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Venetia's (HK Stuff) Workshop

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Last Update: January 7th. Added some Misc. Junk (Second Sun) stuff. ***

Please note: While the HKCP is being launched, there will be no updates here. Atleast until it gets up on its feet  :wink:
Thanks for everyones' continued support!

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Wrkshp.png[/img]
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... erIdle.gif[/img]
"What can I get ya, sailor?"[/FONT]

Hi, all. This is Venetia.

You all know me by now--hopefully :).

Please read the 'USAGE AGREEMENT' at the very bottom.

Here's some stuff. I hope you can find them useful. Credits lay below.

NOTE!!!: If you wish to edit these, you need a program capable of multiple image layers, like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro! I hate using solid backgrounds and single-color transparencies, so I use transparent-backed-PNGS! Don't come crying to me if you can't recolor 'X' because it doesn't open right in Windows Paint! No I won't change, or convert these to solid! I'm lazy!
Thanks :-*


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... otiles.png[/img]
The flower recolors and tight, triangular cobblestone are of the RTP autotiles, obviously. The more roundish, tight cobblestone was an edit and recolor of a Mack resource. The others are by me. There may be others like them elsewhere but if there are I don't know about them and these particular ones were made by me.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... mplate.png[/img]
^This is a template I use. I don't know if it would come in handy to anyone else.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Purple.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-Yellow&Orange.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-AllRed.png[/img]
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... llBlue.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-AllGreen.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-AllOrange.png[/img]
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Yellow.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-AllPink.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-AllTeal.png[/img]
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... -White.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-Red&Pink.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Plants-Flowers-Purple+Pink.png[/img]
I can do recolors of the flowers all day, it's super easy. Request a color combo if you like, I have a script in PSP that basically does the work for me.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... tGreen.png[/img]
Trimmed green grass which looks nicer on a lawn than the disheveled RTP stuff, I think ^_^.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ottled.png[/img]
A half-assed, mottled tree autotile. It looks decent in large blobs, and not as uniform as what the RTP provides. I rather dislike uniform-looking trees. Nature doesn't work that way!

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... allIvy.png[/img]
Ivy for climbing on walls. It looks a little bunchy here, but throw it on a wall, it looks nice!

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... areTan.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Road-Cobblestone-LooseSquareDark.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Road-Cobblestone-TightBrown.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Road-Solid-Tan.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/RMXPORGworkshop/Road-Cobblestone-Tan.png[/img]
These are the road edits. They distinctly match elements of the main tileset below. The non-cobble one is for balconies.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Square.png[/img]
No, it's not light, it's transparent. Again, I work with layers :'). I'm gonna release my round one, as soon as the kinks get worked out of it, and I'm devising a different water animation that doesn't look so pool-like.


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Addons.png[/img]
This is completely by me.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Spring.png[/img]
A very important tree in my game, that's why it's so huge. I realize the leaves look a little peppery, but so help me God I'm not editing this thing again, I had to stare at it for like two days straight.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Autumn.png[/img]
For when it's autumn :). I wanna make leaf piles but I haven't gotten around to it yet, and besides they'll be in an event.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Winter.png[/img]
Prepare for a cold winter!

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... eeDead.png[/img]
In case you're anti-leaves :'(.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... etBase.png[/img]
Before I make a tileset I use a specific template to keep it in order. I don't know if anyone would find it useful. Probably not. But in case you would, here you go ;').


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... eriors.png[/img]

Okay, this is going to take me a minute to remember all the people to credit, and what for. I'm sure I'll miss someone or something. If I do, let me know and I'll credit you.

Okay, the roofs, walls, doors, windows, shutters, window accessories, large cypress bushes, flower bundles, well, grapevines, brick walls, columns and arches, front and back-view benches, chairs, tables, road lining stones, door jambs, wall studs, shop signs, diagonal-facing stairs, and stone balustrades, are by me, Venetia. However I may have borrowed a few swatches or patterns from elsewhere, because I suck at patterns and color schemes.

Everything RTP but recolored was done so by me. --Actually, I think I recolored everything, even if just a little. Sue me, I'm vain ':|.

