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Time Traveling

I like the theory, actually, maybe that's why we haven't found intelligent life out there. I mean how long did it take us humans to evolve.
Actually Kraft,

Wjen you put on your tv, broadcasting, but you don't recieve anything, you get white noise, right? This white noise it seems are not messages from the death (see: white noise) but particles from the very first beginning. Many theories say the universe is bend, thus anything going forward infinite will pass the same point again.

Now, the particles that hit your antenne are those from the big bang, they say. Those are the ACTUAL particles, which are x x x years old. In fact, when you put on the tv on a no-chanel, you look into the past to the very first beginning.

No, as for time traveling. The problem, many say, is that you can not be twice on the same place. How logical, one atom for instance can not be 'sharing' the exact same position with another position. Then there is the quantumfysics etc. etc. Each choise you make opens a new paralel world blabla. The point is, when you would travel into the feature, what path will you take? Lets say, when you go to the past, will you be taking the exact same path, or a different, making you pop-up in a paralel world where you never born. What if your parents did not met, because you went to the past?

Remember, Time is something we humans created. We like structure. We like to give things a beginning and an end.- We like to say, that happend at that exact time. But time(flow) (apperently) is relative to the place you are. They once put an atomclock into an airplane, flew twice around the world and compared the time with the one that did not move (U.S.A). The one from the plane's time was late 0.25 seconds...
While it is a cool theory, Kraft, it would work, but not in the way you would imagine it. Light diffuses. Waves absorb and release energy, can change frequency, combine with other interference lightwaves and change intensity and/or frequency. By the time the light reaches us, it would be so jumbled, convoluted and have lost so many wavelengths there would be no way to get more information out of it other than light (we wouldn't be able to distinguish anything on a planet's surface, for example). In fact, light reflected from a planet's surface is so small, that none of it (or very, very little) actually survives the entire trip back to earth. Most of it diffuses off into the universe.

Plus, you would have to reach the distant planet at a speed FASTER than light in order to beat it there.

I do like the concept, however.
My theory? There's no such thing as time. Time is not an invisible essence that pushes our minds forward. "Time" is just the word used to keep track of dates and schedules. When you say that time "moves", all you really mean is that the earth is rotating, and the people on it are moving. Those are the laws of physics, not the movement of "time". If you want to say that time exists, the only way for it to be so is if it was completely still.
Seph is totally right. There is no 'flow' of time. it cant be slowed down, sped up, stopped, moved forwards of backwards. If time travel existed, then god probably would as well OOH SHOT DOWN NON-ATHEISTS!!!
Red Dawn;255796 said:
Seph is totally right. There is no 'flow' of time. it cant be slowed down, sped up, stopped, moved forwards of backwards. If time travel existed, then god probably would as well OOH SHOT DOWN NON-ATHEISTS!!!

uh, read up on the theory of relativity. Like, how going fast effects things. Where if mr. space man went really, really fast, all methods of measuring time would be slightly slower (I think? I didn't take the class, my friend just described this to me in like 2 sentences in a car like 4 months ago) than the people at home talking to him, he would go 10 years, home would go 11, for all effective purposes. bla bla bla.
PeteD2S;247947 said:
Also, when i get a sensation of Deja Vu, it isn't as most people describe it. My Deja Vu moments normaly feel like they last 5 seconds, they are first triggered by a milisecond familiar moment, followed by "predictions" of whats going to happen next with a fraction of a second between "predictions" and events and when its finally over i think about how fucking weird it feels.

Dude, holy fuck. I thought I was the only one. I feel like that too. Like the stuff I've done now I've done before and I can predict stuff happening because all of that stuff feels like it's happened before.
Sephiroth7734;255481 said:
My theory? There's no such thing as time. Time is not an invisible essence that pushes our minds forward. "Time" is just the word used to keep track of dates and schedules. When you say that time "moves", all you really mean is that the earth is rotating, and the people on it are moving. Those are the laws of physics, not the movement of "time". If you want to say that time exists, the only way for it to be so is if it was completely still.

Just as I said, we can't go back in time because time isn't. The only way to go back in time is to remember what happened to us in the past, not entering a time travel machine and go mount some dinossaurs.

Grandor;256082 said:
Dude, holy fuck. I thought I was the only one. I feel like that too. Like the stuff I've done now I've done before and I can predict stuff happening because all of that stuff feels like it's happened before.

