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Tile_ID and Priorities [Rmxp]




How would you call a specific tile_id's on the Game_Map with priorities of 5 or so? I wanna be able to get their x and y and their shape depending on what tile is used. It's for a script I'm working on.

Thanks for checking this out, if this is too vague or anything I can elaborate more.
Tilemaps are stored in a Table class in triple-array so that each tile has x, y, z coordinate.

This table is map_data from Tilemap class

But the catch here is, when you enter like 1, 0, 2 coordinate you will get a Tile ID instead. That if that Tile ID is greater or equal than 384 then it's is a real Tile ID, otherwise it's an Autotile.

To get the position of the tile in the tileset file you need this calculations

for X position:
x = (Tile ID - 384) % 8 * 32

for Y position:
y = (Tile ID - 384) / 8 * 32

Width and Height of the tile is 32x32 of course :biggrin:

And for the Z or the priority you need to get that information from the other 1-dimensional array table where priorities are stored, priorities are 0 to 5 i think and are accessed by tile ID's

So to get a Z (priority) positon

z = priorities_table[Tile ID]

Also some stuff from Help file:

The Z-coordinate of each sprite used to create a tilemap is fixed at a specific value.
- Tiles with a priority of 0 always have a Z-coordinate of 0.
- Priority 1 tiles placed at the top edge of the screen have a Z-coordinate of 64.
- Every time the priority increases by 1 or the next tile down is selected, the Z-coordinate increases by 32.

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