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Victory Road

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The Victory Road
Pokémon Trainer Adventure

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              Information, map of Alett and OOC chat: See this topic
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Professor Willow sat back in his armchair and stared blankly at the tiles on his ceiling. "Another year, another League Challenge", he muttered. He had been working all night, preparing the paperwork and files necessary to register the trainers from his town. This time of year always distracted him from his work, and he knew that he had a few months, at least, where his trainers will be calling them with all their littlest updates on their quest.

Congratulations, you caught a sentret. Good for you.

At least this year the League was officially making use of Bill's universal PC storage system. In the past, when it was each professor's job to handle Pokémon storage, Willow had never gotten a break. If it weren't for Bill, Willow might have retired altogether. There were times when he almost wished that he hadn't agreed to become an official League Professor. Unlike Oak and those other old codgers, the bright and smiling faces of hopeful trainers didn't mean much to Willow. But it was worth it, he figured. The league was very generous when it came to funding the research of its official professors.

Willow forced himself out of his chair and looked out his window. The road that cut through Shell Village was clearly visible, and he could see a number of his new trainers standing around around a map of Alett and looking confused. He thought -briefly- that maybe he didn't give them enough direction.

Oh, well. That's their problem. This is supposed to be a coming-of-age experience anyway, isn't it?

He closed the curtains and turned back to his desk.

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Okay guys, you're on your own from here on out. I'll be around to give some general direction and stuff, and I'll be keeping an eye on things and posting especially in the OOC topic. For now, just start meeting each other and heading out. Use the map and guide that I posted in the other topic to start your journey. I'll add twists and turns and a storyline as we get going.
Zack had departed for quartz for only 2 day's now. But, those two days would be the most memorable. From bug pokemon and jumping over ledges, Although his charmander had disobeyed every command. During the first after noon on his journey Zack decided to go to shell city to meet some trainer so he could pick up a hint or two. Now here he was near that small village around  plenty other trainer's that seemed like they knew what they were doing. Pushing back his Long green hair the shot outwards to the front of his head, He then reached for his only pokeball. Still, he only just juggled it and maybe tried to drop it. Inside he knew that his charmander would not do anything or move a muscle. A couple of trainer's caught his eye, some that held water types other's flying. This scared him just a bit, If these pokemon are his charmander's weakness, then he just might lose. But he just kept walking, more and more he urged to show off his rare pokemon.

    What zack didn't realize is that he took a turn in the wrong direction, He was too much in deep thought. About ten minutes into his wrong turn he noticed a couple of things that were wrong. Quickly he reached for his small crappy paper map of alett, After seconds of frantic searching he only dropped the map and had a frightened look on his face. "No! I'm lost, How long have I been walking! where am I! I don't want to die" Zack yelled. With all the frantic yelling and obscure motion gestures moving about his pokeball slipped out of its pouch. The soft thud gained zack's attention, he stared at the laser shoot out towards a nearby rock and form the shape of a charmander, After a brief stint of light flashed there it was, His small rude charmander stood there in an angry mood. Zack only stared at him, Charmander was staring right into zack's soul. Zack didn't know what to do, Jump to his pokeball and try to get charmander back in or run into the bushes with him most likely following.

  He ran like a heard of Mankey and Machop where trying to kill him, He eventually reached a grassy clearing filled with wild flowers and tall grass flowing in the nighttime breeze. Zack and his charmander stood there in awe, taking in the breath taking sight.



"Tch..." Glen tutted. He hadn't been helpful at all, useless git. Her brothers had been more useful by far.

She had her own map but it was buried somewhere in her bag which was more than a little over-stuffed and would be a pain to repack. The kid in front of her was short enough that she could read over his shoulder easily anyway.

There were two ways to go from here, south or east. South was Felice Town, the road to Rosard and not much else. East was Quartz City and then from there on the roads to the rest of the region. Heading for Quartz would mean that she could hurry up and be on her way, Felice meant a slower start.

But Felice was, if she remembered her brothers' postcards, home to a gym. failing to go there would bite her later, it would mean an awful lot of backtracking and would slow her down more than getting it out of the way now would.