Yeah, it happens to me very often (atleast 1 time a week).

Edit: Just remembered another thing. If we were to go back in time, what would happen to the people in the "present"? How would you explain that 2 EQUAL bodies (if we were to travel to a date were we already existed) in the same piece of time (this second, then that second, etc...)? That is like dupping yourself, not cloning, copying. THAT isn't possible. Also, if we traveled to a date where we didn't exist yet, your body matter wouldn't be created yet, therefore, you beeing there would be wrong and nonsense because in the future that matter is going to be created and you would be interacting with other matter that you shouldn't because you weren't created yet. Anything else you understand with going back in time, title is wrong for the definition.
Maybe going to a different parallel dimension could work, but the problem with time travel is that if someone in the future invented it they would go back in time and give us it (i reckon). Like at least someone came back to save someone s life etc, but since we dont have it now i doubt we ever will.



What I meant by traveling to the other planet, and seeing ours, would be if they were to record everything that they saw of our planet.

I mean, if we discovered lifs on another planet, how many video cameras and images do you think we would have of it?

And the telescope that can see another planet...
well, the hubble telescope was 100x more powerful then they originally designed it to be... and that was like 20 years ago!

Think what they would be like in 20 years...
Grandor;256082 said:
Dude, holy fuck. I thought I was the only one. I feel like that too. Like the stuff I've done now I've done before and I can predict stuff happening because all of that stuff feels like it's happened before.

Well there are more people. It saved me from getting in the hospital.

Seph, that's not theory, that's fact. Look at what I've written. Red, Time and flow are two different things.
I think what you mean is "Absolute time does not exist", ie there is no universal 'now' or instant which emcompasses the whole universe.

Also, white noise does not give an indication of the past any more than anything else. All particles date back 'to the begining'.

Quantum physics does not say that each choice you make opens a different universe. It suggests that maybe when subatomic particles interact, the result is not defined and that several possible results may in some way take an existance, (ie different "what could have happened"s has an effect on the measureable particle's behavior).

As for the deja vu thing, no offence but I really don't believe it for a second. As Hume pointed out, (talking about miracles at the time), people enjoy stories and want to believe the ones which exite them; to the point where people will believe a story even when rational thought tells them that it's not true.
I have had Dejavu where I swear, once I realized what was going on, I felt like I could predict what was about to happen, but I never was actually able to do so.

But dejavu is a fairly easily explained (if not full understood) physical phenomenon that has nothing to do with precognition or time travel, and everything to do with your brain messing up.

People with anxiety and schizophrenia have it a lot more often than usual people, so maybe anxiety = time travel?

It's all a matter of perception.
Roman Candle;258507 said:
I think what you mean is "Absolute time does not exist", ie there is no universal 'now' or instant which emcompasses the whole universe.

Also, white noise does not give an indication of the past any more than anything else. All particles date back 'to the begining'.

Quantum physics does not say that each choice you make opens a different universe. It suggests that maybe when subatomic particles interact, the result is not defined and that several possible results may in some way take an existance, (ie different "what could have happened"s has an effect on the measureable particle's behavior).

As for the deja vu thing, no offence but I really don't believe it for a second. As Hume pointed out, (talking about miracles at the time), people enjoy stories and want to believe the ones which exite them; to the point where people will believe a story even when rational thought tells them that it's not true.

Maybe you never had a deja vu sensation, but other people do. I had one just today. Or maybe you had and you don't want to believe it. Or you had and you didn't know it was called a deja vu sensation.
You can't just say that one is faking, 'cause it isn't happening all the time so when it happens that person knows whats happening. The moment feels strangely familiar but because it never happened that person feels weird. But yeah, it's all explained through the brain. Brain's a b***h.
I had deja vu a lot a few years ago, to the point where I got confused about whether I had actually done something before. What I mean was that I don't believe it has to do with precognition.
Most scientists agree that the the most common dejavu either has to do with, basically, a timing error between the hemispheres of the brain (basically, one half of your senses are slightly behind, meaning you actually do experiance the same thing twice, but at the exact same time), or it's an issue basically involving your brain simply "recognizing" something it hasn't seen before.

Edit: Oh! I forgot to mention my psychic/prophetic moment! I had a dream where I bumped into my ex who I hadn't seen in YEARS at my church, and her hair was blond. This is significant because anyone who knew her also knew she would never bleach her jet-black hair, right?