The little trees, square bushes, tight, pinkish cobblestone, flower arch, gold & wrought-iron fences, a few of the flowers, all of the bazaar-looking items, and the rock landscaping is all by Mack, found at Loose Leaf. I did, however, recolor and modify every one to fit the scheme and size.

Gah, I've lost my train of thought. I want to thank Tana, Ccoa, and ShowKaiser for most of the color schemes I used and the ideas I got, and there's probably one or two things by them I recolored in there, so credit them, too. You should credit them no matter what for all they've contributed anyway :yes:.

I know I left out whomever made the side-view benches and the hatch-pattern I used for the well's roof. If anyone could hook me up with that name I'd be appreciative. Edit: It was Euphony!!!

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Spring.png[/img]
That bundle of trees for the "forest" is ONLY forest filler, and is capable of repeat-tiling. I don't want to see any ugly maps which use the tree bundle exclusively for forests! XD

If you wonder what the font is for the little signs, it's Kilrathi. I don't like English signs because it's not taking place on Earth!


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... UCanDo.png[/img]
I just went about making a little farmhouse ...

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... rmInt1.png[/img]

Then you can make it really special, with ambient lighting!

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... rmInt3.png[/img]
^^^ Obviously, a dark night scene.
These screens were made VERY quickly, and feature only some of the tileset and autotiles displayed above. It just shows how it kinda plays together when you're getting to work.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ample1.jpg[/img]
Again, ignore map errors, this is just to show some tileset applications.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ample2.jpg[/img]
If you look at pics of Venice and Tuscany, you'll see they go crazy with vibrant colors, wrought iron, and green shutters. I love those cities. They're so absolutely gorgeous. That's why I used them as a reference.


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... eriors.png[/img]
This is going to be a fully articulated upper-class-style interior set. Obviously it's designed for my completed exterior set.

(Don't forget to refresh your cache so this shows up right)

I think there is only one or two recolored RTP items here, and 3 pictures are by Mack. The outline shapes for the beds and the chest are by Tana. Everything else is by me. I got rid of the watermark so people can use it to edit and whatnot, but it's still incomplete. No, I haven't done shadows yet. I do that last.

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS! Yes, you can edit it/recolor it/change it. But please note that it's not done. Please read the USAGE AGREEMENT at the bottom of the post.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Done03.png[/img]

Obviously this isn't done! I'm busy at work on the accessories.

If you look closely, you'll see I'm hard at work making the first-known spiral staircase to hit RMXP (or any other 2D thing I know of). There's other crap, coming too.

Let me know what you'd really like to see in there, and since I'm still working on it, I'll try to work it in ^_^. But I won't do things that don't go with the set (i.e. a big screen TV or a magic teleporter, lol).
I really want to start working on my game, and the first area is a little farm. SO, I'm making a farmhouse. Because I want to save time, I'm using textures from RTP.

Credits: Credit Mack for: the fat shelves near the dining table, including the one with little barrels on top, a few of the accessories, fireplace (non-animated), beds, purple pots with paper lids, light-colored potted plant, potted flowers near the bottom, the little wooden shield, and the little painting of the horsey. I only recolored them some. Everything except the above was either "frankentiled" from RTP or done custom by me.

(Don't forget to refresh your cache so this shows up right)

THIS IS COMPLETE! There will probably be no further edits made.
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... mplete.png[/img]

Yes, the window panes are transparent; I've decided to use a system that shows panoramas depending on the time of day. Also, yeah, I've resorted to resizing RTP things: I'm so sick of not having anything done, so I'm saving myself time!! >_<

Special Thanks to my Beta-Testers:
Cerulean Skye

Below are the charsets that were designed specifically for this tileset:

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ceFire.png[/img]< Fireplace Fire

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ded-01.png[/img]< Door fade (for showing doors on the south walls ... Anyway that's how I do it) ***Updated 11-27***

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... -Short.png[/img] < Fade (for showing where stairs disappear)

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... nLight.png[/img] < Lantern (flickers a little on 'Stop Animation')

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... erwebs.png[/img] < Basement spider webs (credit Zanyzora; I just edited the transparencies/placements)

Below are the charsets that were designed specifically for this tileset:
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... habby1.png[/img] < Shabby Rug 1

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... habby2.png[/img] < Shabby Rug 2

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Wood01.png[/img] < Framing for the wooden floors--for making split-level homes (Updated 12-22-07)


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... -Faces.png[/img]
These are custom by me. Project was scrapped but I rather like doing faces from time to time.

