Zopharr;271794":112j1dq9 said:Thanks a lot.
I've been looking all over for the ATB, and I could only find the CTB earlier. Being the picky, unappreciative moron that I am, I didn't use the CTB because I liked the overall layout of the (T)RTAB much better.
Would there be any way to take the UI from this one and put it into the other code?
I'm a decent programmer with C++ and Java, but I just can't seem to grasp the way Ruby works exactly, otherwise I'd try to experiment myself.
Thanks again!
BTW, this passive effects script is amazing. One more thing: Would I perhaps be able to disable part 5 (map effects) in that passive effects script to eliminate those speed problems? I haven't tried, so I apologize if its a simple fix... it's 4am and I need sleep.
EDIT: Found your CBS, and its working out great. I just copied and pasted the UI from this one into that for the red gradiant bar on the action timer ^.^
Also, simply deleting the page 5 of the passive script worked. Don't need any map passives anyway.
Problem solved, thanks for the help.
nellshini;271930":112j1dq9 said:At first I said to myself "I don't need a RTAB for my system," but after reading the posts in the forum it looks like it's quite customizable and solid, and compatible with Minkoff (though no one said exactly how, so I'll play around with it. I'm guessing I just put this under it).
I also use Passive Effects (and Support Abilities), so I'll be looking forward to better compatibility in the future. I'm also fairly well-versed in C++, Java, and C# (considering rewriting my game in XNA, actually), sorta wish I had the time to properly learn the ins and outs of RGSS so I can do more for the community.
Anyway, good job, Trickster!
One question: Say I want the system on a "wait" mode, where the timers stop to allow the user to make a decision. My game is very tactical, so having the timer stay active doesn't work all too well.
Wichu;271968":112j1dq9 said:When I took out the Action Timer script, I got an error when I attacked.
Script 'Action Wait Bar Addon' line 223: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'active_battler' for #<Scene_Battle:0x13ca6b8>.
Any help would be appreciated.
class Scene_Battle
attr_reader :active_battler
Triforce;272324":112j1dq9 said:How do I make it so that the enemies CAN attack when I hit them?:yes:
Triforce;272324 said:How do I make it so that the enemies CAN attack when I hit them?:yes:
You can just remove this script.Setup / Action Timer Addon said:# This script is an addon for the CTB, ATB, or my RTAB script. It improves the
# Built-In Version of Action Timer and allows actions to be interrupted when
# Attacked. (Note you need the most recent version of either CTB ATB or RTAB for
# this script to function correctly)
I answered that in the post before yours....harbino;275534 said:It is a good script but I don't want the characters Time Bar to return to 0 when he gets hit, I just want it to pause for 2 seconds and then carry on