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Vagrant Euphoria: Revised


This thread is official out-of-date and obsolete. If the mods could please close it I'd appreciate it. Come visit the new, revised and updated thread for Vagrant Saga: Euphoria at http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=33558.0
If the mods could also bring the new thread into the Main Projects In Development section, I would appreciate that as well. Later guys, Roxas
I generally don't like amateur 3D, as I believe amateur 2D is pulled off much better. Amateur 3D always seems to have this empty, lifeless feel to it. Still, as long as the graphics are immersive it doesn't matter what medium they use. I'd try to make the models a bit less "jagged", unless that's a particular style you're aiming for.
Don't worry, once I subdivide the render more, it wont seem as rigid as it does right now. Thank you for the feedback, while you have a good opinion, I feel that 2D games just generally don't have as nice of a feel as 3D games, even though some 2D games (FFVI) do very well. Thanks for the feedback, but V.E will remain 3D.
I wasn't referring to 3D commercial games but 3D amateur games. The only one I've played that was very good so far has been Penumbra. It's harder to make a working 3D environment. Compared to making the models, making an environment where they fit perfectly can prove to be much more difficult.

Still, I don't know just how skilled you are, so for all I know it could come out great.
Oh, I understand where your concern is coming from now, and you are misunderstanding. You see, this isn't running on a 3D engine, this is just basically 3D Sprites. The Camera system I will explain later on, but its not a fully 3D engine, just using 3D renders for sprites and mapsets. Does that clear up some confusion?
Roxas;106858 said:
Oh, I understand where your concern is coming from now, and you are misunderstanding. You see, this isn't running on a 3D engine, this is just basically 3D Sprites. The Camera system I will explain later on, but its not a fully 3D engine, just using 3D renders for sprites and mapsets. Does that clear up some confusion?

Believe me, prerendered sprites can potentially look horrible on the 2D plane. Some games pull it off nicely, namely some RTSes, but for the most part it just doesn't fit. I've played enough games like that to know. Unless you've got some very fitting prerendered backgrounds it may not work as well as you envision.

Again, I have no knowledge of your skill, so forgive me if I seem offensive.
@jRoks: Lol, thanks for the support!

@OdioOmnus: No offense at all, its very good feedback that you're giving me. This is my first BIG plunge into the 3D area, I have done some smaller things before. And some games have made it big using 3D renders on a 2D plane. Correct me if im wrong, but some parts of FF7 were on a 2D with a 3D Camera and renders? Im not saying that my 3D skills are that of people working at Square Enix( ahhh, Square Soft, the simple days...), but I think I can pull it of well.
You're correct about FF7, but did that game have very good graphics? Look at it. They've got boxes for hands and feet and relatively poor textures. The backgrounds are good, yes, but the character models suffer greatly.
Ah, but that was at the beginning of the 3D area. I can easily do better then boxes. Meanwhile, not FFX graphics, but I do think I can pull of a 3D feel on a 2D plain with much better graphics then FF7. The reason why FF7 did well on a 2D plain was because of the camera system they had, it gave it a 3D feel. While mine won't be 360 degrees, it will be able to rotate within the 8 direction script, giving it a good 3D feeling to it.
Hey everybody. I've got some news for you. I am going to take a break from the 3D practice and start moving to the design stages of the game. This means that I will have Character Designs up, Maps, Environmental Designs, Weapons, things of this nature. All of this work will probably take a few good months to finish, but after this i can start to begin work on development.

Also, later on I am going to need a scripter for the CMS im doing. It shouldn't be too hard. Just PM me or post if you're interested. Expect some good stuff soon guys. Later, Roxas
Nice, sounds like abit of i, robot in there =].

Like before, i don't think the 3D will work, unless your using it for a cutscene.
And it has to be great quality for a good cutscene thinking about it.

Nice. looking forward to the Demo =]
Really, you think so too? Hmm, I think I'm going to take a poll and see if you guys prefer 3D or 2D graphics. So, which do you guys want?

EDIT: Hey guys, just to let you know I'm adding the next character description for the game in a few minutes, so check the first post in a few minutes. His name is Trent. He is the a pick-pocket living in Salnka. Check back for it later. Peace
Yay, it's back! :)

I think the 8-dir 3d-esque camera is a great idea.

One thing... The veiw point wouldn't be hard, but when you walk forward, how exactly would you make it seem as if you get closer to the objects?
one way to do it would to make the seperate maps with either smaller or bigger versions of the tileset, and then have it teleport you based on your y or x position. Like i said, it needs a lot of work, still in the planning stages. But If I could create an entire FFXII battle system from events, I think I can handle a camera system. It's good to have your support back Atnas, thanks for sticking by V.E.
Hmm, I was thinking, you should make two versions (sounds like alot of work, but its just a thought) a 3D and a 2D ?
Then after a demo of both the public can decide then?

Or maybe when you get a few SS up of the 3D game. (sounds easier hah)

I like the idea of a FFXII battle system! that sounds ace.
Well, I deleted the file a long time ago, but I'm pretty sure I can find it again or re-create it. I'm actually not using that battle system in this game though. I was actually think of putting up a 3D version of Vance and a 2D version, to see which peopole like better. I actually am starting to enjoy the notion of 2D sprites. I can actually do them a lot better then 3D renders most likely. Even though, they would be custom made sprites unlike anything this forum has ever seen! Picture FFXII type of sprites man, that kind of defenition. I'm not quite sure how I would pull of the size factor of the sprites in the screen, because in order to have that kind of definition, I'm not sure how I would make them small enough. Any ideas? I will be working on getting up a sketch of Vance soon enough, but I want to make sure it is perfect. Later guys, Roxas.



Damn. 3D? That's awesome. That looks like first generation playstation 3D. This is very exciting.

Tell me, how does this work for the RPG Maker XP? o_o;

It would be SO totally awesome if the sequel to my game, Crepusculum, was 3D. D: (even though I could never do that).

If you're going to mimic 3D it would be best if you could achieve the level of greatness that would be games beyond 1st generation playstation. Here's a good example:


Can you handle that? o.o;

Edit: I mean the character models.
3D is actually not as difficult as one would image. Is it hard, oh yea. But, not AS hard. Ok guys, im almost done with the rouge draft of Vance's faceset. I know, I know, I said character design, but hey, you can't rush perfection. Ok, so I should have it up by the end of the night. Check back later. Peace, Roxas.

EDIT: Okay guys, its finally here. Its the first rough draft image of Vance's faceset. Tell me what you guys think. I personally really like it, but I am not to to sure about the hair. Later everyone, Roxas.
I like it. The one thing I would change would be the size of his Right eye.(the one on the left) It's not that far from the line on the Z axis where his left eye rests to make it have smaller dimensions. (bear with me, I draw in terms of a 3d grid)

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