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Tis pity she's a whore

││█║▌│║▌║ ▌│║▌║ ▌││":27ef9txx said:
Actually some people are prostitutes because they actually want it, hard to believe I know, but it is true ;o. Remember, not all prostitutes are street walkers and back alley people.

Oh bad pun in there lol.

I know, but the majority of the time that's not true. Most prostitutes dislike their job.



The legality of prostitution is virtually a non-issue, and doesn't change the fact that it is usually either a last-chance occupation for women, or something that people addicted to chemicals perform to feed their habit. I don't care one way or another about prostitution, because it doesn't effect my life in any way. However, I do often feel bad for the women who feel that they have no other choice than to sell their bodies to survive.
it's not self-destruction if the woman chooses to do it. sure, it's possible that's an underlying cause ...

people get into prostitution primarily because they have hit rock bottom, and as they have no skills or degrees, or perhaps they have a criminal record barring them from most employment, they need to make money. and they WILL make money. a lot of it. a lot more than working at mcdonald's. a lot more than most office jobs, too, if they're hot and serve "upper class" clients.

and remember, men are prostitutes too! perhaps even up to 20% in america are male (based of arrest statistics).

another prevalent reason for someone to be a prostitute: force.
illegal harboring, kidnapping, and coercion happens every day. it's already illegal to be a john, so what's the harm in renting someone who's there against her will?
people are imported here from other countries occasionally but more often than not it is a case of someone kidnapping a 14 or 15 year old girl and getting them into the business by trumping up their online profiles to say they're only "escorts" and are "of age". this is a huge problem, bigger than most people think.

a brothel would not employ this tactic. the overall demand for illegal sex would go down, as there is a legal alternative.
the need for abusive pimp syndicates would go down as they would have to drop their prices to compete with the brothels.

the law in nevada is imperfect. it allows prositution outside of brothels as well, which still supports pimp<>whore behavior (which is never good--it's almost like slave ownership).

also, sometimes brothels will "slip between the cracks" and go un-regulated. This can result in problems, abuse, and rape. So, should we ever legalize it, it should be only under strict supervision.

If human trafficking, ties to drug abuse, STDs, and harassment/abuse were uninvolved with prostitution--i.e. if a woman could just turn tricks sometimes on her own with no recourse, then it'd all be peachy and i'd say legalize the lot of it. but there ARE problems with it stemming beyond simple religious morality.



There are other factors that come into play. For example, there are concerns of sex-trafficking. If you legalize prostitution and advocate brothels, there is still a great risk that organizations in the Balkans, the Chinese Mafia, and the Russian Mafia might ship over women to be sex-slaves to the country that legalizes it. With a bit of clever forgery of documents, they could pull this off in spite of the heavy regulation. This would just further build an evil that exists that so rarely is discussed. These aren't women who are willing, but forced. And that is degrading.

Uh, that's already happening. Woman are tricked into coming to this country, and they are told that they have to pay them back. Usually, a high amount and placed in a house, threatened. There was a program on cable called: Escaped. And yes, it was this country. It is so bad that there are raids on strip joints and etc, to check for illegals. The argument is not a very good argument against prostitution. Actually, it is a good reason to get rid of the law, and I think whoever pays for sex is pathetic. It would get rid of pimps (who would need them) and slave driven prostitution.

Women would have a choice to stay or leave. There would be standards and crime would lower, because there would be security. They haven't gotten rid of prostitution yet. And it's called the oldest profession... I have to disagree, since hunter or farmer is actually the oldest before prostitution



Cait":2t0yehyu said:
There are other factors that come into play. For example, there are concerns of sex-trafficking. If you legalize prostitution and advocate brothels, there is still a great risk that organizations in the Balkans, the Chinese Mafia, and the Russian Mafia might ship over women to be sex-slaves to the country that legalizes it. With a bit of clever forgery of documents, they could pull this off in spite of the heavy regulation. This would just further build an evil that exists that so rarely is discussed. These aren't women who are willing, but forced. And that is degrading.

