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[VX] Large Party



Dargor":3v8dtw08 said:
ok thanks. I'll be able to work on it tomorrow night so you can expect an update this weekend.

cool! i will wait for it! <3

sometimes i could just kick myself into the face.
I always mess up posting in the right topic eh?
Yea similar to an earlier post, it clashes with RPG tankentai v2.7. I have a 4 member battle party but a 8 member party. So when i have all 8 characters (using yoru Large Party script) in battle, it'll have the 4 character thats going ot be in battle but when im done choosing the action for the 4th guy, the other characters thats not suppose to be in battle, the 5th,6th,7th,and 8th, the game will ask me to actiosn for them too >_<

Is there any way you can fix this? I gave Mr.bubbles the heads up on my problem too.

i also get that BITMAP error from one of the earlier posts.
It's because the tankenta CBS has it's own Large Party system. And unless someone modifies a good part of it, my large party script won't be compatible, because the CBS depends on a couple of variables related to its own large party system.

And about the bitmap bug, if you are using my party changer, the problem is probably the 'locked' picture. Make sure its extension is .png
If it's not the problem, then can you give me more details please?

Take care!



PingPong":z1ce8vfz said:
Yea similar to an earlier post, it clashes with RPG tankentai v2.7. I have a 4 member battle party but a 8 member party. So when i have all 8 characters (using yoru Large Party script) in battle, it'll have the 4 character thats going ot be in battle but when im done choosing the action for the 4th guy, the other characters thats not suppose to be in battle, the 5th,6th,7th,and 8th, the game will ask me to actiosn for them too >_<

Is there any way you can fix this? I gave Mr.bubbles the heads up on my problem too.

i also get that BITMAP error from one of the earlier posts.

ok i had 8 members too, but that battles became boring so i made 6.
now to your Problem:

look for this in the Tankentai battle script:
(line 70 - 78 at mine)
and change it to this:
(for 6 player)
# â—
@ Dargor
well when i started a new project in order to test a few things, i had an NPC add party members. I went through an put the size i want (8) to all parts of the script that is need. The @Max_Member = 8 and the little $game_party.members.size-8

but when i talk to then NPC, i open up the menu and i get the bitmap error.

No, i dont want all 8 members out on the field, just 4, but instead, when im done choosing action for the 4 characters thats on the field, it'll ask me for the actions of the other characters that arent suppose to be in battle.

for example

*should only be 4 characters in battle and on the field. And 8 total party members in the party overall
-Choosing Action-
Character 1 -> Attack
Character 2 -> Defend
Character 3 -> Magic
Character 4 -> Heal

(and thats when they are suppose to do those action but instead, the game continues to ask me to choose actions for the rest of the part members when they arent suppose to be in battle.) then i get an error.

ok at around lines 1191 or something on the Sideview battle, it asks me to add in the character IDs in the battle. Well now, after the 4th character's action is chosen, it gets an error right there.

http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc22 ... tled-4.jpg[/img]



PingPong":21axuwz3 said:
@ Dargor
well when i started a new project in order to test a few things, i had an NPC add party members. I went through an put the size i want (8) to all parts of the script that is need. The @Max_Member = 8 and the little $game_party.members.size-8

but when i talk to then NPC, i open up the menu and i get the bitmap error.

No, i dont want all 8 members out on the field, just 4, but instead, when im done choosing action for the 4 characters thats on the field, it'll ask me for the actions of the other characters that arent suppose to be in battle.

for example

*should only be 4 characters in battle and on the field. And 8 total party members in the party overall
-Choosing Action-
Character 1 -> Attack
Character 2 -> Defend
Character 3 -> Magic
Character 4 -> Heal

(and thats when they are suppose to do those action but instead, the game continues to ask me to choose actions for the rest of the part members when they arent suppose to be in battle.) then i get an error.

ok at around lines 1191 or something on the Sideview battle, it asks me to add in the character IDs in the battle. Well now, after the 4th character's action is chosen, it gets an error right there.

http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc22 ... tled-4.jpg[/img]

Why dont you just do 4 Players in your party but do another 4 Players into Reserve using Dargor's Party Manager? you could just change them after battles / in battles then.
(just do Large Party Script to Max Member 4 and use the Party Manager script =P)

I found a fix all by myself ^_^ and it fixed ALL of the problems.

Thats right, i made the large party script compatible with RPG tankentai's

Well i had help from mr. bubble, so he told me to get KGC's large party instead as its compatible, but i love Dargor's large party and i need it for his awesome party changer. So i decided to use BOTH KGC's AND Dargor's party changer.

It works! I putted Dargor's above KGC.

Now, Dargor's large party is used for his Party changer and it works and KGC is used for battle. Since KGC doesnt render all party member into the battle, you can use Dargor's party changer to switch characters.

Im soo happy right now, i've been having this problem for WEEKS.



PingPong":bdzn8pg8 said:

I found a fix all by myself ^_^ and it fixed ALL of the problems.

Thats right, i made the large party script compatible with RPG tankentai's

Well i had help from mr. bubble, so he told me to get KGC's large party instead as its compatible, but i love Dargor's large party and i need it for his awesome party changer. So i decided to use BOTH KGC's AND Dargor's party changer.

It works! I putted Dargor's above KGC.

Now, Dargor's large party is used for his Party changer and it works and KGC is used for battle. Since KGC doesnt render all party member into the battle, you can use Dargor's party changer to switch characters.

Im soo happy right now, i've been having this problem for WEEKS.

like i said:
it is compatible.
i just dont get what you wanted lol.
Hmmm, that's weird, the version here is 1.3 and I have updated this script 2 months ago to version 1.6.
Did I really forgot to update the topic!?!? Sorry about that.

Try to use the new version. Maybe it will solve your problems.



Dargor":3trkjtfd said:
Hmmm, that's weird, the version here is 1.3 and I have updated this script 2 months ago to version 1.6.
Did I really forgot to update the topic!?!? Sorry about that.

Try to use the new version. Maybe it will solve your problems.

are you sure you forgot it?
i already had 1.6 =P

oh yeah one more question:
is there a way to make the battle window show more then 4 player?
(like 6 in my game)
with an option to resize it yourself? (i have resolution 608 x 448 lol =P)
so i could make it larger so it shows 6 at once instead of 4 with scrolling to the other 2 :P




Dargor":2y7cs3ts said:
Oh, yeah, no problem! That's an excellent idea.

yup yup yup but its no problem for me, just for others -
i got the ATB-ADD-on for Tankentai so i actually dont need it :P
can only have 7 characters, when I try to add the eigth it doesn't do anything... even set the party limit to 100 and still could only have 7
You are probably using another script that interferes with this one. Try placing the script above Main and below everything else.
I did that and it now only can be 6 people in my party...

Nevermind, if you want to have more than 6, you gotta go to line 28 and change the 6 to whatever you want. :D Never hurts to look around lol.
A small problem I seem to be having, when I use the "$game_party.max_members = x" in an event script command, it doesn't seem to actually do anything.  My maximum party size remains at the original setting in line 28 of the script.  Am I missing something?

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