So I'm at church a few days later, and for whatever reason (can't quit remember) in the process of describing this dream to a friend of mine when suddenly, under circumstances almost exactly like those in my dream, she shows up with, of course, blond hair.

I'm slightly famous for that now, but I've never been able to do it again. Rats!
Roman Candle;239475 said:
Yes, travelling forwards in time is a cinch. I personally do not travel at the speed of light all the time, and enjoy a great deal of time beacuse of it. Yes yes indeed.

I recently learned about Wheeler's Delayed Choice experiment. It blew my MIND. Like, dude. Seriously. Wow. Put simply, if you shoot photons through a card with two slits onto a screen, they will form a wave interference pattern, (that is, in some sense it passes both slits). However, detecting the particles between the slits and the screen causes them to lose their wavelike behavior, and the pattern built is one of two bands of light as you would expect for particles.

This is a standerd experiment. But in the Wheeler's Choice varient, instead of placing the detectors between the slit and screen so that the photons are particles when they hit the screen, you put telescopes nearby. In this way, you determine which slit the photon will pass though after it has hit the screen. But here's the wierd thing. When the photon hits the screen, it does so as a particle - no wave pattern. However, at this time, it has not been detected. In fact, it loses is wave property beause it's going to be detected. NO WAY. SERIOUSLY.

In my Quantum Mechanics Must Die varient of the experiment, you set it up so that the screen the photon hits is a LDR, which alters a circuit. The circuit is attatched to the telescopes and activates/deactivates it. When the light is concentrated into two bands, (beacuse it's going to be detected), the telescopes are deactivated and the photon is not detected. However, if the photon is not detected, then it would behave as a wave. But when it is not a particle, the circuit deactivates and reactivates the telescopes, destroying the wave form. In this way, the prediction made invalidates itself, (this is similar to the Laplace's Demon thought experiment, where an infinitely knowledgable being in a determined, determinable universe cannot predict the action of someone who will do the opposite of it's prediction).

Supposedly in quantum mechanics objects can defy the law of excluded middle and possess two conflicting properties. I'd like to know if it can posses neither. Would it then still be light?

DO you know where I can get video of those experments? It sounds very intersting.

Like others, I say time dosen't exist in a real sence. But I think, technicaly, travel into the future is possible, there are - supposivly - areas in space that "time" moves at a diffrent speed. If you could stay there for a bit, you could age slower, while the earth ages normally. But your still gone for the duration - so maybr that's just how to live a little longer...

And on Dejavu, I have it all the time! I've actually had it layerd, where I felt I was going through a time that I thought I was going through, only this time it was real - I was certin. I've even had a rare experence where it felt layerd many times over, where I recalled that I thought it was for real, and it apperently wasn't. The first thing I always do is try to think of what happens next so I can do something completly diffrent. I can't rember having a clear thought any time of what would really come next. But I still hate it. My own theory was that a chemical of some type get released when something is familiar, and in this case it misfires so what your doing right now feels like your recalling it as it's happening. I recentaly read an artical, says something about your brain recalls parts of a memory for some things, and a full memory for others, and dejavu is like a glitch, you mind is recalling similar memorys that match whatever is going on, but mislabels. This is my paraphrase. It also mentions some of the stuff Ark mentioned.
I think if time travel was possible, we could never alter the flow of time.
If I got a flat tire on my way to work, if I tried to go back in time and stop the flat from happening, my actions would actually be what causes the flat tire.

Kind of like what happens in Red Vs Blue season 3.
K check this shit

What happens if you go back in time and kill your self?
You will die so you will never go back in time to kill yourself so you will live so you will go back in time to kill your self so you will die so you will never go back in time to kill yourself...

So what happens then?
You could have just typed it twice and left your "forever and ever" at the end of that short post, instead of this mangle of unnecessity .

You go back to time to kill yourself. You kill you. You either:
A) Fade away because you no longer exist.
2) Realize your still alive because your in the "past" now like some bad sci-fi movie or x-men comic.
Other) You esplodeduh the uniberse
Nextly) Nothing because there is no time traveling.
I already said it once before if we could travel back in time we'd have tourists. I can spot a tourist a mile away, so how the hell did these suckers get so damn good at blending in?!

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