)
  draw_actor_limit_gauge(actor, x, y)
  self.contents.font.color = system_color
 # * Draw Actor Limit Mode
 def draw_actor_limit_mode(actor, x, y)
  self.contents.font.color = normal_color
  mode = Limit_Break::Mode_Names[actor.limit_mode]
# ** Window_Status
# Â This window displays full status specs on the status screen.
class Window_Status < Window_Base
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_window_status_draw_basic_info draw_basic_info
 # * Draw Basic Information
 #   x : Draw spot X coordinate
 #   y : Draw spot Y coordinate
 def draw_basic_info(x, y)
  # The usual
  # Draw actor limit gauge
  draw_actor_limit(@actor, x, y + WLH * 4)
# ** Window_Limit
# Â This window displays a list of usable limits on the limit screen, etc.
class Window_Limit < Window_Skill
 # * Refresh
 def refresh
  @data = []
  for skill in @actor.skills
   @data.push(skill) if skill.limit?
   if == @actor.last_skill_id
    self.index = @data.size - 1
  @item_max = @data.size
  for i in 0...@item_max
# ** Window_LimitStatus
# Â This window displays actor status on the limit screen, etc.
class Window_LimitStatus < Window_Base
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(actor)
  @actor = actor
 # * Refresh
 def refresh
  return if @actor.nil?
  draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, 0)
  draw_actor_limit(@actor, 192, 0)
  draw_actor_limit_mode(@actor, 336, 0)
# ** Window_LimitMode
# Â This window displays a list of usable limit modes on the limit screen, etc.
class Window_LimitMode < Window_Selectable
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(actor)
  super(0, 112, 544, 304)
  @actor = actor
  @item_max = @actor.limit_modes.size
  @column_max = 2
  @mode_id = @actor.limit_mode
  self.index = 0
 # * Selected Limit Mode Description
 def description
  return Limit_Break::Mode_Descriptions[@actor.limit_modes[self.index]]
 # * Refresh
 def refresh
  for i in 0...@item_max
   rect = item_rect(i)
   if @mode_id == @actor.limit_modes[i]
    self.contents.font.color = text_color(29)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
   mode_id = @actor.limit_modes[i]
   self.contents.draw_text(rect, Limit_Break::Mode_Names[mode_id])
 # * Select Limit Mode
 def select_mode
  @mode_id = @actor.limit_modes[self.index]
  @actor.limit_mode = @mode_id
 # * Update Help Text
 def update_help
  @help_window.set_text(description == nil ? "" : description)
# ** Scene_Limit
# Â This class performs the limit screen processing.
class Scene_Limit < Scene_Base
 # * Object Initialization
 #   actor_index : actor index
 def initialize(actor_index = 0)
  @actor_index = actor_index
 # * Start Processing
 def start
  @actor = $game_party.members[@actor_index]
  @help_window =
  @mode_window =
  @mode_window.help_window = @help_window
  @mode_window.visible = false = false
  @limit_window =, 112, 544, 304, @actor)
  @limit_window.help_window = @help_window
  @status_window =
  @command_window =,[Vocab::Limit, Vocab::Mode], 2) = false
  @command_window.visible = false
 # * Termination processing
 def terminate
 # * Frame Update
 def update
 # * Frame Update (Command Selection)
 def update_command_selection
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
   index = $game_system.menu_commands.index(Vocab::Limit)
   $scene =
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
   case @command_window.index
   when 0 = true
    @limit_window.visible = true = true
    @help_window.visible = true = false
    @mode_window.visible = false = false
    @command_window.visible = false
   when 1 = true
    @mode_window.visible = true = true
    @help_window.visible = true = false
    @limit_window.visible = false = false
    @command_window.visible = false
 # * Frame Update (Limit Selection)
 def update_limit_selection
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
   if Limit_Break::Mode_Enabled = false
    @command_window.visible = true = true = false
    @help_window.visible = false
    index = $game_system.menu_commands.index(Vocab::Limit)
    $scene =
 # * Frame Update (Mode Selection)
 def update_mode_selection
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
   Sound.play_cancel = false
   @command_window.visible = true = true = false
   @help_window.visible = false
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
# ** Scene_Menu
# Â This class performs the menu screen processing.
class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_menu_update_command_selection update_command_selection
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_menu_update_actor_selection update_actor_selection
 # * Update Command Selection
 def update_command_selection
  # The usual
  # Limit Selection
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
   case @command_window.selection
   when Vocab::Limit
 # * Update Actor Selection
 def update_actor_selection
  # The usual
  # Limit Selection
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
   $game_party.last_actor_index = @status_window.index
   case @command_window.selection
   when Vocab::Limit
    $scene =
# ** Scene_Battle
# Â This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_start_actor_command_selection start_actor_command_selection
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_update_actor_command_selection update_actor_command_selection
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_next_actor next_actor
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_prior_actor prior_actor
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_battle_end battle_end
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_display_evasion display_evasion
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_execute_action_skill execute_action_skill
 alias dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_display_level_up display_level_up
 # * Start Actor Command Selection
 def start_actor_command_selection
  # Add the Limit command if actor's limit gauge is full
  if @active_battler.limit_ready? && @active_battler.limit_can_use?
