Haha Thanks...You guys are making me feel bad though, Now I feel like I actually need to update this topic. I was going to hold off until I got a bit more work done on it, as I honestly don't have that many great screenshots right now; I guess I'll just fix that in the next week or so.
Anyway, a lot has changed from my initial vision of this project. As those of you who frequent the pixel art analysis forum have probably seen, I've been working on some custom graphics. And although it wasn't my intent initially, as I got better with it I decided I wanted to make my game using these graphics. This will make some people glad, and probably disappoint some. For all the problems with the RTP (overused, mostly) it will still probably be more solid and consistent than what I end up making. Despite this, I hope the uniqueness of seeing new graphics will make up for the inevitable issues that amateur made tilesets will cause.
The other thing that changed was a major shifting around of the story and it's characters. I had actually completed the ~2 hour demo that I talked about here, and had a few people outside of this forum go through it for me. The major problem was just that it was a letdown in the beginning, since for the majority of it felt like it was off on a tangent rather than part of the main story. I also had problems establishing adequate motivation within the characters, for why they would set off and do some of the things planned (mostly when I was considering later parts of the story). But enough about what was wrong with it, the point is that I felt like I would be better off re-envisioning the story, most specifically the beginning parts.
This ended up with me deciding I needed to switch the main character. With Adele as the new lead, I was able to establish good motivation for the characters, and also more realistic flow of events. It's hard to explain why this is without going into too much depth, but it ended up working much much better. Hopefully when I get the demo out this will show itself, but here is just an example of one of the major helpful changes. In the original you were in a standard 'starting town' and running around in a mine for little reason most of the demo, with not much happening until near the end. In the new concept you are immediately given control of Adele and a few soldiers who are out on a mission to remove a large amount of Undead. By the end of it you find yourself standing before the gate that appears in the intro. It just ends up working so much better, now all I have to do is make it. :blank: (well I have the tilesets for the first ~4 hours almost done at least).
Anyway, yeah, there's some other stuff that has been put into the first post as well. Just take a look. Enough has changed that I'm pretty much considering this my second project and abandoning a lot of the first stuff, but I guess I'll still use this post for the project. :grin:
Comments welcome. Oh one more thing, here's a preview of the tileset I'm working on right now. It still has shadows missing and a lot of pieces I still need to add, so no crits yet please. This should be the last tileset I need to make before I start serious work on the demo itself.