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Normal.png[/img]

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Normal.png[/img]

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Normal.png[/img]

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Normal.png[/img]

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Normal.png[/img]

http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... Normal.png[/img]


I made these by first drawing the faces in calligraphy ink to make fat outlines, then I scanned them, increased the contrast, imported into Illustrator, converted image to outlines, filled, exported to Flash, then fine-tuned the shades, and then finally exported at 230pix high.

If you've ever visited the Artwork section of my site you'll know I'm capable of more shading, but I'm making faces of every person in town (30 faces total, with multiple faces for all of the 9 potential love interests), so I opted for a quicker method of shading, and I think it looks nice enough.

It's very important that you credit me if you use these faces, or when they're showcased in any screenshot they are in. This is because I feel strongly for any drawing I do by hand, and I typically charge for hand drawings, but these are free.

THESE FACES ARE NOT DISTRIBUTABLE BY ANYONE BUT ME. I don't want to see any facesets on any other site unless I put it there.

Thanks in advance!


http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/i ... TPCrap.png[/img]
Because I feel like getting rid of it, I'm offering the slew of my RTP crap all in one handy-dandy RAR file.

WARNING: 20.3 MB!!!!! Only download once, please :'D.
Clicky Me!!!

It is a ZIP file so you will need WinZIP. Google it, please don't bother me with how to unpack it. I won't answer.

Here's all the mumbo-jumbo that comes in the readme file inside it:

           V E N E T I A ' S    R T P    D U M P


There's a lot of crap in here. And by a lot, I mean a whole
hell of a lot. Much of it, crap. I combined/recolored/edited
these things back when I was still learning pixelling. But
some of the stuff may be useful.

The Veda, Arithe, Remember, Deluge, and Sedrik stuff, please
credit me for. Oh, and the World Map & Kaoshue tilesets.
Everything else I couldn't care less.

But there are countless things pulled from a ton of different
sites in this "collection", so please, if you don't credit
me, credit them ...

White Ties
Scriptkitty (I think)
(And Showkaizer, I think, can't remember)

I think that's it ... Could be wrong. It's been a long time
since I really looked through all this mess.

If you see something that you think is uncredited here,
PLEASE email me at venetia@pixelcocktail.com, or visit
the Contact page at www.pixelcocktail.com.




If you're wondering what some of the things are, they're
most likely for very specific purposes in this RPG I was
making and then scrapped because it was boring. Coincidentally,
Veda, Arithe, Deluge, Remember, and the Sedriks were in that.
I sorta have a "bond" with those charas so don't forget to
credit on atleast them. Thanks in advance.

Most of the sprites were converted to an 8-dir movement
scheme, if you're wondering what's with all the blank space.
I will not edit these further. Don't bother with comments on
how to improve them or if I can convert them in any way.

So once again, for everyone who only reads bold type, I WILL NOT BE EDITING OR IMPROVING ANYTHING IN THAT ZIP FILE. If you don't wanna download it or use it, no skin off my nose.


http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... scJunk.png[/img]
The pic in the minibanner above is a very cropped portion of "Rust Mesa" by Larwik.

This is where I keep misc. things to show I've atleast done something. I pixel as time permits so some of these incompletes may be a while in finishing. They're not suitable for use yet but if you want to use them as a base for an edit or something, be my guest :).

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... oncept.png[/img]
Concept for a creature called the "Aurite", and two low-level costumes for the main char, Nephthys, of my RPG, Second Sun.
(Character Sprite complete! Look in the next spoiler down. Yeah, she looks very different.)

The WIP pic of Nephthys is below all the Menu screens. For another example of what an Aurite is, see the first two pics on this gallery. Note that even those were concepts so the number of toes and a few physical features are off.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... rikWIP.png[/img]
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ikWIP2.png[/img]
The above two pics are base "trot" concepts for "Sedriks", which are racing-type animals.
I'm making a game called "Second Sun". Here's a little artwork/resource/template dump for the stuff going into the project.

