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Victory Road

Zack was let down when glen declined his offer. He was caught off guard when the other boy had purposed that he battle him. Zack stood there dumbstruck, Although charmander would not listen to him one bit, He grinned. "Alright! Let's do this!...If you can take me down." A quick movement he was ready in a battle stance also, The small pokeball had enlarged and he flicked it into the air. The charmander flipped out and landed skidding, He looked back at Zack with a glare that could scare anyone. Nether the less Zack had to take control "Charmander pay attention to the battle..Now!", Charmander was shocked at what Zack said. At first it wanted to attack Zack but, it looked around at went into battle position also. Zack smiled and yelled "Yes! Finally a real battle were I do not get barbecued by my own pokemon."

Sure, Lucian didn't know about different Pokemon, and where gyms were, and other important facts such as these, but he did know how to battle. The trainer who had granted him Spearow had taught him and proclaimed him a natural.

"Spearow, peck!" he called as he released the avian out of its container. It obeyed, floating into the air and making a beeline for the opposing Charmander. It reached the foe lightning fast and began an onslaught of vicious beck strikes to the fire pokemon's head.
Zack was panicked at how nimble that sparrow was, Charmander only knew scratch and tail whip. To be honest Zack knew that charmander might be defeated against the avian brute. "Charmander counterblow with scratch!" The Lizard obeyed and during his enemy's onslaught he scratched him right in the face. Charmander sprang back and spurred in, Zack kept hollering "No he is going to hurt you! Come back!" This only proved how imprudent his pokemon was.
The scratch glanced the side of Spearow's face, but the bird was tough enough to shake it off.

"Spearow, leer!" The bird shot Charmander a dark glance, terrifying the Pokemon into dropping its defences. Spearow rushed back in, renewing its vicious attack cycle.
Leer left charmander caterwauling, Charmander kept scrubbing his eyes cantankerous to combat. "Charmander come on! Let's do a scratch" Charmander took a couple of moments to take it back. He noticed the sparrow and dashed towards it. He leaped forwards and scratched the sparrow with most of his might.

"Charmander! Rush back and countercharge any move that comes your way. Air or ground!"
From the sidelines, Rupert had a great view of the action. He knew it was common for trainers to battle soon after they met, yet he was still surprised that it had happened within the group.

"For a rare'un, that Charmander's not doing so well..." he whispered to Glen. "Though that Parrot's got a load of pep."

"Charmander's praised because it's supposed to be both strong and easy to control. It takes a huge amount of either effort or imcompetence for it to be neither. I have to admit I'm a little impressed by it. And that's not a parrot."

"Oh, if you say so, princess."
"Man, are you a dumbass? Why would you tell me your plan?"

Spearow halted in midattack, its senses telling it not to advance further. "Spearow, leer! That pokemon won't be able to do much if it's too afraid fo you!"

The bird shot its opponent another withering glance, disarming it again. Now Spearow truly pushed its opening, slamming its beak into Charmander's skull with heavy impact.
Charmander flew back skidding on the battlefield once again. It was losing a lot of health, Still it wanted to defeat this avian beast. Zack ran up and whispered a plan into his ears, Zack ran back into his position and yelled "Alright charmander do it". Charmander  ran in a zing-zag like behavior, He tried to juke the enemy. He got as far as two feet and waited at any on coming attacks.
The Charmander darted in a slow, clumsy zigzag and stopped dead. Spearow cast one more leer at it to disarm it before Lucian called out his order:

"Spearow, we've played around with it long enough. Finish it!"

Spearow fly straight up and darted across and down, ending up behind the disarmed Charmander. The three leers had significantly dropped its defense, so the next Peck to the back of its neck did very heavy damage. Lucian leaped up as high as he could (which actually wasn't very far) and cheered.

"Nice, Spearow! You rock!"



Glen watched the battle come to a close with very little interest. It was much more interesting to watch her brothers having thier pokemon spar against each other.