She pointed to Shell Village on the map.

"It'd be best to head this way." She said, tracing route X03 to Felice with her finger "And then though Rosard to Quartz and on from there. That way there's no need to backtrack later, see?"
Lucian almost felt like crying. He couldn't make heads or tails of anything on this map! He had thought Professor Willow was supposed to show him everything he needed, but the old man had been nearly useless!

Maybe he was holding it upside down, he thought, and flipped the map over. That still confused him, so he rotated it back to its original position. He felt someone walk up behind him and place a finger on the map at Shell City. She showed the group of six her supposed route - heading straight south to a town called Felice, then east and north to Quartz City.

Lucian nodded slowly, feeling much better now than a plan had been concocted. He felt helpless without strategy for a shield. He bobbed his head up and down, getting more enthuiastic after a few seconds.

"Okay." he said. "Let's do that." Then a terrible thought struck him. They were sticking together, right? He didn't want to set off alone, without anyone as a companion. Hopefully at least one of his fellow beginners would come with him, at least as far a Quartz City. He was about to voice this worry as a bumbling trainer hobbled past behind them, messing with a pokeball and even dropping it. What a fool! he thought breifly. The boy took one look at Lucian and the others and walked away fearfully. Lucian assumed he had either heavy social disorders or was afraid of being attacked by the muscular man who had locked eyes with him. Lucian took a mental note to try to avoid the guy - who seemed like a sailor - to the best of his ability. The sailor turned away from the 'fraidy cat and looked back to the map.

Lucian raised his head and finally asked aloud. "So, when do we start?"
"A man after my own heart", Rupert mused. "Smart, upright and of few words, what a bloke". After a few moments appreciation of the Professor, he brought himself to his senses. He knew the area in a vague sense, but by no means was it familiar.

"Better check that map he gave me." For a moment Rupert considered cutting corners and heading straight for Quartz over x01, but he dismissed the thought. He and Teddy had had enough problems already, and he was in no rush for any to come up again any time soon. That, and the other trainers were openly discussing heading to Felice. Rupert went with the crowd, taking in the scenery and fondling Teddy's pokeball.

Rupert spotted one of the kids acting completely overwhelmed - even the other kids seemed to tower over him. "So where you from, kid?", Rupert asked.

The kid opened his mouth, paused, and whispered "s-s-shell".

"Oh, nice." Here he was, out of his depth and trying to make small talk with kids. He grabbed Teddy's pokeball and smiled down at it, confident that Teddy too would trying to keep from breaking out into a grin.

"Let's go, guys. We don't wanna still be en-route when it gets dark, do we now?"



"I intend to start now." Glen said, talking one final look at the boy's map, she really couldn't be bothered looking for hers in her bag until she had to go through her bag anyway. "Useless old man didn't say anything I didn't already know, because of him I've already wasted too much time."

She walked briskly to a fork in the road, checking the signpost. She knew the route she wanted was south but there was no point in going through her bag for her compass when the roads in the village were so well signposted. She found the sign that pointed toward route X03 and turned in the direction of the route. The weather was fair and the path was well kept, it was ideal for starting out.

"You can tag along, I guess." She said, turning back to the rest of the trainers. They were hardly an impressive bunch. The tallest and second tallest of them both looked way too old to need a professor's aid, no matter how useless that professor's was. There were three younger ones, none of them seeming at all impressive and one of them shorter than she was. And then there had been that freak who had run off before. "If you're not going to be slow, anyway."
Only second's after Zack and charmander took in that beautiful site, something went wrong. Charmander began to realize that it was distracted, it looked back and zack and growled. Zack knew it was time to run, He rushed it out onto a huge rock.

  He speedily jumped right off and slid onto the main road, he skited in front of a young girl. Zack was lucky that he grabbed charmander's pokeball before he started to run on the crazy path. Charmander leaped from the bushes ready to scratch zack, He chucked his pokeball to return charmander. The thud was heard, zack opened his eyes and looked at the young girl. He made a peace sign and said "Yo, the names zack and who might you be? You seem to be a tad young to be a trainer".