   index = Limit_Break::Command_Index[]
   @active_battler.add_command(index, Vocab::LimitCommand)
  # The usual
 # * Update Actor Command Selection
 def update_actor_command_selection
  # The usual
  # Limit selection
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
   case @actor_command_window.selection
   when @active_battler.class.command_name(Vocab::LimitCommand)
 # * Go to Command Input for Next Actor
 def next_actor
  # The usual
  # If "Ally", "Daredevil", "Alone" or "Victim"
  if @active_battler != nil
   # Ally or Daredevil
   if [8, 9].include?(@active_battler.limit_mode)
    # Gain LP when turn reach actor
    formula_id = @active_battler.crisis? ? 9 : 8
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[formula_id]
    result = eval(formula)
   # Alone
   alone = true
   for member in $game_party.members
    next if member == @active_battler
    alone &&= member.dead?
   if alone
   if @active_battler.limit_mode == 10 && alone
    # Gain LP when turn reach actor
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[10]
    result = eval(formula)
   # Victim
   victim = false
   for state_id in Limit_Break::Negative_States
    if @active_battler.state?(state_id)
     victim = true
   if victim
   if @active_battler.limit_mode == 15 && victim
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[15]
    result = eval(formula)
 # * Go to Command Input of Previous Actor
 def prior_actor
  # If "Ally", "Daredevil", "Alone" or "Victim"
  if @active_battler != nil
   # Ally or Daredevil
   if [8, 9].include?(@active_battler.limit_mode)
    # Gain LP when turn reach actor
    formula_id = @active_battler.crisis? ? 9 : 8
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[formula_id]
    result = eval(formula)
   # Alone
   alone = true
   for member in $game_party.members
    next if member == @active_battler
    alone &&= member.dead?
   if alone
   if @active_battler.limit_mode == 10 && alone
    # Gain LP when turn reach actor
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[10]
    result = eval(formula)
   # Victim
   victim = false
   for state_id in Limit_Break::Negative_States
    if @active_battler.state?(state_id)
     victim = true
   if victim
   if @active_battler.limit_mode == 15 && victim
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[15]
    result = eval(formula)
  # The usual
 # * End Battle
 #   result : Results (0: win, 1: escape, 2:lose)
 def battle_end(result)
  # If "Victor"
  if result == 0
   for member in $game_party.members
    next if member.dead?
    if member.limit_mode == 5
     formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[5]
     result = eval(formula)
  # If "Coward"
  if result == 1
   for member in $game_party.members
    next if member.dead?
    if member.limit_mode == 11
     formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[11]
     result = eval(formula)
  # The usual
 # * Show Escape
 #   target : Target
 #   obj   : Skill or item
 def display_evasion(target, obj = nil)
  # If "Dancer"
   if target.limit_mode == 12
    formula = Limit_Break::Mode_Increment[12]
    result = eval(formula)
  # The usual
  dargor_vx_limit_break_battle_display_evasion(target, obj)
 # * Start Skill Selection
 def start_limit_selection
  @help_window =
  @skill_window =, 56, 544, 232, @active_battler)
  @skill_window.help_window = @help_window = false
 # * Execute Battle Action: Skill
 def execute_action_skill
  skill = @active_battler.action.skill
  # If executing a Limit
  if && @active_battler.limit_ready? &&
   @active_battler.lp = 0
  # The usual
 # * Display Level Up
 def display_level_up
  # The usual
  # Display new limit modes
 # * Display Level Up
 def display_new_limit_modes
  for member in $game_party.members
   for mode_id in member.added_modes
    mode_name = Limit_Break::Mode_Names[mode_id]
    text = sprintf(Vocab::ModeLearn,, mode_name)
Refer to the script header.
Requires the Custom Commands script
Should be compatible with everything except some script that alters command windows
Credits and Thanks
Don't forget to give me credit!
Terms and Conditions
Free for Commercial Use. Credits to the script author, Dargor, are required.
Hope you like it!