Uh, that's already happening. Woman are tricked into coming to this country, and they are told that they have to pay them back. Usually, a high amount and placed in a house, threatened. There was a program on cable called: Escaped. And yes, it was this country. It is so bad that there are raids on strip joints and etc, to check for illegals. The argument is not a very good argument against prostitution. Actually, it is a good reason to get rid of the law, and I think whoever pays for sex is pathetic. It would get rid of pimps (who would need them) and slave driven prostitution.

Women would have a choice to stay or leave. There would be standards and crime would lower, because there would be security. They haven't gotten rid of prostitution yet. And it's called the oldest profession... I have to disagree, since hunter or farmer is actually the oldest before prostitution

I know it's already happening, hence my link to the article detailing the tens of thousands of slaves in the US, or using language like "This would just further build an evil." (emphasis added) My point is that in spite of legalization we would risk exacerbating the problem. Granted this is a risk and not a guarantee, but it's one to take into account when debating the merits of legalization. Simply defending oneself with claims of regulation and raids fails when you compare this to a similar story--Undocumented immigration. Again, a bit of an apples and pears thing here because undocumented immigrants come willingly and slaves are coerced or forced. But my point is that in spite of regulations put in place, at least here in the US, we still have a major immigration problem. I would fear that legalizing prostitution would increase the demand for sex workers, therefor people will supply them.

So ultimately I contest your conjecture that legalization would get rid of sex-slaves. I actually think it has the potential to worsen things. I also don't think a simple legalization would get rid of pimps either. With all of the regulation, taxation, and costs associated with creating a legal alternative, I imagine there would still be pimps who get sex-slaves and cater to those who avoid the 'sex workers union.' Particularly if they're rejected as a client or if they want it more discreet.

As far as the oldest profession bit goes, it's mostly just a saying with very little backing it. But the little bit backing it is that in humanity's nomadic times before the advent of agriculture, people would exchange sexual services in return for food and shelter. Either way, it doesn't really weigh into consideration on whether prostitution should be legalized. :)
I have to say I agree with Mundane a 100%

Surprisingly, I read several studies back in school that seem to suggest that, contrary to certain right-wing gospel, many women would actually prefer to sell their bodies than accept a handout purely because it makes them feel less like scroungers.
This was actually shown on a Dateline NBC a while back, one about high quality prostitutes. These are peoplejoy their job - in fact they compare it to psycotheraphy. And in the end guess what... many of their clients give them lavish gifts, for a couple of days. These men and women make thousands, in merchandise not included in the agreement... The clients do not treat the like some sex object, they are more treated like the most wonderful of doctors and kept in high regard. This is a profession, which can bring the poor literally from rags to riches.

However, I personally would never be or hire a prostitute.

Oh and guess what I'm a hard line right winger... (but then again I'm atheist)
An interesting point that was brought up in a conversation a short while back was this:

- Is pornography prostitution?

The people involved are paid for sex. The only difference is that... well, there isn't a difference as far as I can tell.

What would be interesting therefore is your thoughts on pornography. Is pornography ok? Would you ever take part (for money or not)? Would you treat a "porn star" any differently to a "prostitute"?



Commodore Whynot":2g0sr2fo said:
An interesting point that was brought up in a conversation a short while back was this:

- Is pornography prostitution?

The people involved are paid for sex. The only difference is that... well, there isn't a difference as far as I can tell.

What would be interesting therefore is your thoughts on pornography. Is pornography ok? Would you ever take part (for money or not)? Would you treat a "porn star" any differently to a "prostitute"?

That's a difficult question and I can be persuaded either way. I agree that there seems to be very little difference between the two, that said there are a couple tiny differences that I think are large enough to make a distinction between the two.

With prostitution, you are selling your body to a client for a short period of time. While there can and will be rules on what goes on during the session, ultimately the end result is that person has sold themself to another person (albeit briefly.) This sale is a literal transaction of slavery.

