I'm conflicted.
I tip because the people in this state make $2.50/hr outside of tips.
I tip because I frequent certain restaurants, and I like getting my food without spit in it.
I tip because tipping customers get preferential treatment sometimes.
I tip because being a waiter/waitress/server can be a tremendously, ridiculously hard job.
I don't want to tip, because the employers should simply be paying their employees enough that tips aren't a factor.
I don't want to tip, because I'm only giving extra money to these people who are just doing the jobs they are expected to do.
I don't want to tip, because most of the time, service is par to sub-par. So what's the point?
I don't want to tip, because then I always pay more for the meal than I was expecting.
I don't want to tip, because occasionally, servers get pissy about small tips. As if it were a paycheck.
Initially, tips were supposed to be a means of the customer's expression of: "Hey, you did an incredible job. Much better than I'm used to. Here's a little incentive so you do it again." It's supposed to be a conditional thing, a benefit for tremendous service, of going above-and-beyond.
When I was in retail, I was helping customers one-on-one in the copy center. Sometimes I stayed late, and BUSTED MY ASS to help them. I mean, I'd spend HOURS AND HOURS on a job of theirs. And they'd come in, and thank me, and about 1/10,000 of them filled out a comment card in my favor, and that'd be it.
When I walk into Chili's, sometimes it takes 10 minutes to be greeted, and 40 minutes to be seated. Then I'm wedged between two families with little fussy kids. Then the server takes like 10 minutes just to take my order, and it takes like 30 minutes to get my food. I sit there with an empty glass for long bursts of time. And when I'm done, I have to wait an additional 30 minutes to wait for the check, plunk down the credit card, have it taken, have it brought back. Then I see that there's a little "gratuity" line under the total.
It kills me! I HAVE to leave something! I'm guilt-wracked! I figure, "the service wasn't too hot, but it's busy, she's having a hard time ..." and leave like 5-8%.
But why??? Why give any money at all?? My service wasn't extraordinary! In fact, it was rather poor, by comparison!
Chaps my ass. But I guess it's one of those little social faux-pas that every community has. It makes no sense, but it's the norm. I'm generally offended by people who are poor tippers, but then I have to take myself back and ask myself why this is so ingrained in me.
It's like washing your hands after you use the restroom. Even if you didn't touch a damned thing in that bathroom with your bare hands, and your hands never made contact with your downtown/weewee, you're still absolutely COMPELLED to wash your hands. You MUST. Or else you're GROSS.
It's like people who sit at a red light, in a turn lane, with their turn signal on. Why indicate that you're making a left turn when you're in the LEFT TURN LANE and you're sitting at a LEFT TURN SIGNAL? Because something inside them is compelling them to flick that little lever!
It's just "one of those things".