The charmander wasn't very impressive. Her oldest brother had given charmanders a lot of praise for being so easy to raise bespite its strength. Obviously this one was a deviation from the norm, her brother being incorrect about something was impossible.

On the bright side, that was one less loser following her.

"Congratulations." She said, hardly sounding like she meant it as she walked around the two trainers. "Now if you don't mind I want to at least make some progress before it gets dark."
Zack stared at charmander, "How...How..It seemed so strong" he thought "Charmander get up! get up". But it stayed there, Zack took the loss well and yelled "Congratulations! You deserve it". Reaching onto his belt he took out his pokeball and returned charmander to his domain. He took a couple of steps forward and glared back " I think I need some more pokemon,no?". With that said he jolted forward hoping that there was a poke center up ahead.
"Heehee! I did it! I did it! I-" he began to sing, but stopped as he saw Glen give him a disaproving look. He hurriedly jogged to her side, recalling Spearow as he moved.

"Okay." he agreed. "Let's move on." Already the sky was turning slightly orange. They would need to move immediatly if they wished to be anywhere before nighfell.



A two sentrets and a spearow leapt out into the path into the group. Wild pokemon, her brothers had told her longer grass was dangerous but this part of the path was overgrown and it couldn't be helped. This was more of a blessing than a curse, though. More pokemon could only be a good thing, no matter how confident she was in Cyndaquil's abilities.

"That one." She said, pointing to the smaller and closer of the two sentrets. "That one's mine."

She took Cyndaquil's pokeball from her bag strap and released the fire mouse between her and the sentret, who had already leapt at Glen ready to scratch. Cyndaquil's bake flame flared up as it lauched itself forward in a tackle as soon as it was released. The snatch nicked cyndaquil's side but sentret was clearly the worse off from the collision, being knocked back several metres.

"Tackle it again." She said, rooting around in her bag for a pokeball. She really had just stuffed things on and not organized it at all. Cyndaquil dashed forward before the sentret could recover, hitting the scout pokemon and sending it skidding back a few more feet as Glen finally found a pokeball.

"Gotcha." She said under her breath, tossing the pokeball at the sentret. It struggled a little but the pokeball closed completely after a few seconds.
Hilberd had finally caught up, he was able to see a last few moments of battle. The Spearow certainly wasn't the most powerful he had ever seen, but unlike that Charmander it's strength was well used, quite impressive. The boy that had been shouting before had now called back his Charmander, murmered a few words and started running. The Spearow's trainer and the rest of the group hadn't seen Hilberd watching the battle too. Now they had turned their backs toward Hilberd and started walking again.

"Dammit, now I'm chasing them again!"

Hilberd took a sprint towards the Spearow Trainer, and put a hand on his shoulder. Panting the words:

"Sorry I'm late, I'm Hilberd, I-I took another route."

The boy turned with his entire body taking notice of Hilberd.

"Nice Spearow ye got, but where did that boy with that Charmander g-"

Hilberd couldn't finish it's sentence, a Sentret had leaped in front of them. He quickly reached for Mickey's pokéball and threw it up yelling: "Mickey I choose you!" Not that Hilberd had much to chose from really, he was just copying his older brother's phrases.

Sentret took a second leap to use a scratch attack, luckily Hilberd had called out Micky fast ennouh to make him block the attack. It didn't really matter to Mickey, but the Mawile did seem to think it was a nasty first thing to feel when being released out of it's ball.

Sentret was a normal type, most other Mawiles as young as Mickey would've surely had a problem, because their only attack would be Astonish, Mickey however, had a Seviper in it's family tree. Where exactly wasn't something any human would know, Hilberd had recieved the egg from a friend of his father's, who also was very surprised Mawile knew an attack like...

"OK go! Use Poison Fang!"

The Sentret was too close to even attempt avoiding the dual horn, which impersonated a large pair of jaws. Mickey caught the Sentret right between his horns, then violently shook and threw the Sentret. The Squirrel pokémon got back up, it had flied quite a distance, but it crossed this distance very quickly as it dashed forward with a white light on it's tail. Mickey took the unexpected Quick Attack, even though it might have been a critical hit, the damage was minimal thanks to Mawile's defensive typing.

