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Victory Road



"Glen." the girl said with a little less venom than she usually might when asked a question that she had already ansewred once in the last half hour, still a little alarmed from the provious spectacle and not sure whether she found it funny or sad. At the very least it had been somewhat unexpected. "I don't really care at all if you're late."

Cyndaquil's flame died down to the point where it was safe to hold the fire mouse and Glen scooped it up in her arms. It tensed up immediately, still very young and terrified of its trainer, but the girl was in a good mood about the first pokemon she'd caught by herself and just wanted to have her cyndaquil out with her for now.

She wouldn't admit it in a million years, of course, but she was proud of the little thing.

The small pokemon trembled as she hugged it but soon calmed, intelligent enough to realize it was being congratulated rather than punished. Glen crouched down and, still cradling Cyndaquil in one arm, picked up her newly captured Sentret and attached its pokeball to her bagstrap above Cyndaquil's, continuing down the road.

She was moving at a slightly faster pace than Lucian, who seemed to be concerned about losing sight of the group. It wasn't long before she and the rest of the group had caught up.

"Geez, It was just a sentret. They're common as dirt and my brothers say they're weak anyway. Get over yourself! And if you must throw tantrums, at least watch where you're going when you do so!" She snapped from a few feet behind, stroking Cyndaquil's side where the sentret's scratch had nicked it when her yelling scared it again and calming both it and herself down a little. "You're okay, right?"
"...Yeah, whatever." Lucian said, avoiding Glen's gaze. The group walked in relative silence for a few uneventful hours, until the sky was a dark orange color above.

"What are we gonna do now?" Lucian asked. "Do we keep walking, or camp out here? I... kinda don't have much to camp with." he said blatantly. "So I'm all for walking non-stop 'till we reach the next town."
"Well if ye want an try at a Sentret, ye won't be findin' them in the city." Hilberd spewed at the boy. "And Felice Gym specializes in rock pokémon, Spearows don't take rock-type attacks very well. Ye have a reason to catch another pokémon."
Reading that beginner's guide had sure helped Hilberd's knowledge a lot.

He was really disatisfied with the members of the group so far. The boy for obvious reasons, Glen seemed a bit cold, but what really made Hilberd feel bad about Glen was that her Cyndaquil was surprised when she showed her affection. Hopefully it'd evolve soon, the much less timid Quilava might teach her some things. But then there was the other guy somewhat walking behind the group, the one he hadn't spoken to yet. With not much more than a sparkle of hope he took a few steps in his direction.

"Hey there!" Hilberd called out, and a bit of his enthousiasm came back to him. He walked up to the guy who's attention he seemed to have caught. "I'm Hilberd, and I'm a novice trainer. You got a cute Teddiursa with you there. Wouldn't have expected a big guy like you to use a pokémon like that. Not that it matters what pokémon you use of course, plus I heard Teddiursa can become very strong."



Glen sighed, she had hoped to get further before it was dark.

"Do whatever you want, I'm going to camp out. If you're not going to sleep, though, remember that wild pokemon can attack at any time and if you or your pokemon isn't in the best of shape you could be in danger." She paused as she put Cyndaquil down by her feet and then adressed the fire mouse. "Light up."

Obediently, the cyndaquil flared its back, lighting the area. Not waiting for an ansewr from Lucian, the girl set off to look for firewood while she still had the last of the daylight, a fire would scare away wild pokemon during the night.
"Well, while you stay and camp, I'm gonna head forwards. It's only about..." he pulled out his map and stared at it blankly, completely unable to discover his position. "...Only about an hour away!" he lied, hoping someone would believe him, or at least that no one would call his bluff.

"C'mon, anyone coming? As long as we stay on the road we will be fine, right? Let's get moving!" Without looking back Lucian trotted toward Felice briskly.
A slight breeze flowed as the sun began its slow descent towards the horizon. It was getting closer to the dusk hours and the temperature was beginning to get a bit chilly. On the outskirts of Felice town, more specifically, in some foliage nearby, the sound of rustling could be heard. The bulb of a Pokemon and a frizzy bunch of black hair next to it could be seen peeking out from the bushes.

"..... steady... steady... st---AUGH!" cried a young male as he tripped over some roots sticking out from the ground and fell into the open trail path. A wild Spearow flew off into the air as a result. A few seconds later, his Bulbasaur hopped out sympathetically.