Glen took a step back in surprise. Charmanders weren't native to Alett, that wasn't a wild pokemon and he had gotten it into a pokeball, meaning it was likely his. But it had attacked him. Was he really having such difficulty keeping a pokemon that was so well recommended for new trainers under control?

"You seem a tad incompetent to be a trainer." She said after a few seconds of shocked silence, frowning.

"...And you're in my way." She added, walking around him. Freak.
At the sight of the skidding creature, Rupert had reached for Teddy, cocked his wrist and was more than ready to battle. However, the creature stopped and introduced itself, dashing the adrenaline rush brought on by the anticipation of battle. Before the group stood a young man, panting and sweating and heaving for breath.

"Why hello sailor! How's it hanging?" No response. The kid was far too busy recovering from what appeared to be a long physical strain in the woods. "You look awfully flustered, I hope you were behaving yourself in there, otherwise the Metapod might get you!"

The haughty madam who had obviously assumed leader of the group walked on. She was obviously far more comptetent than anyone else. Rupert followed her, hoping she was really as good as her tongue led him to believe.
Zack laid on his back, The words of a sailor was heard by him. Just seconds after they passed around him he got up and walked the pain off. The pokeball that contained charmander needed to be contained, so he put it in his light brown bag and took out two granola bars.He opened one and began to snack on it as he traveled to Felice town, He noticed a smaller boy with green hair just like him, The boy seemed very calm and collected. Zack rushed up and tapped him on the back "Here take this, You or one of your pokemon could eat it".
Lucian looked at the remaining trainers. They all remeinded him of bullies at school, tough, but dumbasses. If he wanted to succeed, and he really wanted to succeed, he would need someone with knowledge of Alett and the Pokemon League. The girl seemed to have just that.

The only problem was that she was gone. Lucian faintly remembered her saying something about starting, but he had payed no attention, too absorbed in reading the map. He turned a one-eighty to see her being assailed by a young boy. It was the same one from two minutes ago? Was he trying to assault her?

He hurried over and chucked his pokeball into the attacker's head, leaving a large rad mark. Blood began to trickle out, and Lucian was about to attack again before the sailor from before stopped him.

"I don't think there's a reason to do that." he said, and Lucian stopped his assault. He slowly turned to face the girl and gave her an apologetic smile. The boy retracted his offer of food hastily, moving his hands to his head.

"My bad!" he said absent mindedly to the boy he had attacked before moving to join up with the two othr trainers. The girl and sailor would make capable companions, he decided. "My name is Lucian Pike." he introduced himself. "I'm about fourteen and my Pokemon is a Spearow. How 'bout you?"
Zack rubbed his head where the mark was, he looked at him and said "Name's Zack Han fourteen, My starter is a charmander. Pleasant to meet ya". After a couple of seconds of gaining his vision back he just said "So was that an empty pokeball or was it filled with something". Zack stood up "So wanna travel to Felice with me and charmander, We need some friends" he said "What do you say"

Zack gave him a triumphant look, like he made sure that everything was gonna be okay. But it wasn't, The next gym leader had rock pokemon, Zack new that fire was bad against rock. That kept playing through his mind through out the day, "Fire cant beat rock"  over and over.



Glen was utterly speechless. She started to say something along this lines of 'you are all idiots' but she was she stunned by the kerfuffle of the last few seconds that words evaded her.

"Glen." The girl said once Zack had introduced himself, sighing. Unless she intended to sprint all the way to Felice, there was no getting away from the rest of the trainers. She shouldn't have announced her plans back then. "Twel- Nearly thirteen. Cyndaquil." She added, motioning to the pokeball attached to her bag strap.

"You sure don't look fourteen." She added after a few seconds.
Zack only smiled, "So shall we get a move on, I don't think we will get anywhere standing in the middle of a road". Zack was the first to walk away, he looked around for anything that he could use, Looking under every stone and over ever cliff. After about some odd time of walking he walked over to glen and asked "So, A cyndaquil eh? is it obedient".

  He of course asked this so he could compare each others fire Pokemon without charmander embarrassing him. She seemed to know what she was doing, almost like a professional Pokemon trainer. She reminded him of Flannery from a fire gym in another region. He saw her on a television interview for strictest trainer.
Oh dear. He could tell that Glen didn't like him much already. He needed to patch thing up fast.