Pornography, on the other hand, is not a person 'selling' themself. They're 'flaunting' themselves, I suppose you could say, for pay. Granted, it involves sexual actions, but no where in the process of legal pornography does the person 'sell' themself to another person. At least, not any more than a model sells themself to a product or fashion, or a waiter to the customers for tips.

I don't know if that difference is substantive enough to distinguish porn from prostitution in my book, but it is a difference. As for your question of whether we should treat prostitutes and porn stars differently, I don't think we should. I don't think that we as a society should judge them for their lifestyle and we should treat them as we do any other human being.
A large difference between prostitutes and porn stars is that porn stars are normally selective of their clients, make more money and typically live better lifestyles (less often drug orientated etc.). Prostitution is often a forced occupation however to my knowledge porn is normally far more controlled environment and the women are not so much forced. It seems much more like its a choice they make than a condition of life or death as a lot of them can afford plastic surgery and whatnot. Of course there would simply be whores that simply get filmed - which is the same as prostitution - but when talking about porn-star's (people who sell themselves to do porn for a living) they actually seem quite successful.

Then you can look at the people who use sex and porn as a publicity stunt to get famous (or increase their fame)- those so called "celebrity sex tapes" and what not. These people made the conscious choice after leading a successful life to make these tapes. With role models like that, you could expect children to grow up with a "Want" of being a porn stars as opposed to a need.

Porn is a complicated issue as I believe it encompasses more than just people who do it from need or drug addiction.
With prostitution, you are selling your body to a client for a short period of time. While there can and will be rules on what goes on during the session, ultimately the end result is that person has sold themself to another person (albeit briefly.) This sale is a literal transaction of slavery.

In that case any job would be slavery.

Slavery is defined as working for no pay, in the case of prostitution there is pay, so it is not slavery; unless none of the money goes to the whore.
jacob":25byascs said:
I am absolutely opposed to it. It degrades women, violates the sanctity of sexual intimacy between a lawfully wedded husband and wife, and acts in direct opposition to the will of God and his eternal plan of both earthly and eternal happiness.

Here's a scenario... lets just say God doesn't exist? What then? What makes it right or wrong? And furthermore who are we to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body?

I'm not detesting God's existence in any way. But... considering half of the world doesn't believe in God, it is a hard argument to bring up in such a debate.

Here's what I think... I'd never hire a prostitute myself, but I think a woman can decide for herself what she is to do with her body.
Prostitution is against my religious beliefs but the way the world (at least the USA) is today with Freedom of Religion, equal rights and all the other rights we have, I have to say it should be legal. Personally I do not agree with it but it makes sense. I'm not a religious freak that goes around stamping my beliefs on peoples face. I really don't see how prostitution is illegal in most places. People should be able to do whatever they want with themselves (besides suicide, because thats kinda obvious). And if the only reason prostitution is illegal is religion, It should be made legal. In a world where most countries have freedom of religion, than this should be a right given to people. Personally I would stay away from prostitution in every way but thats only my choice.
Wow you sexist bastards, men can be prostitutes too...

Seriously anyone saying that men should respect women as an argument against prostitution needs to take a step back and think about how little respect they're showing women by making the separation in the first place.

But yea, prostitution. I don't see why it shouldn't be a valid career when equally talentless people get paid a fucking bundle to fish-mouth on a stage with some pre-recorded music playing behind them. I see no association between sex and love, and I'm a firm believer that you CANNOT stop people from doing what they want to do, so you may as well control it (eg: .NL). People will prostitute themselves and pay for prostitutes whether their government says they can or they can't. That's a fact that one trip through your local urban town at night will prove to you. The only reason it's forbidden is for citizen protection, but it's a counter-intuitive effort given the above. Everyone is better off if, like in the netherlands, it is completley legal but has a set of standards that any organisation has to uphold (eg. regular STD checks, provision of contraception, HOT HOT HOT WOMEN/MEN/WHATEVER YOU'RE INTO).

