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Time Traveling

Do you really thing we'd have tourists? I mean time traveling would be a pretty dangerous thing to mess around with, don't you think?
Along comes a new way of transportation, it's very experimental and dangerous. We improve and improve and eventually we feel confident enough in our abilities to lie to ourselves and say we perfected the mode of transportation.

Trains. Plains. Automobiles.
Soon enough the elite get their hands on it. The rich and powerful take vacations just like everyone else, but instead they do special things. Who'd want to go to Rome and hear about the gladiators - let's see some Christians fed to the lions papa!

Seriously though, we're humans we make mistakes. Maybe in 2834 we'll hve tourists, and for whatever reason they won't go past August 4th of that year. Not because of limitations but because someone slipped up and accidentally sent their mother in law back in time. That annoying coworker. A spoon that levitates from the plate to your mouth.

August 4th 2834 is forever known as the day of the temporal screw job, when rich and budding scientists accidentally sent back their blue prints so they could have invented the damn machine faster and gotten a full patent instead of that bastards at Apple. Watch, it'll be just like the GUI, Apple'll steal time travel from Xerox. You'll have your I-phone, with new I-crap features such as skipping years, days, and replaying the last 4 minutes of a 58 year old's sex life. All in the sake of entertainment. Either that... or nothing.

We are only human, and there's no way we'd have something that cool and not decide to mess around and steal George Washingtons wooden teeth.
There was one sci-fi theory that is you want to the past, there would be noone there, and if you stayed long enough you'd see the "time creatures" that eat all the left over stuff.

If you went back in time and killed yourself, then you'd die, both of you. You think it won't work, because then you can't go into the past, but the fact is, you already did, it's part of history. This is assuming that you are both connected still. Your younger self may die, and you contine on, but when you return, there will be no traces of you.
My new definition of time: An infinite set of events that may or may not be pre-set. Because everything that happens depends on individual choices, the time runs on probabilities. When someone makes a choice, that individual life goes in a way and you can never go back or predict what will happen next or what would happen if the choice was another, or maybe we could, but because of our imagination beeing so vast or so little, we can't really tell, we are mentaly limited. We can measure the time the way we want, as there are infinite ways to do so and infinite units of time. We already have them, seconds (and less), minutes, hours, days, months, years, and we measure them with clocks.
Time is like playing a song, a video, except you can't return or loop, you just move forward and can't stop that flow.
Big amount of offtopic trash in spoiler
WHEN was time born? At the same TIME existence was. When was existence born? It's beyond our possibilities, even our imagination, probably, every beeing in the universe is limited to know the origins of the universe and not what was/happened before the origins. Unless they were the creators... What if there are more universes? If this one exist, there is a possibility that more exist, like rooms that exist on...something else. And how does time run on those universes? Are they clones to ours or vice-versa? Does the time there flow faster than here?
Well...you can't go back in time, and that's it. Every theory is just a fantasy of human mind.:yes:
Nothing is beyond imagination.
I just imagined Richard Nixon going back in time and raping baby Big Bird from the cartoon muppets show. They both wore diapers. Nixon wore a hat. An Abe Lincoln hat. Nothing is beyond imagination.

And besides, more universes being thrown in just adds more to the tourist line. Now we have guys from a universe where kung fu masters fought the Indians instead of cowboys, and the golden gate bridge is purple... that might explain those stupid ass people at the museums though...
How? All you did was prove you can't imagine it in a logical way in your thinking. What's that? Imagination and logic? Oh yeah, like church and state. Their kids aren't even allowed to ride on the short bus.

Anything can be imagined. Definition is another story.
That was confusing hehe. Were you meaning that i only proved that I cant imagine the colour? Or that Imagining a new colour is as simple as thinking 'theres a new colour called bloompat', but thinking up what it looks like is a different thing entirely? or something else?

What i was meaning was that i dont believe you will be able to come up with the colour. But i suppose it was a stupid argument | p
Our imagination is limited by our knowledge. Notice on how every alien created by the movies and shit were all based of something that was created on Earth ;). Can you imagine something that isn't based off anything you saw until today or something that had/has place on Earth? I challenge you :P
Time Travel.
You limit it to me (generic "you") so what about the guy who thought it up? Did he base it off something he saw or something that had already was here on earth?
What was time travel based off of? Sure at first it was like clouds and a magic ship. Alright. But that's the mode, not the thought that's limited.

All you came close to having proved is we've got so many ideas we don't need new ones cause we aren't done with our old ones yet.
That's not proof. It makes it less likely, true, but time travelers could just choose not to talk to us. Or maybe when they time travel they go to an alternate version of the world that has no consequence on their present. Or something.


Awesome Bro

Grandor;256082 said:
Dude, holy fuck. I thought I was the only one. I feel like that too. Like the stuff I've done now I've done before and I can predict stuff happening because all of that stuff feels like it's happened before.

YES! o.o FUCK! How wierd is that sometimes? I just wish I had De ja vu about the lottery ;-;
hmm. i think i know some theory.

It is said that you cant travel into the past because it has happen already. But some scientist (not sure) said that we are able to travel into the future XD

hmm another thing.

does everbody here has ride on an airplane? if your answer is yes, then you already jump through time!

hehe no, seriously.. hint: look at timezones XD
That has to have something with the event horizon of black holes or something (go see in wiki). If you travel at light speed, 5 minutes to you will be way more time to earthlings, that's traveling into the future. Don't know for sure, read about it somewhere.
I don't know I have a hard time classifying that as time travel... technically it fits the requirement, but I've always been a fan of the instantaneous shiny light 3 second smoke screen effect of the early 70's flicks... While technically the whole speed of light lessening time's effect theory does sort of account, for me it's like saying you can travel to the future by sleeping. Everything goes by really fast for me in my dreams...
Though it's more like, in my head rather, being frozen and thawed out. Time went real quick for you compared to us skeletons didn't it?
Actually, I think I may have a theory related to time travel.

I think that time travel is extremely complicated. Trying to travel to the past would cause the instantaneous destruction of all organic life in the thing that is taking you. You would need some sort of robot and somehow transfer one's mind and spirit into the robot to actually be able to facilitate traveling to the past. If you go to the future, you would probably end up in a place that is void of life, and would have to wait a length of time proportionate to how far into the future you went for the present to catch up to you. I also think that time is not cylindrical so you cannot hope to go so far into the future that you end up in the past, and vice versa.
Come again? Were you being totally serious?
Trying to travel to the past would cause the instantaneous destruction of all organic life in the thing that is taking you.
Why? What makes you think that? Since we don't know if time travel is even possible, we sure as hell don't know the effects of it on the body. Whether it obliterates organic life or not. Why only organic life? I don't get it.
would have to wait a length of time proportionate to how far into the future you went for the present to catch up to you.
I disagree with that. The present won't 'catch up' with you, because you'll continue moving through time. And if you can move to a different time, then for you that will be the present. By the time the time you came from is the time that you moved to, you'll be in a completely different time. Or something equally complicated.
I also think that time is not cylindrical
How can time be cylindrical? It's not a physical thing.

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