The stuff in this spoiler -- don't use it without permission, please. If it's not a resource, don't ask me for it. I won't give out the source images/code here.



I started spriting a little on this, but I'm not really happy with anything but the template (find out more about Aurites in the spoiler above this one).
http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Aurite.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/SecondSun/Template-Aurite-Medium.png[/img]http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/images/SecondSun/Template-Aurite-Dark.png[/img]
Credit to ShowKaizer on much of the torso, the HK in general, and ... The palette, I think?.



Cerulean Skye made Nephthys's first-frame sprite for me on the Aurite Template, and I edited the face/colors some, then I made the rest of the sprite, along with some poses and things. Here they are (yes, it's watermarked in the background AND foreground):

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... phthys.png[/img]
^^^ The "normal" sprite.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... -Faces.png[/img]
^^^ Recognize this? Anyway, they're expressions.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Around.png[/img]
^^^ Neph does a lot of "looking around" at things ...

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Window.png[/img]
^^^ In the first scene, you first see Neph as she's jumping into a room through a window. She does a little somersault in, lands disgracefully on her back, then hops up to look around. She ends the animation at the exact placement of where the player can move around, seamlessly. I didn't fret hugely on the shading here since she's only in each frame for about .25 seconds. :P



These are, of course, still a work in progress, but for now I think I'm happy with them. Of course I will be replacing names/graphics/faces/stats/windowskin--this is only to showcase the layouts and text positioning. Every menu has its own custom transition which animates certain "windows" differently. I expect this to be a fantastic menu when it's all said and done. (Well ... Atleast, to me ^_^)

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... t_Main.png[/img]
Main Menu.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... _Items.png[/img]
Inventory Menu -- it's grouped by Misc, Weapons, and Armor. The pictures at left saturate/colorize when you select them.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... _Equip.png[/img]
Equip Menu -- the body graphic clips into the border, but it won't when it's finished.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Skills.png[/img]
Skills Menu.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... Status.png[/img]
Status Menu -- Yeah, it looks a lot like the Equip Menu. Whatever ^_^;;

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... t_Save.png[/img]
Save Menu -- the selected window bounces back and forth slowly. You see a naked, Aurite, female as Player 1 with Aluxes's face because I'm a lazy ass :'P.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... ut_End.png[/img]
Ending the game menu.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... t_Shop.png[/img]
Shop Menu -- Like the Item menu, the selected divider (Buy, Sell, Exit) saturates/colorizes when selected.

Hope you like them!

[No, I will not release the menu graphics nor the modified script. So don't ask! :'P]



Yes, I drew this. Yes, I am still working on it. It goes pencil > ink > scan > fill in darkest colors > shade/highlight > finish

This is a pic of Nephthys. No, she's not that dark; she's in the dark-fill stage. She will be lightish middle-eastern-looking, though.

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... phthys.png[/img]
(She's an Aurite ... Obviously). I realize there are still some parts without black fill. I also realize her hair is very big--Aurites have very thick hair.


That's all for now. I'll post more as I finish things, but with how busy I am it takes time, so don't expect a huge amount, please!!!

If you're gonna go to my website to look for more material, you'll meet with disappointment, b/c I'm very lazy w/ updating it. I also will no longer be making RTP-sized things.

I work full time and I go to college full time, so I barely have any time for myself. Please don't request anything. Thanks in advance, and thanks for checking me out.


http://www.igt.com.au/media/copyright-symbol.jpg[/img] 2007 Pixelcocktail Productions

You're allowed to use anything I make or put it anywhere (non-commercially), as long as you credit me, Venetia, and/or Pixelcocktail Productions.


I heartily encourage recolors and/or edits, but only if you do a good job! :'P Again, credit is all I ask. Thanks in advance.

Please note that if you use a WIP tileset, when you find the update to it here, all the tiles may be moved around as I reorganize, so your map(s) made with them'll be messed up. You can circumvent this by using the WIP stuff but compile your own tileset from these pieces and add to the bottom after each update.
That tileset is beautiful!

It reminds me very much of the vinyards in northern Italy. About the only thing that's missing is the loud merchants praising their products.

