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Vampyr SBABS 12





Added overkill system;
Added steal system;
Enhanced the method of ammos for ranged weapons;
Added enemies aggresiveness;
Added multiple colors for boss HP bars;
Added PNG for enemies and allies HP bars;
HUD code remade, less lag;
Some parts of code remade, less lag;
Fixed states animations;
Fixed a lot of minor bugs;

Fixed minor bugs;
Code remodeled, that gives more speed to battle;
Added enemies and allies attack and damage sound;
Added attack speed changer for each weapon and enemy;
Ranged Skills enhanced; now it can hit more the one time;
Damage Dispaly enhanced, now shows all damage without erase the before;
Hit count now is infinity;

Fixed error when add new chars to party;
Added auto mount skill hotkeys;
Added comment “Follow” again (the enemy will follow the player only with this comment);
Added option to turn On / Off the Squad Battle;
Fixed Level-Up animation bug;
Fixed “Disposed Sprite” Bug and group change order key;
Fixed Puzzle and Object Events movements;
Fixed HUD;
Fixed Game.exe Error;
Added New Input Module (Requiem Keyboard);v
Fixed some bugs of Anti-Lag;
Added EMPTY Area;
Party can have more then 4 members (Causes Lag);
New Sprite for Damage;
Fixed some bugs of Monsters;

Added Exp Bar;
Added Weapons and Shields to monster class;
Fixed bug of non-animation of the Bomb;
A lot of bugs fixed ;
Added class Game Monster;
Monsters now can be potables on map by areas;
Game Monster reduces the lag and is automatically;
Bug of Multiple damage for ranged skills fixed;

Fixed bug of non-use shield;
Fixed bug of “x” from Extended Movements when ally die;
Fixed double-actor bug;
Fixed HUD Bug when double-actor;
Fixed “piece =” error;
Added SBABS module (use all party members at the same time in-battle);
Added paths for the ranged skills and items;
Added ranged weapons without ammo usage;
Fixed bugs;
Added Confusion commando for states (makes actor walk randomly)

Added Requiem Masterpiece 1.2;
Added a ABSConfig.ini in Requiem’s Folder, to configure some hidden configurations of ABS;
Added Reflect Damage;
Enhanced Anti-Lag;
Modification of some parts of code;

Added REQUIEM MASTERPIECE, a module that will be used to enhance the compatibility of all Requiem’s Scripts;
Game.exe stopped work fixed;
HUD remodeled, now allows to use PNG;
Recreation of damage method;
Monsters now can show weapons and shields sprites;v
added new commands for configuration;
Fixed a lot of bugs;
Anti-Lag method enhanced;
Added Auto EXP and Gold generation for enemies;
Added option to player attack using shield at same time;

How to use

To setup enemies:

Create on map, an event with following commentaries:
Enemy ID - Change ID for a ID of a monster in Database;
Die Erase - Erase the enemy when it dies;
Die Self Switch A - Turn On the Self Switch A when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch B - Turn On the Self Switch B when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch C - Turn On the Self Switch C when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch D - Turn On the Self Switch D when enemy dies;
Die Switch X - Turn On the Switch X when enemy dies;
Die Variable X - Increase +1 to variable X;
Follow X - Change X for range of sight of the enemy, to it follow the player automatically
Kill With Weapon X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with weapon X
Kill With Skill X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with skill X
Kill With Item X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with item X
Object - Makes the enemy be an object, and it will kill only with BOMB is used against it;
Puzzle - Makes the enemy be an puzzle, it can be killed but allies don't follow it, the damage and hp bar is not showed
Respawn X - Makes the enemy respawns automatically after X frames
Boss - Shows the Boss HP Bar
Put on NOTES of enemies in database, the following commands (optional):

Attack Animation = X - Change X to ID of animation for attack of enemy (Default is 1)
Die Animation = X - Change X to ID of animation that will showed when enemy dies
Die SE = X - Change X to a SE name that will played when enemy dies
Defense Rate X - Change X for a defense rate (in %) of enemy (Default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%) of enemy, default is 0%)
Weapon Icon = X - Change X for a Index of a icon that will be showed as a enemy’s weapon
Shield Icon = X - Change X for a Index of a icon that will be showed as a enemy’s shield
Follow Range = X - Change X for a range that enemy follows the actors
Respawn = X - Change X for a delay that enemy respawn in map
Move Speed = X - Change X for a speed for character of enemy in map
Move Route = X - Change X for a move route for character:
0 = Stopped; 1 = Random; 2 = Follow actor

To setup skills, items and weapons:

In NOTES of skill, item or weapon, put the following commands:

Commands valid for all (except states):
Ranged - That command says to script, that weapon, skill or item is ranged
Graphic = X - Change X for character name
Index = X - Change X for character index (default is 0 )
Speed = X - Change X for movement speed of projectile, (default is 4 )
Range = X - Change X for distance that performed for the projectile (default is 5 )
Delay = X - Change X for delay of projectile (default is 60 )
Shot SE = X - Change X for SE name that is played when attack
Path = X (Change X for:
Line (The projectile will walk in straight line (that is default value));
Circle (The projectile will walk around the player);
Boom (The projectile will walk forward and come back, like a boomerang);
Jump (The projectile will jump 2 squares forward (like Axe of castlevania));
Random (The projectile will walk randomly on map) )

