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Trickster's RTAB (TRTAB) System V2.1

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Trickster's RTAB System
Version: 1.1


This is a specialized ATB battle system, specialized in that actions can occur simultaneously, this is an alternative to Cogwheel's RTAB.


See Screenshot section for ATB script




The families attack one at a time they have no use for this.


See instructions for ATB.

One New Constant

  # * Advanced Phase 4 Variables
  #     syntax - [ variable_names ]
  Phase4_Variables = []

If you have a script that creates a variable in phase 4 that needs to be saved add the name of the variable into that array to prevent it from be overwritten.


Awaiting Question...


SDK 2.x compliant
Requires Animated Gradient Bars + Window Sprites + Seph's Multiple Damage and Multiple Animations
Requires MACL Version 1.5
Compatibility unknown (but should be good) Rule if it isn't compatible with my CTB or ATB then chances are it isn't compatible with this

Credits and Thanks

SephirothSpawn for Multiple Damage and Multiple Animations

Author's Notes
Everyone knew this was coming from me for the past few months.

(For Laughs) You can call this script TRTAB, Advanced ATB, STARTAB, but not RTAB.
Downloading the TAB (Trickster's Active Battle) system right now. Gonna have to go after that so I won't be able to try it till later.




Wow! Looks ace Trickster...a few problems though...sometimes when you cast spells it would take me back to the command window...not all the time but when other party members got closer to their turn.

And also sometimes when you try to choose your move it takes numerous presses to actually work.

Other than that its looking mighty fine :)
DerVVulfman;183821 said:
Downloading the TAB (Trickster's Active Battle) system right now. Gonna have to go after that so I won't be able to try it till later.


Not TAB -_- , TAB is Trickster's Animated Batters

@Mac - that goes with the action is not smooth, there must be a wait (like 1 frame somewhere or something)
Omg Trickster there are too many errors! I couldn't even fisnish testing it out since there was one that was so annoying. But here's what I got so far:

I think the command menu keeps refreshing strangely. It wants to go back to highlighting attack all the time and in turn this causes quite a few annoyances. It won't let you scroll down to other commands and will force back to attack. Sometimes after entering in a command it will just show the command menu again like it was never entered. If you do not select a spell fast enough either another character's command menu will come up or the original one's will pop up again.

Turns seem to be skipped when selecting escape. Though I could be wrong since that error up top could be making it seem like it. Like if you have a character select escape and you go on to the next person that one will be skipped and the command menu will never come up for that character but the character highlights like it's performing an action but never does (or at least I think so since the whole thing is kinda jumbled) But I know I never gave them a command.

You gotta fix that first error though because it's confusing and difficult to even test it out since I can't enter the commands in right. Hope that helps you. :#
Oh, lol, wow I never noticed that until you told me, most of the bug will occur when you select actions very rapidly, but I will try to fix all of the errors that have been reported so far today (but we all know I might not get to it today)
Ok, The First Bug was a Bug inherited from ATB :)() I have fixed that I don't know about the second

Last Major bug to remove is the unsmoothiness
Ah much better now Trick. There's just a few little things I found.

When an animation is played you can't enter in a command. It just ignores you pressed enter until the animation is finished.

The skills help menu lingers when selecting the enemy when choosing a spell to deal on them.

Just a few minor things and I think it's golden. The escape problem seems to be solved although it might have been just me but it's more rare that you can actually escape.

Hope that helps. :#
Raven The Dark Angel;186410 said:
When an animation is played you can't enter in a command. It just ignores you pressed enter until the animation is finished.

Will look into this

The skills help menu lingers when selecting the enemy when choosing a spell to deal on them.

Bug with the new SDK, Seph should be fixing it as I type this

Just a few minor things and I think it's golden. The escape problem seems to be solved although it might have been just me but it's more rare that you can actually escape.

Its because of the enemies to heroes speed ratio, I think I may have fiddled with their agility values.
Hey Trickster,
I'm getting this bug when I try to inflict a state in map using events.
Script 'Game_Battler' line 125: ZeroDivisionError occurred.

divided by 0
The line is
  alias_method :trick_rtab_battler_add_state, :add_state
  def add_state(*args)
    # The Usual
    # Set Wait if not already set
[COLOR=Red][B]    self.state_wait = Rtab_Setup::At_Max / self.at_rate[/B][/COLOR]
    # Return if not dead
    return if not self.dead?
    # Reset At
    @at = 0
And I think it's because there's no at in the map, only in battle.
Well Now All I have to do is fix the animations error and *POW* Version 1.0

Edit. Expect it a an hour or so I have just isolated the problem
So my question is geared towards compatability.

Will it be compatable with your other scripts... mainly your skill effects script?
And will Ccoa's battle status's work with this as well?

And one more! Can we use the re-drawn bars like in RTAB?
Sandman53;187596 said:
So my question is geared towards compatability.

Will it be compatable with your other scripts... mainly your skill effects script?
And will Ccoa's battle status's work with this as well?

And one more! Can we use the re-drawn bars like in RTAB?

Compatibilty":duugu0fy said:
Compatibility unknown (but should be good) Rule if it isn't compatible with my CTB or ATB then chances are it isn't compatible with this

Try it and see if it works if not then wait for my new version of skill effects

No you can not switch the code used to draw the bars (the most you can do is remove the code for the HP and SP bars, you can not change the AT Bar), you can however make a copy of the gradient bar you want and configure the Animated Gradient Bars script to use that.

Updated to Version 1.1 (A measly .1 update)

And Again...

Cleans up code (More for me than for you)

Cleaned up the Setup (everything is in one section)

You may now choose to use the hp/sp bars or not, but I have also included 14 new gradients to the gradients folder to use

You can use the simple escape command or have the attack/escape window (but it comes up at the start of battle and never again)
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