I hope to see more from you :)
Nice, but it seems that some of the resources go with bigger characters, like HK, while others would go with RTP. But still, very nice.
i peed alittle...':|

haha... anyway... when i first saw the trees of the seasons i was kinda 'iffy' about this... then when i saw the tileset i wet myself...

:thumb: Great Job!
Thanks, guys.

Yeah, a good deal of the little stuff was pulled from RTP-sized tilesets, but TBH I always thought the RTP accessories (like the flower pots, baskets, etc.) were too big for the RTP charas. Of course, if you made them any smaller they'd be realllly hard to see ^_^. I play tested it with my WIP HK sprite and so far everything seems to be nicely proportional. A couple trees are a little on the smallish side, so that's why I included the enormous trees to kinda balance that out.

What helps out my lazy-factor is that trees in cities are usually a little diminutive because the planter sectioning they exist in restricts their growth.

That defense won't help me when I release the nature-only version, though. :nya: I can't help being lazy. Trees are annoying to make!

Speaking of trees, I know the Covina Tree (the one with all the seasons) probably needs a little refinement but I currently despise it a little for sucking away all my time so I'm putting that on hiatus. And anyway it actually looks pretty damn decent when on a fully-fleshed map, I know that sounds weird, but all the other colors and patterns going on make it more ... I don't know, complete.

Lastly I'm glad you like it, I hope to post my first full spritesheet soon. :2thumb:
If you check my first post you'll see I added a WIP Interior Set.

Caption Under WIP Tileset said:
Obviously this isn't done! The furniture that's there isn't shaded or anything yet and there aren't any accessories!

I plan on adding two kinds of couches and matching loveseats, beds, dressers, a vanity, a coffee table, a chandelier, various rugs ... The shelves will have interchangeable items to go on it, so all the shelves look different. Also there will be side-view furniture and maybe a few isometric ones for continuity, but isometric is so annoying for me x_x. Aside from that, expect the gamut of accessories, like books, clutter, etc.

Let me know what you'd really like to see in there, and since I'm still working on it, I'll try to work it in :cheery01:. But I won't do things that don't go with the set (i.e. a TV or radio).

Yes I plan on making potted plants, yes I plan on making a bedroom set. I'm also gonna animate the sink, shower, stoves, and a few other things, so they'll be useful instead of just decorative.

So yeah, if you can think of any furnishings I left out of the tileset or that I described above, hit me with 'em and I'll see if I can do them :').

I'll probably post the update to the WIP set next week.

Thanks for stopping by :#.
Yes, I do; I mostly pull ideas from googling images of the things I want to do. Thanks ^_^

As for a quick update, I finished some really nice looking marble countertops for the kitchen that tile really nicely and I finished the outlines of some really comfy looking couches.

Like I said before, if anyone has any furniture I haven't mentioned above, post a quick list and I might be able to include it. I'll probably finish the interior by next week sometime.

Thanks for your comments, guys! :D



*.* I absolutely love the furniture. Especially the lamps. ^_^ This is very nice work! You're very talented~
I love seeing tilesets like these where there's so many objects and textures that it's hard not to find something useful, no matter what style you're using. My favorites so far are the vineyard pieces, the mosaic tables, and the ivy autotile (always thought that would be useful but never attempted to make one...hate doing autotiles myself). I also like that you've done some diagonal wall/ornament stuff.

The new WIP set is looking great. The bathroom pieces really caught my eye and I can't wait to see the finished set so that they're available for use. ^^
Very pretty. I love European Provincial styles and the interior on your WIP looks promising. I am especially fond of those tiles.
Okay, I said I'd update my interior set today and I did. I added the couches and loveseats and an antique radio and a fireplace, though sadly I had NO time to shade them. I was able to shade a few other things, however, and please ignore that gaping hole in the middle, that's where the side-view things'll go.

This is such a big project ... I can see now why people only like doing 3 colors for their shading now, that'd be SOOO much faster!!!

Anyway I've been doing home improvement jobs this weekend (ugh), but I'll try to plug away as much as I can on this.

Thanks for the support, guys! :#

The bathtub, and the yellow and green couches are all at different perspective to the rest of the tileset, and to RMXP's default perspective as well.
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