Commands valid only for skills and items:
Explosive - That command, says to script, that is a skill or item explosive
Area = X - Change X for area (in tiles) that explosion affects the enemies (default is 3)

Commands valid only for weapons:
Combo Hits = X - Change X for number of hits needed to gets a combo damage (default is 5)
Combo Rate = X - Change X for % of chance to get a combo damage (default is 75%)
Ammo1 = X - Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 1
Ammo2 = X - Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 2

Command valid only for items:
Bomb - This command says to script, that item is a bomb

Commands valid only for armors:
Defense Rate = X - Change X for defense rate (in %) that shield block attacks for enemies (default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%), rate is added for each armor equipped default is 0%)

Commands valid only for states:
Animation = X - Change X for a animation id of state, default is 0
Walk Slower - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy walk slower
Walk Faster - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy walk faster
Don't Walk - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy don't walk
Duration X - Change X for a duration (in frames) that target is infected for the state
Confusion (That command says to script, that state makes player walk randomly)

Additional Configurations:
* To create a Dead Sprite for character when it dies, put in the Graphics/Characters folder a image named: $X_Dead, where X is the name of the character.
* To change party order, press Tab
* To Change Allies Actions, hold Control and press Tab to change Action and Enter to change Actor


Is there a way to add more moves, such as a jump attack?

Other than that, pretty well done. :) keep up the good work!

EDIT: the HUDs are very well done. I love the ability to use quick calling of skills and items via #s.



So you are the creator of this great abs? If so, i'm glad to know you speak some english. I've seen some people requesting party ai. I hope to see that in a future release. Also, could you make an overdrive system? I mean a system where you fill a bar with attacks and when your overdrive gauge is full, you can use a powerful skill.

Here's a rough Portuguese (Google translate)
Portanto, você é o criador deste grande abs? Se assim for, estou satisfeito por saber que você falar alguma Inglês. Tenho visto algumas pessoas ai parte requerente. Espero para ver que em um futuro lançamento. Além disso, você poderá fazer uma ultrapassagem sistema? Quer dizer um sistema em que você preencha um bar com os ataques e quando sua bitola overdrive é completo, você pode usar uma poderosa habilidade.

In response to creatorazzure, the download is perfectly safe if you worry about that. 
This system looks nice, but I'm having trouble understanding how to use it.

Like, where can I edit the gold/item drops? I want to make it so you can just walk over the gold/item and obtain it.

And how can I make it so bows don't require arrows as a separate item? Or make it so you can't "consume" arrows normally, thus wasting them?

And for some reason, 'X' no longer works to access the menu. Anyway to get this to work again?
kaze950":344f6quk said:
This system looks nice, but I'm having trouble understanding how to use it.

Like, where can I edit the gold/item drops? I want to make it so you can just walk over the gold/item and obtain it.

And how can I make it so bows don't require arrows as a separate item? Or make it so you can't "consume" arrows normally, thus wasting them?

And for some reason, 'X' no longer works to access the menu. Anyway to get this to work again?

the only question I can answer is that the "X" button is replaced by the ESC button.
True, but normally (without any modifications) is that both ESC and X function as Button 'B'. X is still configured to button B, so there must be something in the script editing that.

Able to fix this problem, by replacing line 221 of the 'Input' script as
      keys.push(Input::Esc, Input::Letters["X"])

Also, I noticed a problem. For some reason, the HUD only appears after going into and exiting the menu once.
kaze950":1hn3ljkt said:
True, but normally (without any modifications) is that both ESC and X function as Button 'B'. X is still configured to button B, so there must be something in the script editing that.

Able to fix this problem, by replacing line 221 of the 'Input' script as
      keys.push(Input::Esc, Input::Letters["X"])

Also, I noticed a problem. For some reason, the HUD only appears after going into and exiting the menu once.

Yeah I was trying to find out how to turn it on but then i found that too.
If you are going to use the script, the best way to make it visable is to
make the player EQUIP something.

Also, when you press the letter "H" you can turn on/off the HUD.,, or was it "K" I forgot.
I tried pressing H, but it wouldn't work. At least not initally.

Also, I copied and pasted all the scripts into a new project, but now enemies won't die. Is there some script you edited, but forgot to label, in the demo?

Found the reason for this to...it seems enemies won't die with a parallel process event around.
kaze950":2nn7lmhi said:
I tried pressing H, but it wouldn't work. At least not initally.

Also, I copied and pasted all the scripts into a new project, but now enemies won't die. Is there some script you edited, but forgot to label, in the demo?

Found the reason for this to...it seems enemies won't die with a parallel process event around.

For "H" to work you have to make the HUD show up first by going in/out of menu,
then the "H" button should work.



For some reason the vehicles boat and ship do not work on water, but work on land with this script enabled. Airship works fine. Anyone know how to fix it?



Hey, I'm working on a project that probably wn't need the HUD to turn it off.
How can I make the HUD so that

1:I don't need to call scene_map- and
2:It will never be off?

Making the player open the menu all the time is kind of gay. =D



I've got 2 questions:
1) How can you change the attack range of the enemy the enemy hast an attack-range of 2 panels i don't want that...
2)If you attack you have to wait like 1 second can that be changed too i want to change that for the enemy and the actor because i want battles which are a bit faster.
Just tell me what I need to change to enable these two things and I'm happy  :lol:
Ok i have one question left.
If the enemy drops a potion how can i make it that the actor consumes the item directly instead of taking it?

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