Sketch looked up and saw a group of trainers walking along the path. He blinked nervously as his Bulbasaur glanced curiously. Sketch was a bit of an awkward fellow, much similar to his older brother Skye. The major difference between the two, however, was that Skye seemed to have a knack for Pokemon; something Sketch himself didn't feel he really had. If it wasn't for his older brother dropping out of the Pokemon Pro Circuit earlier that year, Sketch would've never really thought of becoming a trainer. He got up dusting himself off and watched as the trainers halted as they approached him.

"Hey. I'm Sketch." he announced semi-softly.
Before he could respond the wild Pokemon appeared startling both him and his Bulbasaur. Blinking Sketch set forth to action. Now was his chance! His very first Pokemon capture; but could he really do it? Nervously he sprang into action.

"Bulbasaur! GO!" Sketch cried forth.

Startled, the Pokemon half instinctively jumped forth causing it to do a sort of half tackle, half stumble into the opposing Pokemon. Both monsters rolled into a ball of creature as they went spiraling into some foliage alongside the path. Sketch, suprised clenched his fist around an empty Pokeball as he watched intently.

"B... Bulbasaur?" Sketch cried nervously.

'Bulba!!" a cry emitted from ther foliage.

Suddenly both Pokemon went flying back onto the path, both being tangled by a web of vines from Bulbasaur's bulb. Startled, Sketch only had a mere second before both creatures went flying into him, sending all three into a burst of dust from the path.

"Ack!" Sketch cried as the Pokeball he was holding went flying up into the air and into the dust cloud surrounding the three...



Glen was still scowling, Cyndaquil stood obediently by her ankles, the flame on its back burning enough to provide light and  keep its trainer warm but low enough not to exhaust it. She would have preferred to wait until morning to enter the city. It wasn't as far off as she had said it was, she had been lying, she just didn't like the idea of being in the city at night.

Since the rest of the group had gone on ahead, though, she had to go too. She wasn't going to be the last to get to Felice because of some stupid fear.

Cyndaquil's back flared up as the hoppip appeared but it quickly lowered again when the boy's bulbasaur tackled it. Its flame died down the a mild glow as Glen lifted it, careful to keep her skin away from its back.

In the dark she could hardly see which pokemon was winning, it was only because the pokeball had a white part that it was distinct from the two struggling pokemon.
Assuming that he had caught the Hoppip, Sketch began showing a slight grin on his face. As the dust cleared however he could see his now broken Pokeball laying next to the angered Hoppip. His Bulbasaur seemed to be a bit tired but ready to attack once more.

"What the heck?! That's one tough Hoppip. AND WHAT A WASTE OF A POKEBALL!" Sketch cried in dismay.

Before he could continue the wild Hoppip leaped up into the air and began to glow. The little leaves upon it's head began to flutter from the oncoming energy. The little Pokemon's body flashed white for a second and most of it's wounds dissapeared. Shocked, Sketch took a step back.

"What the? Was that Synthesis?!" Sketch murmured to himself. Looking at the little guy, you couldn't tell, but it was safe to assume that the little critter had a tough side to it.

"What should I do? It'll just keep healing itself unl---" Sketch stopped as his eyes had a flash of inspiration. "Bulbasaur! Spread your seeds into the ground all around Hoppip!"

The Pokemon looked up curiously at it's trainer, but obeyed. bracing its feet into the ground it shot forth a barrage of seeds into the air, all of which dug into the ground all around Hoppip. Sketch began to have a smirk on his face, one that was much similar to his older brother's. Upon realizing this, he quickly stopped and put on a more "serious" face. The wild Hoppip cried out in anger as it rushed for Bulbasaur. Seeing this as his opportunity, Sketch called out.

"Bulbasaur! Use tackle!"

The Pokemon once again obeyed and met with the rushing Hoppip sending it flying back into the ground. The tiny creature jumped back up a bit fatigued and begin to glow once again. It was beginning to use Synthesis.

"Bulbasaur! NOW! Use Leech seed with those seeds you planted on the ground!" Sketch yelled out.

Suddenly tiny vines burst from the ground and went flying into the Hoppip. Raw energy began to glow from the vines, sapping the creatures strength. Since they were both plant types, the attack would not be too effective, but it did cancel out the use of Synthesis and momentarily held the Hoppip down.

"One last time Bulbasaur! Tackle!" Sketch called out. He was a bit surprised at himself as he noticed that he was actually getting the hang of this trainer business. Could this really be his first successful capture?

The brave little Bulbasaur obeyed once more and went flying into the opponent sending it spiraling into some foliage. Sketch's heart was racing; is this what his brother described as being the excitement of being a trainer? Without hesitating he launched another empty Pokeball into the foliage where the Hoppip flew into. He waited to see the results.

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