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TLE Sprite v2 demo

Oh Axerax mentioned a good point: different styles.

However, when it comes to spriting, there are very few things that really MUST match for sprites to go together: Proportions, Shading and color.

This template solves the first two: It gives a straight proportion style, and the shading is very simple.

So if all of our spriters keep up with the same rules for shading (a darker tone for outlines, 3 for regular surfaces and 5 for shiny surfaces) and keep with similar color palettes, the rest is just concept and will eventually match as long as the concept given does.

Meticlan: Nice words.

Venetia: Regarding being overzealous, I know exactly how it is, but setting a resolution that you will finish and searching for a practical way to do things (estabilishing a quality goal which is enough to make you proud even if it is not perfect) is what keeps me up with my project :) (aside from TLE, where I follow directions and there is a team, which makes going straight easer).

We are thinking about releasing this template to the public (with the editor) as soon as its finished. I just wanted to know do you think anyone would ever use it. we will cut it down into smaller sections so you dont need to use the whole 300 frames. even if its just the b direction running with 8 frames.

Anyway i would like to hear your opinions. and here are some sprites that where made on the v1 of this template, Witch is now out dated...


Please let me know what sprite you think is best as im judging a comp :D

Please use spoilers if the image stretches the forum, thank you.

i dont know... that image is not hosted no more :'( so i dont know where to get it cause i never saved it lol

Edit: Scroll up to see the comp sprites.
2 things I see that need help.
in real life, people's heads bob slightly, if they dont the shock of stepping carries up the spine thru th neck into the head, where the shock is absorbed. A slight bob relieves the shock. So add a slight bob.
Also, he hands needs to come a little more forward on the upswing.
It looks great on the back swing, but it seems like his hands go back behind then right to his side to back again. The illusion of them coming infront of the sprite needs to be more prominant.

But it looks great. The leg animation is beautiful, I have to admit that is what I was most worried about, but you guys nailed it :)
I understand what you mean. but each sprite will have its head bobbing we promise you that.

also the hands are being worked on as we speak. We realize that problem,

keep a eye out for the fix
badmonur;286618 said:
I think this is the most original, I love it.

Thank you =^.^=

AceJP: I didn't get much of what you said regarding the hands moving, the sentence confused me, could you explain again please?
And thanks about the legs, they were really hard to get right :)
Hmm the sprites that compliment the template the most are the ones on the sorta green background... the boy and the girl. Seems like the shading is similar to the template's.
lol well its a good thing the spriter who did them is on the team lol. as the start of all new things we will make some mistakes but by the time we have the game finished it will all look great. (but it may sometimes look sucky along the way)



I had a gun forced to my head and told to comment...

Be aware bunnykinx (as he likes to call himself here) has tried to sway my opinion buy justifying what im about to say.

I beleive that though this is a template (and a briliant one at that), that it needs a slight muscle enlargement on the lower leg... I think that spriting clothes would need to incorporate the muscle to keep the realism or he'd end up looking like jack skeleton from the nightmare before christmas...

All in all 9.99 / 10, just needs a little more muscle structure...
The back of the head going towards the neck looks a little to square[d] off and not rounded like a skull would be. A small inconvenience that I'm more than certain won't bother people ;) but is that four frames? Thats like some incredibly smooth movement if it is. XD and also I think the right leg grows a little when its in front...or maybe thats just me? It just looks as if thats the case y'know? But great work none the less!
yea i see what you are saying. the head is also a TINY edit so we will get that sorted when we can. and the leg i think its just cosmetic at the moment and should not be to hard to fix :)

thanks for your comments :)
As compared to your front view I feel the legs are kinda looking like wet noodles. They seem to be the same width as each other. Thighs are bigger than lower legs. You need to define his butt more and give him some calves. He also doesn't have much of an ankle because it's all the same length down. Make some tappering happening with that. The back of his neck is too thick and he coudl use a more rounded skull in the back. Add a few pixles there because right now it looks chopped. Perhaps his collar bone shouldn't be so straight. Hope that helps.
thanks alot :)

all what you said is cosmetic witch im glad about. it would only take a few hours to fix. im just glad its not the movement itself :)
Another thing, its very small and has to do with the shading. If the leg is at his "upper" part, there seem to be just an outline, shadow and highlight... It doesn't flow in there if you see what I mean. Look ad it and you will see, I think.

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