So yea screw you.
Dr. Gonzo":hbluy702 said:
There's no place for Christian dogmatic morals in our government. They rule too much of it as is. Gay marriage, isn't happening because of dogmatists. Abortion is being fought by dogmatists. We live in a democratic society where people have a right to their mind, body, and soul(if they so believe in one or not). If you want to whore yourself you should have every fucking right. Who is the government to tell you you can't do something with your body? The thing it comes down to is baseless morals and greed.

jacob":hbluy702 said:
The fact that someone was actually capable of responding to my post by questioning how prostitution degrades women has confirmed my suspicion that any future posts in this thread, after having read the first two, are pointless.

Get off your high horse and get real dude. I respect your beliefs but all you have is the word of God to back you up. We live in a democracy. Freedom of Religion and Beliefs? I'm sure you've heard of it. You just exercised it in your two posts. I'm exercising mine in telling you that just your God tells you about an eternal path doesn't mean that Mrs. Prostitute is a scum sucking anti-christ out to degrade herself in the name of Satan. She's dirt poor, has no other options, and is probably trying to pay off some drug debt, or feed her dying kids. So before you pull these Christian moral cards, use your brain and be human. Every intelligent human on this planet should have the right to their body. End of story. No theological process to it. I'm not intending to offend you, but if I did, I'm not apologizing.

I applaud you. I'm disgusted by the Christian moralists who think they are always superior and situations are always black and white.

I think as long as it is regulated and controlled (as well as heavily taxed) it would reduce underground prostitution rings and provide good income for cities. I personally would never go to one, but to those who would, why not have their money fund the cities. There is going to be prostitution either way, and the ironic thing is that by legalizing it, it would reduce it.

If only our government could realize that about everything else
Holk":16c7tqjv said:
The legality of prostitution is virtually a non-issue, and doesn't change the fact that it is usually either a last-chance occupation for women, or something that people addicted to chemicals perform to feed their habit. I don't care one way or another about prostitution, because it doesn't effect my life in any way. However, I do often feel bad for the women who feel that they have no other choice than to sell their bodies to survive.

Anyone who has any job can get drugs for their habit. It does not matter what job you have, you can still be a drug user.

I honestly would like prostitution to be legal but it must be regulated. Prostitution is the oldest profession there has ever been. Women think I am the ugliest piece of shit on God's green Earth so this is the only way I could ever have sex. I have never hired a prostitute before. I don't plan on getting in trouble with the law.



Anyone who has any job can get drugs for their habit. It does not matter what job you have, you can still be a drug user.
but a drug habit sort of comes to preclude most "honest" jobs. an addiction to hard drugs becomes evident quickly (nervous tics, track marks, a generally unhealthy appearance,) and it can be tough to concentrate enough to perform regular work, depending on the substance and the scale of addiction. prostitution is fast money, and it doesn't require you to look clean.

Women think I am the ugliest piece of shit on God's green Earth so this is the only way I could ever have sex. I have never hired a prostitute before. I don't plan on getting in trouble with the law.
Prostitution. We can only look at it as women who may not want to do it, but can't do anything else...
Personally, when I see a middle aged woman on the street wearing fake feathers, tight leathers, a fake blonde wig and copious amounts of red lipstick; I hang my head in shame of the society that made them that way.

But that's their choice of lifestyle. If they thought it was so wrong in the first place, they wouldn't have become a prostitute.
We can only look at it as women who may not want to do it, but can't do anything else...

No we can't. We can also look at it as women who may want to do it and could do other things but want to do it. :|

It's like cleaners. "Nobody wants to be cleaners"; minimum wage, doing a shitty job, often only doing it because no other choice and doesn't require any skills or qualifications. But still, there are some people who want to be cleaners. Saying that every cleaner is only in that situation because they have to be is exactly like saying prostitutes are always in that position because they want to be (no pun intended).
It's honestly perfectly fine with me. I mean, just as long as it's legal in the region you are in, and the chicks are clean, that's all I care.

It's free will. Do what you want with your life. I suppose having sex as a job might be fun.

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