"Uh... a Cydaquil, eh? The water dog?" she gave him a distasteful look and turned away. Damn. Lucian thought. This was bad. He needed Glen to get started!

"Uh, I was just joking!" he lied. "It's a fire type, right?" she looked back, a slight look of intrest in her features that faded away fairly quickly. Yes! Lucian wanted to shout. His lucky guess had payed off. Now to get the two of them out of here without attracting the others.

"Look." he whispered. "Let's get going. We don't need them." he gestured to Zack, the sailor, and the others. "I mean, that kid there can't even control his own Pokemon! Let's just set off immediatly."



((@Zenzen: Flannery became gym leader not long before r/s and this is set before r/s. I don't think that Flannery's a gym leader yet. Also it's been like 20 minutes walking it wouldn't be dark yet :x

Also if you ask a question give me a chance to answer it, geez!))

What a stupid question. Glen scowled and put her hands behind her head

"Of course it's obedient. If you can't get a pokemon to obey you then you're either cruel or weak.  I take great pride in being neither." She said to the kid with the disobedient charmander before turning to talk to Lucian who at least hadn't yet proven himself totally inept.

Oh wait.

For crying out loud, 'water dog'? It was at least more forgivable than being unable to control a charmander.

"It can't be helped if everyone's going the same way." She responded, ignoring Lucian's failure to know the typing of a cyndaquil. "I'm not going to wait and let them get ahead of me and I'm certainly not going to sprint all the way to Felice."
((Sorrry Wumpi, Didnt understand when the time was put in. And Uhh I got caught in the moment?))

Zack was walking around glen, he had a thought in his mind. He couldn't hold it much longer, "What about a skirmish! To see whose fire pokemon is better!". He had a happy face and his hand was gripped upon his pokeball. He wanted to prove to them that in the moments of when it matters his charmander will battle to the death for him.

Hilberd ran as fast as his legs would allow him, but the little monster didn't feel like running at all. "Fine Mickey, come back!" Hilberd ordered, as he stretched out his arm, holding the pokéball in his hand. The little creaure was caught by the red beam, and was pulled back inside the ball. At least Hilberd was getting the aiming right, he had gone ahaed of the group of novices, and had thought it would have been a funny prank to have let his Mawile jump out of the bushes and use Astonish. But after having waited for ten minutes, Hilberd had overthought the possibility that he might have taken another route. Which wouldn't be so unlikely 'cause the map the proffesor gave him was barely recognisable as a map. At least the people in Alett had been friendly enough to tell him where the others, supposedly his companions for the trip had gone off to.

In the distance Hilberd heard a boy shout:

"What about a skirmish! To see whose fire pokemon is better!"

That had to be the another trainer, a new one at it Hilberd concluded, his shout sounded very insecure. If this was the group, he'd been lucky they were so loud. What he was not as lucky with, was his assumption that Mickey's steel typing would have saved him trouble untill route x08, normal, poison and grass wouldn't pose a threat, but hearing "fire type", and realising there were two of them at least had surprised him.

EDIT: Changed 2 hours to ten minutes, was confused by the camping out thing, long live the info thread?



((I deleted the confusing 'camping out' post))

"I have no intention of battling someone who can't even control a charmander." Glen said,  pushing past Zack. "And it really doesn't matter which pokemon is better, you could have the strongest pokemon in the world and it would still be weak under your care." She paused. "And I use the term 'care' loosely. Stop bugging me."

She tried to look on the bright side, yes she was stuck with a group of idiots but at least she was finally on her way to the pokemon league. Nothing could change that, at least, no matter how annoying her companions were.
Glen had declined Zeck's offer for a battle, so now was Lucian's chance to step up. The green haired boy had been pissing him off since they had set off a mere twenty minutes ago, and he didn't think it possible to continue this quest in the same group as him anymore.

"Zack, was it? I'll battle you if you care to... up the stakes."

Lucian held out his Pokeball in a battle stance. "What do you say we fight for right to stay with Glen's group? I win, you leave."

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