"OK Mickey good, hit it another time with Poison Fang!"

Once again the attack hit. The Sentret was sent right back into the high grass! Hilberd took a pokéball from his belt, but only to realise, he could no longer see the Sentret. Well it didn't matter, it's not like Hilberd specifically wanted a Sentret anyway.

"Great work Mickey!" he yelled at the creature, that tried to mimic his grim, both with it's mouth and duals horns. Then Mickey returned to the pokéball Hilberd held. Now he turned back to the Spearow Trainer.

"You seem my age, and I don't really know anyone here, want to become friends?"
Rupert watched as the Sentret fled into to the green, slightly disappointed that he didn't get a chance at it. The Spearow, however, was still perched on a low branch not far away. Rupert tossed Teddy's pokeball forward, releasing the two-foot Bear onto the path.

"Go on, Teddy! Get that pa--birdie!" Teddy ran towards the tree, but stopped beneath its branches. Poor Teddy couldn't reach! "Oh right, you can't fly!", Rupert laughed. The Spearow still sat in the tree, indignantly preening its feathers. "In that case, jump back and get it's attention with Leer!". Teddy turned, waddled forward a few feet and faced the Spearow, staring and growling. "Now you have its attention, use Yawn!". As instructed, Teddy stretched and let loose a loud yawn. The Spearow, caught by the infectious yawn, followed suit and drifted off into sleep. "Now-", Rupert whispered in an attempt to instruct Teddy without disturbing the dozing sparrow. "-jump up and knock it down with Scratch!"

The Spearow fell to the ground, but to everyone's surprise, did not wake. "Again, Teddy!" Teddy took another cheap swipe at the bird, injuring it beyond the capability of flying away. "Now, for the ball." Rupert pulled a pokeball out of one of his huge pockets and threw it at the Spearow. The ball opened, took the Spearow inside and lay on the ground shaking.
Lucian paused with one hand in the air as a strange pokemon darted froward at his prey. The sentret was knocked clear and Hilberd - the boy who now stood next to the short boy - recalled it.

"That was your pokemon?" Lucian demanded. "What the hell were you thinking? That Sentret was mine. I was going to catch it. Me!"

Lucian roared and stamped ahead, completely ignoring Glen, the sailor, and Hilberd in his anger. His eyes were cast downwards at his feet, so he stupidly walked right into a tree. He felt blood begin to trickle out of a small wound on his forehead and he looked back to see the group snickering. He let out a silent scream of anger and frustration and charged forward again, this time making sure to look ahead of himself. When the group was far enough away that he could barely see them he pulled out his map, trying to see how close he was to Felice. As it happened, the map was useless - just a bunch of straight yellow lines connecting dots, much like a child's colouring book game.

He had begun to calm down and was feeling quite embarrased by his previous reaction. His temper could get a little out of hand sometimes. Slowly and silently he released Spearow, glad for the bird's company. The group was still a little ways back.
"Some 'tude that trainer got." said Hilberd to himself. His first attempt to converse with a fellow novice had failed, utterly failed. Hilberd sure didn't want to travel alone, he had to make a move before the group would travel on again. The Spearow trainer, or maybe he couldn't refer to the boy as the Spearow trainer anymore now that an older looking male also had caught a Spearow. There was the guy and there was a girl. He had caught a few glampses of them while battling, both having caught a pokémon.

"No more talking to myself! Hilberd told himself, not realising he contradicted himself with this sentence. He walked up to the girl, being closer to him than the guy, not to even mention the boy who had stamped off briefly after a few words.

"Nice catch, that Sentret" Hilberd cheered. "I'm a bit late, hope ye dun mind. My name is Hilberd, I'm a novice trainer too. What's your name?"

Yes name, at least he had to get a name.

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